The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 820 Big monsters are not necessarily delicious

The spring breeze brings the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. Quietly, the chill dissipated in the vast sky and earth, replaced by the warm sun and vitality.

Unknowingly, Bell had already served nearly half a year. In view of his good attitude in admitting his mistakes during this period, everyone in the family has forgiven Bell for the mistakes he made when he was young and frivolous.

(Except William.)

Thanks to this, Little Bell doesn't have to keep an eye on Bell's every move 24 hours a day. Instead, she can release her nature and play as she pleases.

It's really gratifying...

"So little Bell, why don't you go play with the big sisters?"

Sitting at the root of a big tree, Bell held the little bell in one hand and held a piece of pale magic material that looked like a skeleton in the other hand, and asked doubtfully.

"Because little Lingdang likes to stay with her big brother!"


Little Bell said cutely.

'As expected of my daughter...ahem, it's a little bell, so cute! Second only to Shanna’s cuteness! ’

Bell hugged the little bell tightly and rubbed it hard, successfully making the little guy let out a series of laughter like silver bells.

After the previous experience of the 'jailer' profession ended, Little Bell became very attached to Bell. Bell was both sad and happy about this.

‘I want to escape from prison! ’

That’s right! Really cunning hunters always appear in the form of prey! Bell is working hard to break into the 'enemy camp', thereby lowering the vigilance of the 'enemy' and successfully completing the 'prison break'.

"Brother, what is that in your hand?"

At this time, Little Bell noticed the pale object that Bell had held in his hand at some point.

"This, this is the bone of [N'zoth]."

Bell looked at the [Bone of N'Zoth] in his hand with some emotion in his tone.

Even though [Enzos] has a huge body with a diameter of tens of kilometers, most of it is a rock structure. Only at the core, there are some tissues similar to living things. These organizational structures were also the focus of research by Menethil family researchers during this period.

"What is [Enzos]?"

Little Bell tilted her head in confusion. This was the first time she heard this name.

"[N'Zoth], it's a big monster, a very, very big one."

Bell stretched his arms and made a huge gesture.

"I know the big monster!"

Little Bell's eyes lit up and she said happily.

"I also know about Bumpman! Bumpman is so powerful. It can become taller than Hogwarts Castle, and it can also emit 'beep beep beep' light. It can defeat the same beast with just a few 'swishes'." Huge monster!"

While speaking, the little bells are also paired with gestures, especially several of Ao and Bu Man's classic movements, which are very vivid and skillful.

"It's just that Sister Shanna said that Aotuman is good at everything, but his brain is not very good."

Having said this, Xiao Lingdang shook her head regretfully, looking very sorry for Bout Man.

"You're not thinking right? Why do you say that?"

Bell asked doubtfully.

Bell was not surprised that Xiaolingdang knew about Aotuman. In fact, Bell's Magic Screen relies entirely on children's programs to boost sales.

There is no way, the number of wizards is too small, and the places of residence are often far apart. Most of the young wizards who have not reached school age will lack playmates. As long as these little wizards see children's programs playing on the street while shopping, the parents will never go home unless they buy a magic screen.

Even if I forcefully go back, I won’t have any peace!

In the past few months, because he spent a lot of time with the little Lingdang, Bell often watched cartoons with the little guy. He knew the little guy's preferences very well.

"Sister Shanna said that those big monsters can grow so big and their meat must be of good quality. After Ouman defeated the big monster, he didn't even know how to take the meat back to eat. He deserved it after only holding on for 5 minutes each time before losing his magic power. "


Bell was speechless as to his sister's well-founded conclusion.

"By the way, big brother, is the meat of that big monster [Enzos] delicious?"

Little Bell looked at Bell expectantly, with a suspicious transparent liquid dripping from the corner of her mouth.

( ̄﹃ ̄)


Bell looked at the little bell blankly.

My daughter... no, her little bell, when did she become such a snack? How dare you even eat big monsters?

This must be the legendary 'the one who is close to Zhu'!


To be more precise, [Enzos]'s meat tastes like rubber, it tastes weird and it's hard to chew.

Don't ask him why he knows.

"It's such a shame."

Ever since she was enlightened by her sister Shanna, Little Lingdang has always wanted to taste the big monster. She had just learned that Brother Bell was holding the bones of a big monster, and she thought she would finally get what she wanted.

"Yeah, it's such a shame..."

Bell also sighed, and when he looked at the bones in his hand, he suddenly felt disgusted.

Speaking of which, the bones of [Enzos] contain many unknown elements that are not found on earth, making the bones very strong and stable. He had boiled them over high fire for a whole week, and all the water had evaporated. I poured several large buckets of it, but I couldn’t even make a bowl of bone broth!

Ahem, don’t get me wrong, the reason why he used [Enzos]’s bones to make soup was actually to extract the unknown elements inside the bones for analysis, and he had absolutely no intention of drinking it.

Absolutely not!

After all, they are all unknown elements. God knows whether they are poisonous or not. Even if Bell has magic power behind him, he would not dare to commit suicide like that.

"Then big brother, what do you want to do with this bone? Make bone soup?"

(Bell: 'As expected of my daughter, her thinking is as flexible as mine!')

"Ahem, no, I wanted to grind it into bone meal, but this thing is too hard."

As he spoke, Bell's palms lit up with white light. The light spread close to the bone and soon completely covered the bone.

The air was slightly distorted, and even the space was faintly trembling, but the bones in Bell's hand did not move at all.

Seeing this, Bell was not surprised, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The [Annihilation] spell is already the most powerful regular spell he can cast currently. The only thing more powerful than it is Li Huo, which is said to be able to burn everything.

But what Bell wanted to get was the bone powder of [N'Zoth], not a pile of ashes, so since [Annihilation] couldn't shake the bones, he had no good solution.

"The little bell can help!"

Seeing that Big Brother Bell was encountering difficulties, Little Lingdang immediately became energetic. The little guy stretched out his two little hands and grasped the bone hard.

Seeing this, Bell quickly lifted the [Annihilation] spell covering the bones, for fear of accidentally injuring the little guy.

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