The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 818 Unsuccessful ‘Prison Break’ Operation

After much talk, Bell still failed to convince Little Bell...

‘My little bell can’t be so stubborn—! ’

"Bae! Er! Come down here quickly! What did you want to do when you ran outside!"

Not even a minute after Little Bell put down her personal terminal, Hermione appeared in the window below. The speed was so fast that Bell didn't even have time to think about how to 'quibble'.

By the way, has he been quibbling a lot lately? And the most annoying thing is that it has never been successful!

Sure enough, times have changed, people's hearts have become filthy, and they are not as easy to fool as before... ahem, they are not as pure as before.

"Hermione, listen to my quibbles, no! Listen to me explain to you. I'm just playing hide-and-seek with Little Bell. I don't have any bad intentions at all."

What bad intentions could ‘Bell’ have? 'Bell' just wanted to find an active volcano and then set up a weapon refining circle. You know, if the heat accumulated in the volcano is guided out in an orderly manner through the magic circle, the probability of the volcano erupting can be greatly reduced. This is a great thing!

Moreover, Bell dares to guarantee with his own personality that this time, it will definitely not explode!

"Hide and seek? Why are you running to the roof to play hide and seek!"

Regarding what Bell said, Hermione said that she would not believe a word now.

Who knows what bad idea this outrageous guy is thinking. You know, the bombing of the moon caused an uproar all over the world.

Not only is Muggle society in chaos, with all kinds of conjectures and rumors flying around, posing great challenges to social security, but even the wizarding world is in panic, with so-called prophets jumping out every day to make some sensational predictions.

Among them, Professor Trelawney in Hogwarts is the most active.

Now, the impact of the broken moon has just begun to ferment, and Bell, a dishonest guy, looks like he is planning something again. This makes it difficult for Hermione not to suspect that the other party is planning to blow up the earth!

"Uh, this..."

What can Bell say? Do you want him to tell Hermione that he ran to the roof because he was chased by the little bell and had no choice but to do so?

That's too embarrassing. He doesn't want to lose face!

When talking about this hide-and-seek thing, Bell felt very tired.

Originally, Bell didn't take it seriously when faced with Xiao Lingdang's surveillance. Although he feels a little sorry for the little guy, he believes that he can easily get rid of the other party as long as he throws away his moral integrity and conscience.

But the little guy was so cute, and Bell couldn't bear to make him too sad, so he came up with the hide-and-seek trick.

As long as he extends the time it takes to be found by the little guy again and again when playing hide-and-seek with the little guy, then after the little guy gets used to it, he can slip away without anyone noticing.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is so evil that it is unbearable to look at it.

God knows which brand of search engine the little guy is loading. Even if he cheated and used the Disguise Charm to hide his body, the other party would find it accurately and quickly, which almost shocked his jaw.

In the end, when he couldn't win even by cheating, he had no choice but to run to the roof.

But who would have thought, he had clearly told Xiao Ling Ding repeatedly not to climb onto the dangerous roof. As a result, the little guy climbed up anyway.

How disobedient! Almost as good as the eldest son of a certain Menethil family!

Cough cough cough…

"Okay! Stop doing this and that! Come down quickly, it's getting late. Go change clothes and get ready for the Halloween party."

Rolling her eyes, Hermione was too lazy to listen to her boyfriend's excuses. She is not Bell. She has not signed up for any elective courses this school year. She has a lot of classes. She has been in class for a long time and is already very tired now.


The weak, pitiful, and helpless Bell, facing Hermione's intimidation, could only jump down and float into the castle from the window with the little bell in his arms.


Glancing at Bell, Hermione turned and walked quickly downstairs, with no intention of stopping and waiting for Bell.

Seeing this, Bell didn't dare to say anything and followed him without saying a word.

Speaking of which, Bell discovered that since he blew up... ahem, completed the great fusion experiment, his status in the family has plummeted, and now no one dares to shame him.

(In fact, no one dared to shame him before...)

Even his own father almost completed the "lower victory over the higher", taking away the third place in his family and successfully counterattacking to the top.

It’s really too dangerous!

The only thing that could give Bell some comfort was probably that after returning to Hogwarts, the rumors about his expulsion in the school were unfounded, and a certain red-haired classmate's dream-shattering expression Expression.

'Invincible, how lonely it is...'

"Go faster!"


Bell, who had just become a little nervous, hurriedly quickened his pace obediently.

While Bell was leisurely enjoying his 'prison' life and trying to 'escape' again and again, William was on the verge of bursting his cerebral blood vessels and wanted to rush into Hogwarts and strangle Bell to death.

Unlike the Muggles who didn't know what happened and could only make random guesses, that day, the wizards all sensed the powerful magic wave behind the explosion that destroyed the world.

Naturally, although it was very unbelievable, the wizards all realized that the shattering of the moon was probably done by wizards. This made the Ministry of Magic of various countries, which had followed the "Law of Secrecy" for hundreds of years, panic.

I just heard news from Newgamund a while ago that Grindelwald has finally passed away.

The lunatic Voldemort has disappeared for a long time. Although the British Ministry of Magic has repeatedly stated that Voldemort is still alive, everyone gradually no longer pays attention to it.

Seeing that the Dark Lords were finally at peace and that the magical world would enter true 'peace', the Ministry of Magic in various countries smiled with joy.

However, before they could open a keg of butterbeer to celebrate, the moon in the sky suddenly exploded, which completely froze the smiles on the faces of the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, making them unable to cry even if they wanted to.

It’s not over yet!

After the anger, the Ministry of Magic in various European countries, which had barely regained some of its fragmented sanity, focused their attention on the Menethil family.

Unlike wizards from other distant continents, all European wizards who are more well-informed have more or less heard that the Menethil family is conducting magical research on the universe.

Regarding the specific progress of the research, due to the strict information control of the Menethil family, not much is known about it. But as far as they knew, House Menethil had indeed achieved the feat of entering the universe.

As the saying goes, if there are dates but there are no dates, there will be three poles. When everyone was still hanging out on the mother soil of the earth, the Menethil family jumped outside. Of course, the blame for blowing up the moon must be blamed on the Menethil family.

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