The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 821 True Bell returns strongly

Little Bell's fleshy little hands were tightly clenched on the bones, and a faint black mist floated out from his hands. The mist is mixed with the smell of despair and destruction, making people shudder when they see it.

Bell let go of his hand and cast a magic barrier in front of him, and then looked at Xiao Lingdang's hands.

The little guy is still unable to control his own magic power well. If he is not careful, the magic power of Obscurus leaked may destroy the surrounding things. Bell did not dare to be touched by this black mist.


After a while, the little bell lowered its head in despair.

It was rare that her eldest brother encountered difficulties, and she still thought that it was finally her turn to help her eldest brother. As a result, she tried her best, but still couldn't leave even a trace on the bones.

"I'm sorry, big brother, the little bell is so useless..."

"No way! My little bell is so powerful! Look, I can't do anything to this bone, so it's not that the little bell is useless, it's just that this bone is too bad!"

With that said, Bell took the bone back from Little Bell's hand and threw the bone to the ground 'viciously'.

"Oh! The little bones are not bad! Big brother, don't throw away the little bones!"

Little Bell stood up, trotted away, and picked up the bones again. The little guy also carefully wiped off the dirt on the bones before returning the bones to Bell.

From Bell's previous actions, Little Bell could tell that this bone must be a very important treasure. She didn't want her elder brother to throw away the bones because of her own reasons.

After playing with Little Bell for a while, Shanna called Little Bell away, and Bell could finally settle down and do his own thing.

Bell has been studying the bone in his hand for several days. In addition, he receives research reports from the laboratory every day. Today, Bell has basically given up the idea of ​​using conventional methods. All that's left is the last unconventional method.

Although [N'Zoth's] bones are hard, they are not truly indestructible. At the end of the battle with [N'zoth], Bell used the self-destruction of the magic stone to blow up [N'zoth]'s bones. In fact, the broken bone in Bell's hand now was the one that was blown to pieces at that time.

Although the method exists, it is not easy at all to implement it. The power of the magic stone's self-destruction, even if it is an inferior version of the magic stone, cannot be precisely controlled by a wizard. If one person fails, it will be fine if the person is gone. If the land beneath his feet is dragged down again, the nature of it will be too bad.

(Bell’s personal experience!)

Fortunately, Bell still has a secret weapon in his hand, which can output power comparable to the self-destruction of a magic stone while being safe and stable.

Yes, that is the super powerful gem that Bell worked so hard to achieve, even sacrificing the moon in the sky, and finally fused it. Bell named it [Ice Soul Stone]!

Thinking of this, Bell couldn't help but take out an ice-blue gemstone from his arms and rub it hard with his face.

Recently, when he has nothing to do, he will take out the [Ice Soul Stone] and rub it twice, more frequently than he rubs against Hermione.

[Ice Soul Stone] uses the original magic stone as its original body. There is no change in shape. It is still an irregular stone the size of a pebble. But in terms of color, it turned into an icy blue close to the ice core. At the same time, if you observe carefully, you can still vaguely see a ray of scarlet color inside the gem.

Compared to its beautiful appearance, the interior of [Ice Soul Stone] is even more breathtaking. Whether it is the conversion rate of magic power, the storage capacity of magic power, or the quality of magic power, they all far exceed the original three kinds of gems.

Moreover, the magic power in the [Ice Soul Stone] also combines the ice attribute of the ice core magic power with the soul attribute of the killing stone magic power, perfectly meeting Bell's expectations.

The only flaw is that after the fusion was completed, the strange phenomenon of cold outside and hot inside of the Lord's ice core was not reproduced on the [Ice Soul Stone]. The cause of that strange phenomenon, and what kind of unique power it possessed, could not be explained until the end.

Everything has gains and losses. This small flaw is not worth mentioning in the face of the birth of [Ice Soul Stone]. Bell only occasionally regretted it for a while when he was thinking about the means of 'jailbreak'.

After sneaking a look into the distance, and confirming that Shanna and others were having fun and no one was paying attention to him, Bell tightened his grip on the [Ice Soul Stone] and carefully guided a ray of magic power from it.

As soon as the icy blue magic power appeared, it seemed to have intelligence and flew away from the [Ice Soul Stone]. However, the next second, it was wrapped in Bell's own magic power and stopped in place.

The icy blue magic power struggled fiercely, clashing fiercely with Bell's magic power, trying to break free and embrace freedom.

Bell expressed his understanding of the yearning for freedom shown by the ice blue magic power. However, just as Bell struggled for nearly half a year and failed to 'escape', now, he will not let this magic escape.

After all, having fun alone is not as good as having fun together.

‘Hey hey hey~! ’


Closer to home, since many soul fragments in the Killing Stone have also been integrated into the [Ice Soul Stone], the magic power in the [Ice Soul Stone] has a certain instinctive awareness. This not only greatly increases the difficulty of control, but also increases the quality and power of the magic power.

Controlling the magic power of [Ice Soul Stone], it covers the bones of [Enzos], and then through the guidance of its own magic power, the magic power of [Ice Soul Stone] rotates at high speed, polishing the bones like a grinding wheel.

There is no surprise, the bone remains motionless...

After all, no matter how high the quality of magic power is, the power that can be unleashed from such a small amount is still very limited.

Bell focused all his attention on the [Ice Soul Stone] in his hand, extracting strands of magic power from it, and controlled the fusion with the previous magic power, compressed it, and continued to polish the bones.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Bell, who was fully focused, didn't know how much time had passed. All he knew was that he was extracting more and more magic power, the grinding force of the 'grinding wheel' was getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the magic power of [Ice Soul Stone] was becoming more and more difficult to control.

Sweat had covered Bell's forehead before he knew it, and slowly slid down his cheeks. Some 'naughty' sweat ran into his eyes, but Bell didn't notice it at all and didn't even blink.

Finally, the friction sound changed slightly, as if it had reached a certain critical point, and fine bone powder flew like sand.

"I succeeded~!"

‘Boom~! ’

Familiar formula, familiar sound effects, after a few months, Real Bell is back!

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