The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 809 Just accept it

Not only is Domis afraid of death, but Bell is also afraid of death to the point of death.

Just kidding, Bell still has a beautiful mother, lovely sister, virtuous girlfriend, etc. Many family members are waiting for him to return. The future is infinitely bright, but Bell is reluctant to die young.

He was seeking death, but that didn't mean that Bell really wanted to die. On the contrary, everything Bell is doing now is to live a better life.

Therefore, compared to a fool who is not afraid of death, what Bell really wants is an experimental assistant with rich knowledge and experience, and most importantly, a very afraid of death.

It is precisely because I am afraid of death that I am cautious enough. Even if you are a little nervous, it is still better than being killed suddenly.

"Domis, you know, I have always admired you very much."

"No, I do not know!"

Domis's head shook like a rattle.

There is great terror between life and death. At this moment, faced with Bell's murder, Domis can no longer care about the issue of identity. Even if Bell fires him now, no, I should say, please fire him immediately!

"Shut up! Listen to me! If you dare to interrupt again, I will throw you on the moon and make you unable to return to earth for the rest of your life!"

Bell, who was so embarrassed, was no longer too lazy to maintain his 'kind' pretense. At this moment, he looks evil (from Domis's perspective), as if he wants to choose people to devour (still from Domis's perspective).

"Domis, you have to believe me, I am also very afraid of death! So I will not joke with my own life. The next experiment is undoubtedly very dangerous, but as long as we keep tight at all times, Keep your spirits up and don't miss every change, and nothing will happen."

At least if you run away before the explosion, there should be no problem.

"Master, please tell me what you are planning to do."

Thomas asked with tears in his eyes.

In the current situation, running away is impossible. The moon is filled with the "bastards" of the Menethil family. He is alone. It can be said that it is impossible for him to activate the teleportation cabinet and return to the earth alone under the obstruction of many evil forces. Then the only way out is to give in for the time being, gain Bell's trust, and then look for opportunities and take the best option.

‘As expected of me, I have perseverance and will at all times! ’

Domis, who endured the humiliation, became a little narcissistic for a moment.

"I want to combine the power of the Magic Stone, the Lord's Ice Core, and the Killing Stone at the same time!"

Triangle is the most stable graphic structure. Since the magical fusion between the Sorcerer's Stone and the Lord's Ice Core could not be achieved, Bell simply had a "third party intervene" and let the Killing Stone also get involved.

Of course, Bell's decision to make this choice was not decided in a flash of enthusiasm, gritting his teeth and stamping his feet. He really made a decision that was close to suicide in the eyes of outsiders after careful consideration.

The magic power of the Lord's ice core contains the ultimate ice attribute, and the cathode and yang are generated, making its interior extremely hot.

The killing stone is made up of the soul and evil thoughts. The magic power inside it contains the ultimate attribute of death. It is also born from the yin and yang, and has the ability to instantly restore any injury.

The magic power of both of them exceeds the general understanding and reaches the extreme in the corresponding attributes. Coupled with the pure non-attribute magic power in the magic stone, Bell believes that there is a high probability that the three magic powers can be successfully integrated.

‘Done! ’

"No! Master, you have to calm down! Think about the delicacies on earth, and then think about the beauties on earth. The world is so beautiful, don't let it get to you!"

Domis's legs went weak and he almost fell to his knees in front of Bell.

Just now, the last trace of luck in his heart was cruelly extinguished by Bell.

The fusion of magic power is not that easy. Even the magic power of two wizards is difficult to fuse together. Joint casting is a difficult skill that requires a high degree of tacit understanding and long-term training. Otherwise, there needs to be a big boss to mediate.

Domis doesn't know whether Bell's strength can be considered a big shot. But he knew that no wizard's magic power could compare with treasures such as the Philosopher's Stone.

Sure enough, as an upright wizard, being arrogant and submissive is still not suitable for him.


"Record, the 32nd fusion experiment, aborted, the magic ball has reached its limit and cannot contain any more magic power inside."

Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory.

For the first time in his more than 20 years of life, Domis deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

Originally, with his rich knowledge, innovative spirit, and perseverance that was not afraid of hardships, after five years of dormant growth, he was finally about to get a promotion and a salary increase, take control of an independent research group, and become a millionaire in the magic world. The revered great wizard.

However, with a transfer order, not only the promotion was suspended, but also the salary was increased... The salary increase was indeed increased, but now it seems that it is more like burial expenses paid in advance?

Domis had tears in his eyes, but his hands quickly wrote down the experimental records without any pause.

In the end, he still couldn't escape...

"Hey! Domis! Don't always have a sad face. Look, our experiment is going very smoothly. If we continue on this trend, it won't take long for us to succeed!"

Unlike Domis, who is bitter and resentful, Bell has been in an explosive mood recently. If the unsightly assistant in front of him could stop looking so dead, his mood would be 20 percent better.

Nearly a month has passed since the new experimental policy was set. During this period of time, apart from being cautious at the beginning, which resulted in a somewhat slow progress in the experiment, as the conjectures were confirmed one by one, the experiment was progressing more and more smoothly, far exceeding Bell's expectations. At this rate, if nothing happens, he should be able to get a unique treasure before Halloween!

"Master, I received a message this morning saying that my wife gave birth. If you could grant me a few days' leave and let me go back and see my daughter who has never been masked, I would be very grateful to you."

Thank you to the whole family.

"Come on, you're not married at all. How can you get a wife?"

Bell smiled slightly and decisively rejected Domis's request.

In the past month, in order to escape, the other party would come up with all kinds of weird reasons every day, trying to get Bell to approve the leave note. If Bell remembers correctly, Domis used 'the birth of his son' as a reason just 13 days ago.

"Unmarried first..."

"Domis, haven't you noticed yet? Your personal terminal has been unable to contact the earth for a long time."

With a shrug, Bell told the harsh truth.


Domis didn't care that it was working time now. He hurriedly took out his personal terminal and dialed the magic number of his family on it. Then the next second, the communication was cut off, and a no-permission prompt was displayed on the screen.

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