The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 811 Bear, please crawl!

In ancient times, there were overlords who destroyed cauldrons and boats, but now there is Bell who explodes and melts the moon... Ahem, I won't say it anymore, it's unlucky...

When she learned that Bell was in seclusion and practicing hard, and there was no accident, Hermione's heart finally fell back into her stomach.

However, as Bell lost contact for longer and longer, Hermione's heart couldn't help but wander again.

Why haven't you come out yet?

So far, Bell has had the experience of going into seclusion several times to conduct experiments or make magic items, and Hermione is almost used to it. But in the previous times, it only took 2 or 3 days at most. This time it has been more than a week. Could it be that there was an accident in the laboratory?

The more you worry, the more you think about it, and the more you think about it, the more you worry about it. Hermione, who was trapped in a vicious cycle, couldn't eat or sleep at night. Whenever she had free time, she would stare at the moon in the sky.

"Sister Hermione, why don't you eat? Did you sneak snacks again in the afternoon?"

Little Wolf squatted on the chair again at some point, with fried chicken legs in one hand, grilled lamb chops in the other, and a meat bone in his mouth. He was very busy.

After many lessons, the little wolf is now getting better and better at stealing snacks. He has been able to accurately control the amount of snacks he eats, ensuring that those snacks can be basically digested during dinner without affecting the meal at dinner.

In this way, his secret eating will not be exposed, and he will not be punished by his eldest sister Shanna.

It is precisely because of this experience that Xiaolang knows very well how difficult it is to withstand the temptation of snacks and accurately control the quantity.

So, after discovering that his sister Hermione had also started to 'steal snacks' recently, the enthusiastic little wolf wanted to share his valuable experience with her.

But unfortunately, the 'female wolf' has a thin skin. She always denies the fact of stealing snacks and is unwilling to listen to his experience as an 'old wolf'.

"...Alas~! Little Wolf, tell me, what on earth is your brother Bell doing right now?"

After explaining the wolf's misunderstanding many times to no avail, Hermione was no longer too lazy to correct it. Let the other party continue to misunderstand. Anyway, she is not afraid of Bell coming to scold her.

Rather, she really hoped that Bell would appear in front of her immediately and scold her.

Although the roles of the two will most likely be reversed...

"Ugh...I don't know."

After thinking seriously for a while, Xiaolang replied with a slightly disappointed tone.

Like Hermione, he had not seen his 'Wolf King' for several months. In fact, he is not as good as Hermione. After all, Hermione can often chat with the 'Wolf King' through that magical 'What's the end', and until now, he still can't operate that complicated gadget well.

The long separation made Little Wolf feel a little lonely. Coupled with Little Lingdang's daily talk, Little Wolf missed his 'Wolf King' even more. He very much hoped that the 'Wolf King' would suddenly appear and give him a slap on the back of the head as usual to make him sit down and eat.

"Feel sorry……"

Seeing the little wolf's disappointed look, Hermione couldn't help but blame herself.

As the oldest member of the group, she should obviously take on the responsibility and take care of everyone when Bell is away. As a result, Xiao Lang fell into despair because of her. This is really inappropriate.

Thinking of this, Hermione took a deep breath, temporarily suppressed the thoughts and worries in her heart, forced a smile, and said:

"Okay, little wolf, hurry up and eat. After eating, let's go find Little Lingdang and the others to play..."

‘Boom~! ! ! ’

Hermione was only halfway through her words when she was interrupted by a violent roar falling from the sky.

The auditorium, which had been bustling just now, erupted into noisy noises and screams after a brief silence.

Some of the timid little wizards screamed and tried to stand up, but due to the violent shaking of the ground, they became unstable on the way up and fell to the ground. They lay on the ground and let out even more melodious and high-pitched screams.

"Calm down! Everyone, calm down! Now, all students except the prefects, get down under the dining table! Prefects of each grade, take out your wands and keep an eye on the top of the auditorium. If something falls, protect it. Be good to yourselves and the classmates nearby!"

In this moment of panic and confusion, Snape, who was sitting in the professor's seat, put his wand to his throat, and his loud voice suppressed the exclamations and screams of everyone.

For a moment, the panicked little wizards seemed to have found a backbone and immediately acted according to Snape's instructions. Even the little lions of Gryffindor have temporarily put aside their 'bloody feud' with Snape.

"Stay there and don't run around!"

Hermione grabbed the little wolf's tail, pulled the little wolf back as it was about to run out of the auditorium, and pressed it hard under the dining table. In order to make Xiaolang more honest, she also picked up a plate of roast chicken from the table and stuffed it under the table.

After finishing dealing with the naughty little wolf, Hermione held onto her wand with one hand and held onto the dining table with the other to stabilize her body, frowning as she scanned the chaos in the auditorium.

"Hermione, are you okay!"

At this moment, a wizard with freckles on his face and bright red hair staggered over and looked at Hermione worriedly.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, Ron. However, as a prefect, you should pay more attention to the falling objects above and protect the safety of your classmates instead of focusing on me alone. .”

Hermione frowned even more when she saw Ron approaching.

To be honest, until now, she still can't understand why Professor McGonagall made Ron the seventh-year male prefect of Gryffindor House? Is there no one in Gryffindor?

Of course, as a good student, Hermione usually would not question the decisions of her professors (except Snape). Therefore, normally she has no opinion on who Professor McGonagall appoints as prefect.

But the problem is, this guy Ron is so annoying! Normally, he always takes advantage of his status as a fellow prefect and sticks to her side whenever he has something to do. Especially this school year, because Bell did not come to school, Ron became even more serious. This made Hermione want to go to Professor McGonagall to resign as prefect of girls in anger.

"Oh, yes, of course, I paid close attention to the sky. Don't worry, I will protect you... No, I mean, I will protect everyone."

Ron waved the wand in his hand twice and said confidently.

He is no longer the same person he was then! He is much stronger than his former self.

In fact, he has enough confidence at this moment that he can defeat the 'villain' Bell and make him roll on the ground and beg for mercy!

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