The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 817 Little Bell’s Extraordinary Intuition


In the evening, Bell looked up at the setting sun in the sky, feeling filled with unspeakable endless loneliness.

"Life is precious, but love is more valuable. If it's for freedom, both of them..."

‘Paji~! ’

A slight impact came from the thigh, followed by a series of laughter like silver bells.

"Hehe, big brother, I caught you again!"

Little Bell raised an innocent smile and looked at Bell happily.

Little Bell is extremely happy to be able to play hide and seek with her big brother for the first time in a long time. The only flaw is that Sister Shanna and others have gone to class, so she and her eldest brother are the only ones playing, and there is a slight shortage of staff.

"Caught again, the little bell is so powerful!"

The attempt to achieve freedom once again failed, but Bell did not dare to show even a hint of dissatisfaction. He reached out and picked up the little bell, and kissed the little girl's baby-fat little face hard, causing the little girl to let out a clear and sweet laugh again.

"Speaking of little bell, how did you know I'm here?"

Standing on the spire of the south tower of Hogwarts, Bell looked at the moss on the red tiles under his feet, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

So he had already run to the roof, why could Little Bell find him right away! ?

"Hmm... I don't know! I just feel like big brother should be here!"

After biting her finger and thinking seriously for a while, Xiao Lingdang, who couldn't figure out why, gave up thinking happily. No matter what, it's always a good thing if you win hide and seek, right?

"This, that's it, the little bell is really powerful."

Bell's mouth twitched this time, but it was impossible for him to torture Xiao Lingdang to extract a confession, so he could only sigh helplessly in his heart and prepare to continue trying to run towards freedom tomorrow.

So why does Bell suddenly want freedom so much?

Actually, this is what happened...

After being stuffed into the treatment cabin by the therapists, and under the dual effects of magic spells and potions, it didn't take long for Bell to recover.

Then, what waited for him was not flowers and applause, nor cold and cold greetings, but roars like a storm, and mixed doubles...

The beating lasted from night to morning. Seeing that his parents seemed to be ready to continue reforming education after breakfast, Bell had an idea and decisively took Hermione out as a shield.

It’s actually not quite accurate to say it’s a shield? After all, he had indeed promised to accompany Hermione to the Halloween dinner. It can only be said that he blew up the night before... ahem, he completed the experiment, and he really controlled the time very well.

If this had been a few days earlier, God knows what kind of cruel treatment he would have faced.

William and Elena should give their future daughter-in-law as much face as possible. So the two of them could only let Bell go without hesitation and let him successfully escape to Hogwarts.

However, before Bell went to Hogwarts, William unquestionably took away the pass from Bell, making it impossible for him to pass through the defensive barrier of Hogwarts privately.

Not only that, he also asked Huang Quan and Zannah to strictly monitor Bell's every move. Not to mention leaving Hogwarts, even his behavior in daily life must be evaluated one by one. If there is any slight violation, , we must crack down severely and never tolerate it!

With this lesson learned, in William's eyes, the danger of his son has far exceeded that of Voldemort who died unknown where. He vowed to keep a close eye on Bell's actions in the future and strive to nip the danger in the bud!

Regarding the many measures taken by his father, Bell appeared dissatisfied, desperate, and protested, but in his heart he didn't care much at all.

So what if the pass is confiscated? He knew that at the base of the Whomping Willow at Hogwarts, there was a secret passage leading to the outside world. Over the years, he had never used the secret passage because he could just walk through the door. As a result, even Shanna didn't know the existence of the secret passage.

Therefore, even if he does not have a pass, he, the Great Demon King, can still come and leave as he pleases at Hogwarts!

As for the surveillance of Huang Quan and Shanna?

Shanna is in fifth grade this year. She has a heavy workload. She has to go to class from morning to night every day. How can she have time to keep an eye on him?

Similarly, Huang Quan, as the practical drill class professor at Hogwarts, usually has to prepare lessons and attend classes, so it is impossible to chase him all the time.

To sum up, as long as Bell wants, he can leave Hogwarts in a big way and carry out the last step of his plan.

‘Evil hahaha~! ’

This is how it should be...

So who can tell him what the hell is Xiaolingdang’s unreasonable intuition?

If anyone in Hogwarts has the most leisure time and can monitor Bell 24 hours a day, then it must be Little Bell.

(Actually, Fina is also very salty, but Fina is as salty as a salted fish, so Shanna never considered her at all.)

So, just like how Bell once gave Little Bell the task of monitoring Hermione, this time, the little guy proudly accepted the commission from Zannah to monitor Bell's movements at all times. As soon as Bell leaves the confines of the castle, he will notify others immediately, no matter what time it is!

"Oh, that's right. I need to notify others."

With that said, Xiao Lingdang took out a small notebook from her arms, checked the timetable on it, and finally decided...

"Wait a minute! Little Bell, why do you want to notify others? Don't you like playing with your big brother?"

Bell pretended to be shocked in order to deceive the little girl's feelings.

"Little Lingdang likes to play with her big brother the most!"

As she spoke, the little girl hugged Bell forcefully to prove the authenticity of her words.

"However, the eldest brother came outside the castle, so I have to tell others. This is what Sister Shanna has repeatedly warned."

Little Bell Dang stared at Bell seriously, expressing that he was a meticulous and good boy.

"No! Little Bell, does this, here... also count?"

Bell looked around, and for a moment he didn't know how to 'quibble'.

"Of course! Didn't you tell me, big brother? Good kids can't climb on the roof outside the castle."

This was when Fina was still a little one. She once played with Fina, chased each other to the roof, and almost fell down. Then Brother Bell said when he taught her, she has always had it. Keep it in mind and make sure you don’t miss a single word.

"D-did I say that?"

Bell really doesn't remember. He talks a lot to Xiao Lingdang every day, how could he remember every sentence so clearly.

And even if I remember this time, I don’t remember it!

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