The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 812 Let’s get down to business!

With Bell as his hateful enemy, Ron has never relaxed for a moment in these years.

At most, I occasionally play wizard chess, two games of canyon battle, etc...

As the saying goes, hard work pays off. Ron, who already has good talent, after years of hard training, although his test results are still not ideal, his actual spellcasting level has improved by leaps and bounds. In the entire Griffin Among many colleges, they are also among the best.

It was thanks to this that Ron was able to defeat his good friend Harry, and together with Hermione, successfully won the position of prefect of Gryffindor House.

(Actually, Harry was busy with Quidditch training and some important task that could not be discussed with Ron, so he voluntarily refused the position of prefect.)

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and your enemy is the best way to win every battle. Ron did not become complacent just because he became a prefect. Instead, he investigated all aspects of information about Bell and Hermione in detail.

After many investigations and evidence collection, Ron was finally 100% sure that Bell did not become the prefect of Ravenclaw Academy. Even this year, Bell has not appeared in Hogwarts since the beginning of the year.

Although Hermione had always claimed that Bell took some time off from Snape because of some personal matters. But what kind of vacation can be as long as 2 months? It’s almost time for summer vacation!

Ron didn't believe that Snape, an old bat full of venom, would be so kind as to grant a student a two-month holiday. That was unprecedented in the thousand-year history of Hogwarts.

Therefore, there is only one truth, and that is, Bell was expelled from Hogwarts!

‘Ha~haha, ah~hahahaha~! ’

Ahem, who's laughing? Do not laugh! Be more serious and sad!

Ron felt extremely 'regretful' that his 'dear' classmate was expelled. He really didn't want to believe this 'cruel' fact. But this matter has now been spread throughout Hogwarts. Everyone's words are reasonable and well-founded. It is really hard for him not to believe it!

‘Ah~ha~ha~ha~! ’

After confirming that Bell had been 'fired', Ron was pleasantly surprised...ahem, regretful, really very sorry (for not being able to push Bell to the ground to crawl), but he also did not forget to warn himself in his heart.

He can't be like that guy Bell, who can't find Beikan and jump around even if he has a little bit of strength. He has to work hard to become a low-key and humble person. Even though his current strength has exceeded that of most wizards in the magic world and he has grown into an earth-shaking strong man, he must not be arrogant and domineering.

(Ron: 'Young master, I was able to defeat the giant monster that most adult wizards found difficult in my first year. Now my strength has increased countless times. I'm afraid even Dumbledore can beat him 50-50 in a head-on fight. There is no doubt that You are already at the top of the magic world!')

"Hermione, tell me, what happened? As far as I know, there has never been an earthquake in Hogwarts."

Ron, who was full of inner drama, after holding his head high and posing for a while feeling good about himself, he noticed from the corner of his eye that Hermione's eyes were not on him, so he had to turn his head again and look for something to say. By the way, he also moved closer to Hermione.

"I don't know. But I think the professors will figure it out soon."

Seeing Ron approaching, Hermione subconsciously wanted to step back. But then, she thought of something and forcibly stopped her steps.

The little wolf is squatting at her feet now. What if she misunderstands her retreating behavior and suddenly rushes out and bites off Ron's leg? When the time comes, even if Xiaolang can be taken back, he will definitely be severely punished.

Thinking of this, Hermione tapped her body with her wand and cast the Iron Armor Charm. Moreover, she also deliberately expanded the scope of the Iron Armor Curse to prevent Ron from continuing to approach.

"Uh...yes, yes, the professors will definitely be able to figure out what happened."

Looking at the translucent shield in front of him that almost hit his face, Ron scratched his nose awkwardly and took a step back reluctantly.

This was not the first time he had encountered a similar encounter. At the beginning, he would feel very embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. But the more times you do it, the more you get used to it.


Just when Ron wanted to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, Hermione exclaimed and raised her wand, pointing at his forehead.

Ron subconsciously shrank his head, and then felt a chill on the top of his head, and Hermione's spell flew past his scalp.

"Hermione, you..."

Ron was a little angry.

It's been so long, why is it that Hermione still can't let go of Bell? What's good about that bastard is nothing compared to him!

He admitted that he had been a little impatient recently and chased her a little more closely. But no matter what, you won't attack him with a magic spell, right? And it still attacks the vital part of the head!

"Ron! I told you just now! As a prefect, you should focus on everyone's safety now! Instead of engaging in irrelevant chats!"

However, before Ron could get angry, Hermione was the first to yell angrily.

She ignored the dissatisfaction on Ron's face. She pushed the obstructing Ron aside with a strong push of her left hand, then controlled the chandelier that fell in mid-air and placed it gently on the ground away from the crowd.

As a magical castle, Hogwarts will certainly not be destroyed by a small earthquake. But many of the utensils and decorations in the castle are not nailed to the walls.

No, as the castle shook violently, the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the auditorium also swayed greatly, and one of them hit the Gryffindor table.

If it weren't for Hermione's quick eyesight and quick hands, some little wizard would have been smashed to pieces.

"Uh...hug, sorry."

After discovering that Hermione was not attacking him, but fulfilling the duties of a prefect and protecting the younger students, Ron, who wanted to take this opportunity to show off to everyone, especially Hermione, couldn't help but Blushed with embarrassment. Among them, there was both shame for failing to fulfill one's duties and guilt for misunderstanding Hermione.

(Although Hermione really wanted to throw a hex at Ron's head.)

"Okay, Ron, if you apologize, you'd better focus on guarding against falling objects."

Waving her hand, Hermione signaled Ron to get down to business.

I don't know what happened. The shaking has lasted for nearly a minute and it hasn't stopped yet.

Hermione felt that this was not an earthquake, because the tremor did not feel like it came from the ground, but more like it came from the sky. Could it be that there were wizards fighting fiercely in the sky above Hogwarts?

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