While the whole world was in a frenzy because of Bell's 'feat' of blasting the moon, Bell himself, as the culprit, was floating 'leisurely' in the universe.

Bell in "The Flying Corpse" alternately laughs and cries, which is called dumbfounding. He looks like a lunatic.

Laughing because Bell succeeded. He successfully integrated the Magic Stone, the Killing Stone, and the Lord's Ice Core into one, achieving an achievement that no one had ever done before, and who knows if there will ever be another one in the future.

As for crying, I believe everyone knows the reason. That's right! It's because he is about to face his parents' mixed doubles match!

To be honest, Bell really didn't want to blow up the moon. But after all calculations, he still failed to calculate that the power of Lord Ice Core would be so strong.

In previous experiments, Bell used the magic stone as the main body and slowly injected the magic power of the killing stone and the lord's ice core into the magic stone in a certain proportion.

Due to the limited strength of the materials used to make the magic stone, Bell had to slow down the injection of magic power. While using the huge magic power to strengthen the material of the magic stone, he extracted the origin of the killing stone and the lord's ice core and injected it into it.

Originally, everything was going according to Bell's expectations. Except that it took a little longer, the integration process was even smoother than Bell expected.

But who would have imagined that after the Killing Stone was completely integrated into the Magic Stone, there would still be a large amount of ice origin remaining in the Lord's ice core. Seeing that the balance of magic power was about to be broken, Bell had no choice but to take out another killing stone and add another.

Just like that, another four days passed, and the second killing stone was exhausted again. The endurance of the magic stone had also been strengthened to the limit, but there was still some source left in the lord's ice core.

Now Bell's claws were numb. For the first time, he felt a headache because the treasure in his hand was too strong.

So how many years did that elemental lord live before he could accumulate such a rich 'family fortune'?

At this point, Bell had no choice but to forcibly interrupt the fusion process. As for the Lord Ice Core, which had lost a lot of its origins, after it stopped outputting magic power, the large amount of magic power accumulated inside it immediately fell into chaos, breaking the original balance.

Faced with this situation, Bell had no choice but to instruct the lunar research base to activate an emergency plan while trying his best to suppress the rampant magic power in the ice core.

After all, it is a huge experimental base. Even if it is prepared for transfer at any time, it will take some time to transfer all the valuable instruments and magic materials.

Fortunately, after a large amount of source was lost, the power of the ice core of the Lord, who was seriously injured, was not as powerful as before. Under Bell's best efforts to suppress it, he successfully bought precious 10 minutes for the research base.

After receiving the signal that the evacuation of personnel was complete, Bell cast Disapparation in the direction of the earth without saying a word.

The distance between the earth and the moon is too far, not to mention that Bell spent a lot of magic power to suppress the explosion of the ice core. Therefore, after leaving the moon at a distance of about 10,000 kilometers, Bell had to leave the dimensional space.

There is no other way. If he doesn't come out, he might not be able to come out for the rest of his life.

While the violent explosion shattered the moon, it also sent out powerful shock waves to the surroundings. Even though Bell had tried to extend his stay in the dimensional space as long as possible, he still could not escape the aftermath of the explosion after returning to the universe.

Under the impact of the explosion, Bell threw out one defensive item after another as if for free, eventually completely depleting his own small inventory, and at the same time squeezing out the last trace of magic power in his body. Fortunately, the universe used a miniature protective barrier with a certain amount of magic power as an emergency energy source, so Bell was able to survive.

This is really a sad story...


Although Bell withstood the impact of the explosion and completely lost his ability to take care of himself, it was not completely without benefits. Under the influence of the impact, Bell flew hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the direction of the earth, and finally stayed on the outer edge of the earth's space. This greatly reduces the difficulty of rescue.

Otherwise, if he is impacted in other directions and is too far away from the earth, God knows whether the rescuers at home can find him before the magic power of the miniature barrier is exhausted.

To be honest, even now, he actually has no confidence in his heart. After all, the previous impact also consumed part of the magic power of the miniature barrier at the end, and there really wasn't much magic power left.

At this moment, William's heart was broken. He really regretted why he didn't shoot Bell on the wall back then!

‘My son can’t be such a cheater——! ’

Well, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible...

As early as Bell asked to build his own research laboratory on the moon, William had an ominous premonition. Maybe it was because the look in Bell's eyes made William feel familiar? He always felt that the other person didn't hold his urine well.

After thinking about it carefully, he finally couldn't remember where he had seen William with that look, so he agreed to Bell's request.

Unlike his wife Elena, although William felt distressed about Bell's injury, he didn't think it was a big deal.

Boys always need to experience more storms in order to thrive. As long as there are no incurable sequelae, he can accept it. Therefore, William actually had no objection to Bell going to the moon to conduct experiments immediately after he recovered from his injury.

However, was it just a moment of soft-heartedness, or was it a delusion? William ultimately made an irreparable mistake.

When roars and vibrations came from the sky, and when the shattered remains of the moon came into view, William was instantly blessed and remembered the source of the familiarity in Bell's eyes.

‘Hey, isn’t that the look in Elena and Shanna’s eyes every time they want to cause trouble? ’

Since he had always seen the 'making trouble' look in the eyes of female members of his family, when this look appeared in Bell's eyes, William could not connect the two for a while.

But now, William felt endlessly tired.

‘Why am I the only serious person in Mao’s family? What on earth have I done! ’

Of course, it's also possible that the ancestors of the Menethil family were responsible for the evil...

Soon, William, whose vision went dark, received a message from his daughter. Although it is still unclear what that deceitful boy Bell did, the top priority now is to get that boy back first.

‘Wait for me and see if I don’t deal with you harshly this time! ’

William secretly made up his mind that after rescuing Bell, he would teach him a lesson and leave him with an unforgettable memory!

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