The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 814 Bell: ‘Help~! ’

Against the oncoming feeling of suffocation, Hermione gritted her teeth and ran out quickly. Over the years, she had been training her resistance to the pressure of magic with Bell's help, so although she felt uncomfortable at the moment, she could still withstand it.

At this point, Hermione was feeling very worried. Whether it was the familiar exclamation before or the familiar waves of magic power now, they all told him clearly that something had happened to Shanna.

Moreover, from what Shanna exclaimed, we can also know that the root of all this is Bell, who has been out of contact for many days.

Finally, Hermione, covered in cold sweat, followed in the footsteps of the professors and walked out of the auditorium door. Looking up, Hermione immediately spotted Zannah's figure on the lawn not far ahead.

At this time, Zannah was floating above the grass, looking up at the night sky with wide eyes, unblinking. She was wearing a green Slytherin College uniform, and her long pale golden hair was floating upwards, powerful and chaotic. The magic power surged out, causing cracks to appear on the nearby ground.

"Zanna! What's wrong with you!?"

Hermione yelled worriedly, but received no response.

In desperation, Hermione had no choice but to suppress the trembling feeling in her heart again, quickly ran to Zannah's side, and hugged the trembling little bell with all her strength. The little guy was also confused about what was going on, but was frightened by Shanna's magical power.

After soothing the little bell in her arms, Hermione raised her head and followed Zannah's line of sight to the sky, and then she was also stunned.

"Oh! God!"

Hermione was so shocked that she no longer cared about giving Merlin face, so she accidentally dragged God out of the tank and knocked him out of the tank.

Tonight is a rare good weather. The sky is cloudless and the stars are as bright as gems. Among the many 'jewels', the one that was supposed to be the most dazzling was now in pieces, as if it were a broken glass ball.

The moon exploded! ?

Hermione was stunned. The shocking fact made her mind go blank, like a computer that had crashed, and she couldn't think at all for a while.

‘Bang~! ’

Before Hermione could regain her ability to think, a blast that broke the sound barrier suddenly sounded beside her. I saw a large amount of magic wrapped around Shanna's body, making Shanna's whole body seem to turn into a blue meteor, rushing towards the sky at high speed.

Seeing that the blue meteor was about to hit the protective barrier of Hogwarts, another scarlet meteor rushed at a faster speed and blocked Zannah.

The two meteors collided, and the blue side was defeated and fell into the ground. Smoke and dust flew everywhere amid the rumble, and the ground that had just stopped shaking began to shake violently again.

"Sister Huang Quan, what are you doing!"

Lying at the bottom of the pit, Shanna glared at the underworld above with red eyes. It was the other party who just hit her down without her noticing. If the other person hadn't been her brother's shikigami, she would have fired hundreds of explosive spells at him no matter what!

"Calm down, Shanna. The most important thing you should do now is contact your family and ask them what happened."

With powerful magic power surging all over his body, Huang Quan was on guard while trying to calm Shanna's emotions.

To be honest, she is also very worried about that troublesome guy Bell. She can understand what Shanna is doing, but it doesn't mean that she will let Shanna do that.

Not to mention that with Zannah's strength, it is impossible to fly from the earth to the moon. Let's talk about the defensive barrier surrounding Hogwarts, which Zannah's strength cannot break through.

And neither can she.

This kind of large-scale defensive barrier cannot be competed by one's own strength, unless a highly skilled barrier master can find the weak points in the barrier and break through it with skill.

And, most importantly, even though the moon somehow got blown up, that doesn't mean Belle was definitely killed. In fact, based on his trust in the strength of his 'master', Huang Quan felt that there was a high probability that Bell's scourge was still alive.

"Yes, Zannah, hurry up and send a message to your uncle, aunt, or that old man Sebas from last time, and ask what's going on."

At this time, Hermione finally recovered from the shock. Seeing the confrontation between Shanna and Huang Quan, she quickly helped to persuade Shanna.

It would be too messy if Bell was actually fine and Shanna got hurt in a hurry.

Faced with Huang Quan and Hermione's persuasion, Zannah did not respond. She jumped back to the ground, ignoring the grass and dirt stuck to her body, and quickly took out her personal terminal, trying to dial her parents' communication.

However, looking at the screen of the personal terminal, Shanna's fingers suddenly paused, and then she clicked on the name at the top of the address book.

‘Du~du~pat! ’

As several people waited impatiently, the communication was quickly connected, and Shanna's dead pupils suddenly burst into dazzling light.

"Brother! How are you! Where are you now! You..."

A series of questions came out of Shanna's mouth. She looked nervously at the dark screen in her hand, hoping that her brother would be reflected in it.

Just now, when she was about to dial her father's magic number, Shanna suddenly saw her brother's name. Although she had dialed her brother's number many times before, she never got through, so she subconsciously ignored this option. But now that the moon has exploded, it’s impossible for my brother to still be conducting experiments in seclusion, right?

If my brother had nothing to do, he would definitely answer her communication.

"S-Sanna? What's the matter? I'll tell you more about it later. Now, help~!"

Bell's weak voice came from the personal terminal, interrupting Shanna's continuous questions.

"Brother! Are you injured? Where are you? I will save you now!"

The joy of knowing that her brother was still alive, the panic of discovering that her brother was seriously injured, many positive and negative emotions emerged in Shanna's heart at the same time, making her lose her sense of proportion again.

"Ahem... Shanna, please contact your parents quickly and ask them to send someone to pick me up. I'm in the outer space of the earth. Remember to hurry up, the miniature barrier won't last long."

"Okay, brother! Just hold on! I'll go rescue you right away!"

After saying that, Shanna endured the reluctance in her heart and hung up the communication, then dialed her father William's magic number as fast as she could. At the same time, without saying a word, she flew towards the gate of Hogwarts, wanting to leave the scope of the anti-Apparition barrier and rescue her brother herself.

This time, Huang Quan did not stop Shanna's actions. Instead, he followed Shanna closely. While protecting Shanna's safety, he also wanted to rescue Bell with Shanna.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Looking at Zannah and Huang Quan who were quickly walking away, Hermione also activated her flying shoes and wanted to follow them. However, the flying speed of those two people was too fast, and she could not match it at all.

"Hermione, you stay here to take care of Little Wolf and Little Bell."

From a distance, Huang Quan's voice came over. Hermione lowered her head and glanced at the flustered Little Bell. After hesitating for a moment, she finally could only stamp her feet angrily and gave up her plan to go together.

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