The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 810 Don’t come here before it explodes!

"How could you, how could you do such a cruel thing!"

Domis covered his heart with one hand and pointed tremblingly at Bell with the other hand, his face filled with grief and anger.

It can be said that if there is one person who hates Bell the most among the members of the Menethil family, it must be Domis. If he couldn't beat him, Domis would really want to push Bell to the ground and stomp on him hard.

"What's the matter? Isn't this normal?"

Bell spread his hands with an innocent look on his face, completely unaware of how 'evil' his behavior was.

Originally, as researchers in the core research laboratory of the Menethil family, Domis and others had signed the most stringent confidentiality contract. Once the thought of leaking core secrets arises in his mind, the constraints from the magic contract will disrupt the flow of magic in his body, causing severe pain. If the idea is put into action, the backlash of the contract will cause the magic power to run rampant, causing the person to explode and die.

This confidentiality contract also restricts communication. In a sense, it is not fundamentally different from Bell's behavior of cutting off Domis's personal terminal's communication path with the earth.


Of course, the reason why Bell did this was not because he was worried that Domis would leak the secret. After all, the content of Bell's experiment itself is a top secret among top secrets, and it is naturally included within the constraints of the confidentiality contract. There is no need to worry about Domis leaking specific information about the experiment to outsiders.

What Bell is worried about is actually Domis leaking secrets internally. Telling William and Elena the contents of the experiment does not violate the contract. Rather, it is very reasonable to inform the child's parents about the dangerous behavior that the child is doing?

An excellent researcher, Bell never doubted Domis's intelligence. Even if the other party cannot think of such a simple and effective method for a while, what if the other party suddenly has a flash of inspiration one day. Then wouldn't all his experimental plans be ruined?

Bell dared to pat his chest and promise that if his mother knew the contents of the experiment he was doing, she would immediately drop all the work at hand and take him home within an hour. From now on, he might really lose his freedom completely, take over the family's billions of assets, and live in decay and depravity forever.

Bell felt horrified at the thought of such a terrifying possibility, and decisively cut off Domis's 'crime' avenue. Moreover, after the experiment is completely completed, he will force Domis to sign another confidentiality contract, prohibiting him from leaking the contents of the experiment to anyone.

"you you……"

Domis clenched his chest hard. He has never seen such a shameless person!

"Okay, it's time to rest. Let's continue the experiment."

After flexing his hands and feet, Bell stopped paying attention to his disobedient assistant, refocused his attention, and prepared to start the next stage of the experiment.

During this period, the bonus he promised to Domis has been rising again and again. No matter how explosive his acting skills are, he will not be able to give him more. Otherwise, other people will feel unbalanced.

(Domis: 'This is not acting! This is the true expression of inner emotions!')

"Remove the experimental equipment, leaving only the magic circle on the table. Finally, let's do it with real swords and guns."

Bell ordered eagerly.

So far, he has basically achieved the fusion of three magic powers. The powerful magic power after fusion maintains a stable balance until the magic ball is completely filled.

Next, there is no point in continuing to extract magic power and fuse it in the magic ball. The experiment is finally about to enter the next stage, which is also the final and most dangerous stage - the direct fusion of the three gemstones.

"Master, do you really want to stop thinking about it?"

Domis, who also knew the contents of the experiment very well, finally tried in vain.

The fusion of ontology and the fusion of magic power are two different concepts. Even if the fusion of magic power fails and causes an explosion, because the total amount of magic power is limited, the power of the explosion will always be within the controllable range. With the powerful defensive barrier deployed in the laboratory, coupled with the active protection provided by him and Bell, the explosion could be completely contained within the laboratory and would basically not endanger lives.

However, if there is an error in the fusion of the three gem bodies that contain endless power, causing the gem body to be detonated, the power generated by that time will be beyond the imagination of Domis. To be honest, he felt that he would most likely get cold instantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can you back down now?"

Bell loudly scolded Domis for his weakness, his voice at least an octave higher than usual.

When it came time to get serious about it, Bell actually felt very guilty. But he didn't like drinking, and he was even less likely to drink to die during experiments, so he could only embolden himself by raising his volume.

‘Gudu~! ’

Swallowing nervously, Bell looked at the three crystal clear and charming gems on the table, feeling a little dazzled for a moment.

The lord's ice core is as clear as ice crystal and exudes endless chill, the magic stone is as deep as the starry sky and sparkles with little brilliance, and the killing stone is as scarlet as blood and reveals a different kind of beauty despite its evil.

Three gems with endless magical power, any one taken out can trigger the madness of countless wizards. But Bell, who owned them at the same time, was not satisfied at this time and actually wanted to combine the three into one.

"let's start!"

Taking a deep breath, Bell dispersed the distracting thoughts in his mind.

It is the courage to forge ahead and open up a new era. Still greedy and not enough, everything vanished in an instant. No matter what the outcome will be, now that he has made up his mind, Bell will never regret it.

‘I will definitely succeed~! ’

boom--! ! !

Time: October 30

Location: Hogwarts Great Hall

The Halloween dinner will be held as usual tomorrow night. Hermione sat in the auditorium, looking up at the night sky reflected by magic above her head, her face full of sadness.

She had been unable to contact Bell for more than a week. In the past, she would chat with Bell more or less every day, and at worst she would send a text message. But starting from 8 days ago, Bell suddenly stopped answering her communications, and all the messages she sent fell into the sea, with no news.

Hermione, who was worried about something happening to Bell, immediately ran to Zannah to inquire about the situation. Shanna, who also had no idea what was going on, could only contact Sebastian, the old housekeeper at home, after calling several times to no avail.

As a good sister who has a spiritual connection with her brother, Shanna will never contact her mother at this time.

After a while, Zannah learned from Sebas that her brother was fine, but the experiment had reached an important stage and could not be disturbed.

‘As long as the moon hasn’t exploded, don’t bother me! ’

This was the order left by Bell before conducting the final fusion experiment.

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