The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 803 When I don’t know what expression to show, I just

Chapter 803 When you don’t know what expression to show, just smile

"But, Mom, can I walk on my own?"

Speaking of this, Bell felt a toothache.

I don't know if the wheelchair made by Shanna caused her mother to misunderstand something. In short, during this period, Bell was pressed into the wheelchair by his mother and was not allowed to walk on his own.

Please, he broke his arm, not his leg! Sitting in a wheelchair all day, unable to walk on his own, he felt that the muscles in his legs were atrophied!

And the most hateful thing is that Lim, that guy with no eyebrows and big eyes, actually 'betrayed' him and joined his mother's camp. As a result, he is now under surveillance almost 24 hours a day, and even performs a few magic tricks on the bed. [Water splashing] Be careful when jumping.

"No! You haven't recovered from your injuries yet!"

Elena decisively dispelled Bell's delusions.

In fact, during this time, Elena has been reflecting on herself. Had she been too pampered and indulged her son in the past? Is that why my son went astray and became what he is now?

After learning from the pain, Elena made up her mind to strictly demand Bell from now on and never let him do whatever he wanted again.

So you want to walk on your own?

There are no doors!

As long as the family's therapist doesn't say that Bell's injury has recovered for a day, Bell will have to sit in a wheelchair for her!

Under the power of his mother, what else can Bell do?

Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it.

To be honest, ignoring the risk of leg muscle atrophy, the feeling of being pushed around is actually pretty good...

After shooing away the house elves who wanted to help, Elena pushed Belle herself and walked through the early autumn garden.

The weather in mid-September is no longer as hot as mid-summer. Plants seize the last moment to show their strong vitality. The green branches and leaves stretch towards the sky, and the breeze blows by, making a rustling sound. Unknowingly, the irritability in people's hearts disappears, leaving only tranquility and peace.

"Bell, speaking of which, it's been a long time since we, mother and son, walked and chatted together like this."

Elena suddenly sighed.

Her son has matured precociously since he was a child. By the time he was 5 or 6 years old, he was already able to take good care of himself. This saved her a lot of worry, but also lacked some sense of accomplishment as a mother.


Bell nodded.

Thinking about it carefully, the last time he rested in the garden with his mother seemed to have been many years ago, and his memory was a little blurry.

Since he was unblocked that year, he has either been busy taking care of Shanna or learning magic knowledge. The number of times he has been alone with his mother to chat is really only a handful.

"Thinking about it this time, it seems that my injury this time is not entirely a bad thing!"

Be good when you get a bargain, and forget the pain when the scar is healed. This is what Bell is talking about.

"Ah it hurts!"

With a 'thud' sound, Elena punched Bell on the top of the head, causing Bell to hold his head and cry out in pain.

Although he has no hands...

"Stop pretending, I'm not using any force at all."

Elena rolled her son's face angrily.

Over the years, she has been growing. Such trivial tricks can no longer make her soften her heart.

At least on the surface, I won’t be soft-hearted...

"Bell, remember you are not allowed to put yourself in danger again! Now that our family's conditions are better, what do you want? Are you willing to risk your life just for an ice core?"

Besides, there are so many adults in the family, how can it be your turn as a child to take risks? I know how to show off all day long! "

Elena kept pointing her fingers on Bell's head, repeating the sermon for an unknown number of times.

"I know, I won't dare anymore!"

Bell held his head and begged for mercy.

These days, he was really frightened by his mother, and even had to pretend to be injured from time to time in order to escape his mother's preaching.

This is also one of the main reasons why Elena has always asked Bell to use a wheelchair.

However, there are some issues of principle that cannot be compromised.

"Mom, I am no longer a child..."

"You are just a kid! You haven't graduated yet, so what are you if you're not a kid! You... (omit 10,000 words here)"

Under the earnest instruction of his mother Elena, Bell finally succeeded in realizing his mistakes, and vowed to change his past and never do it again... No, he would never do it again!

"Ha~! Finally saved! If you had come back a little later, you might just... just... still be able to see me."

Collapsed on the sofa in his room, Bell showed the expression of a fish that had been thirsty for a long time and finally returned to the water.

"Really, that's such a shame."

Huang Quan rolled his eyes at Bell angrily, and then pressed his palm on Bell's broken arm.

The eyebrows were cracked, revealing the killing stone embedded in the middle of the forehead. Scarlet magic light shone from the killing stone, and soon, the magic power was transmitted along the meridians in the body to the palm of the hand.

Bell didn't pay attention to Huang Quan's disgusting words. Huang Quan has always had this attitude towards him since he came back from this trip. After so many days, he has long been used to it.

In contrast, he was more concerned about another thing.

"By the way, has Shanna behaved today?"

Bell asked.

"Ha! Don't worry, Zannah is good. At least when I left Hogwarts, the castle of Hogwarts was still alive!"

"Uh...then, that's good."

Bell wanted to wipe the sweat from his forehead, but was slapped hard by Huang Quan, and he immediately stopped daring to move.

You really can't blame Shanna for this matter. On the day he came back, the little girl was unwilling to go to Hogwarts because she was worried about his condition.

Then, after Bell tried to persuade her for 2 minutes to no avail, Elena, who was in a bad mood and lost all her patience, grabbed Zannah's back collar, apparated and threw the little girl to Hogwart. Ziri went.

After being treated so roughly, Shanna would be in a bad mood and want to explode something crazy. That was reasonable, right?

"Where's Hermione? Did Hermione say something?"

Bell's personal terminal has been temporarily confiscated by his mother, and now he can only communicate with Hermione by asking Huang Quan to send messages.

"Go to hell you!"

"No, why did you ask me to die again? We were having a good chat, why did we suddenly fall out?"

Huang Quan was in a bad mood, and Bell said it was understandable. But no matter how bad his mood is, he still has to be reasonable, right? At least I should give his ‘master’ some face.

"It was Hermione who said: 'Fuck you!'"

Huang Quan said expressionlessly.

"This, this is it..."

Bell smiled awkwardly but politely. Countless sages have told us that when we don’t know what expression to show, just smile.

By the way, he just discovered today that Huang Quan actually has a talent for acting?

The phrase 'go to hell', with a vivid expression and a natural tone, as if what she was facing now was really a scum that was worse than a cockroach. Bell couldn't hear it for a moment. Huang Quan is sending a message for Hermione...

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