After a few seconds, the tide of magic finally calmed down. From such a far distance, one can feel such violent magic fluctuations, and one can imagine the power of the explosion.

"Master, next..."

Stuart looked at Bell who was slumped in the wheelchair, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

"Contact the [Dark Star] base and ask them to detach a group of explorers to check the situation."

Bell said in a weak tone.

Strictly speaking, as the captain of the Williams, Stuart is at the same level as Jennifer, the base commander of the Dark Star base, and has no authority to order the other.

Of course, if Stuart's request is reasonable, Jennifer will also provide help after considering it.

But now, with Bell around, Bell can issue orders directly, which can save a lot of time.

Of course, Stuart couldn't say it clearly about using Bell as a tool man. Fortunately, Bell immediately understood Stuart's intention and took the initiative to help him with this small favor.

Next, the staff on the battleship performed self-inspections and repairs on the battleship while waiting for the magic pool to be filled with magic power. As for Shanna, after Bell and Stuart finished communicating, she immediately pushed her brother and ran to find a therapist.

Previously, [Williams] and [Enzos] were fighting and running, but even the people on the battleship didn't think it was good how far they ran.

The universe is so vast and there is only one general direction and distance. It is not easy for the explorers sent by the [Dark Star] base to find the previous battlefield.

Fortunately, the previous violent explosion also provided guidance for the explorers. Thanks to this, about half a day later, the explorers finally transmitted the images of the battlefield to the [Williams].

"Oh ho~! It seems like my luck is pretty good!"

Lying on the bed in the lounge, Bell looked at the magical image that was transferred in, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up in a pleasant arc.

According to the images sent by the explorers, it can be seen that the fine stardust in a large area of ​​​​the void has been blown away. What looked like rocky fragments were floating in the large circular 'voids'. From the dark purple liquid occasionally stained on these rocks, it is not difficult to deduce that these should be the remains of [N'Zoth].

Obviously, Bell had successfully transferred the spare core into [N'zoth]'s body before, allowing him to completely blow the opponent into pieces.

Not long after the image was transmitted, the battleship was filled with excited cheers.

Although the [Williams] was severely damaged in the previous forced apparation, and even the precious spare core was thrown out and set off fireworks, no matter what, their mission was successfully completed this time. It is better than failing the mission.

The next work of collecting the wreckage was simple. In just a few hours, the "Williams" returned to the scene and collected the larger wreckage. As for the remaining small wreckage, they were handed over to the [Dark Star] base and slowly collected by explorers.

"Haha~! So boring..."

Yawning, Bell kicked off the silk quilt and sat up with Lim's help.

Nearly a week has passed since he returned to Earth, and he has been grounded for nearly a week.

Unlike Zannah who immediately returned to school and went to Hogwarts, Bell returned to his family's castle for training.

After all, his appearance with both arms cut off is really unsightly. If he appeared in Hogwarts like this, I don’t know what the news would be like among the energetic little wizards. There are rumors.

And mainly, he didn't have a choice.

As soon as he got off the battleship, Bell was caught by his mother who had been waiting outside, and then he was carried back home without any explanation. Otherwise, Bell actually wanted to find a place to hide for a while.

To be honest, it was the first time that Bell had seen his mother angry in so many years, and it was also the first time that he had seen his mother cry. In this regard, Bell was moved but also felt very guilty.

As a result, Bell became a 'good baby' again for the first time in a long time. During this period of time, he was very obedient to his mother's advice. If she asked him to go east, he would never go west.

After Bell got up, the castle of the Menethil family immediately burst into chaos. The house elves shouted loudly and ran around the castle on their short legs. I don’t know, maybe I thought Voldemort had resurrected again and came to attack the Menethil family.

The riot lasted for more than an hour before it finally came to an end. After sitting at the dining table and drinking the last sip of juice, Bell sighed tiredly. This scene has been played out every morning for the past few days. No matter what Bell says, it has no effect.

"Mom, do you have a day off today too?"

Bell looked at his mother who was just starting to eat breakfast.

"Of course, you haven't recovered yet, how can I leave!"

Elena said confidently.

Work and other things are not as important as my own son. Now, as long as William doesn't die suddenly, nothing can distract her in the slightest!

"My dear, would you like to take a walk in the garden with me later? The house elves have cleaned up all the magical creatures in the garden last night."

After being trapped in the castle for nearly a week, she only had to eat and sleep, and even the time she spent watching the magic screen every day was strictly limited. Of course Elena knew that this would make her son feel bored and depressed.

But now that her son was seriously injured and even lost both arms, Elena did not dare to let her son get close to anything dangerous.

Therefore, she had decisively ordered the house elves to clean up all magical animals and plants in the garden.

It doesn’t matter whether it is harmful or harmless, and it doesn’t matter whether it is ferocious or gentle. In short, as long as it has magic power in its body, has sharp teeth and claws, is stronger than a rabbit, can jump higher than a rooster, and can run faster than a mouse. Yes, there are also prickly ones, hairy ones, deciduous ones...

In short, as long as it is possible to cause even a small amount of discomfort to her son, she will throw them all out!

As a result, in less than a week, the garden outside the Menethil family castle underwent a gorgeous transformation. If Zannah returned home now, she would probably think that she was in the wrong place.

"Okay, Mom."

Bell smiled and agreed.

Although you are still in a state of confinement, being able to go to the garden to relax and take a few more breaths of fresh air is always better than being locked up in the castle all the time, isn't it?

Until the injury recovers and his arm grows back, Bell no longer has any expectations for 'freedom'.

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