The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 822 Bell’s most respected professor

"elder brother!?"


"Big brother!?"


The shadow from before has not yet dissipated, and now this familiar scene reminded everyone of the fear dominated by the explosion.

"Uh, accident! It's really just an accident!"

Getting up in disgrace, Bell hurriedly explained.

After successfully grinding the bone powder, he became emotional for a moment and was accidentally broken by the magic power of the [Ice Soul Stone]. The highly compressed magic power is like compressed air. Once released, everything around it will be blown away in an instant.

Of course, the power of the magic burst is far greater than that of air. A large crater nearly two meters in diameter appeared on the grass, and even the big tree Bell was leaning against was blown away.

Fortunately, Bell always wore defensive jewelry, and the armor spell inspired by the jewelry blocked the impact of magic. Apart from being a little embarrassed, he did not suffer any injuries. Otherwise, his 'prison career' might really be extended indefinitely.

Although Bell was jumping up and down, trying to prove that he was not injured, Hermione still worriedly checked it carefully from head to toe. After confirming it herself, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"You guys really do things at a glance, can't you just stay still!"

Hermione reached out her hand to Bell's waist, pinched and twisted it skillfully, and taught him a lesson.

‘I’ve been honest for a long time! ’

Of course, Bell only dared to think about this in his heart, and definitely did not dare to say it in front of everyone. There is no way. As the saying goes, those who have gained the right will have many help, while those who have lost the right have few. He accidentally lost people's hearts before, and now even his own sister is not on his side. What else can he do?

"What's that in your hand?"

Seeing Bell, he just smiled and said nothing. Hermione couldn't do anything about Bell, a 'rogue' guy. Suddenly, she noticed that Bell was holding a small translucent ball in his left hand. There seemed to be some fine white powder in the ball.

"This is bone meal!"

Bell raised his left hand showily.

If it weren't for protecting these bone meal from being blown away, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed before. However, looking at the bone powder in his hand, which probably weighed less than a gram, Bell didn't feel dissatisfied at all.

"What's the use?"

Hermione asked curiously.

She knew that Bell had been studying a bone these days, but due to preparing for the N.E.W.T.s exam, she had been so busy recently that she didn't ask.

“This is of great use.

First, it can be added to metal to forge a stronger magical alloy.

Secondly, you can use this bone powder as a casting material to summon powerful skeleton soldiers.

You can even add these bone powder to the potion to refine a new potion (poison). "

Of course, the above are only conjectures at present, and whether they can really be realized requires further research and demonstration.

Year 7 is the highest grade at Hogwarts.

This is a very important year for many 7th graders facing graduation. In this year, they will face the N.E.W.T.s exam, the highest level wizard assessment in the magic world, and rely on the results obtained in the exam to determine their future jobs.

For most seventh-grade students, it is no exaggeration to say that this year is a fateful year.

But while everyone was struggling to their death, Bell, who was also a seventh grader, was extremely leisurely. Because he does not plan to take the N.E.W.T.s exam, and in order to devote more time to his research, he did not even take elective courses this year.

Of course, this kind of behavior is against school rules. Even if Snape, the principal of Hogwarts, is Bell's best friend, he would not be allowed to practice favoritism so blatantly.

Therefore, at the end of the last school year, Bell went to the professors. With his rich knowledge and thick skin, he finally got the professors to agree to exempt him from classes and exams.

In other words, Bell does not need to go to class, or even take the final exam, to qualify for graduation. It's just that this grade can only be barely passed.

Bell didn't care at all. In fact, he has always felt that the current assessment in the magic world focuses too much on theoretical knowledge, thereby neglecting the students' practical abilities. As a result, many students have high scores and low abilities, which is not conducive to the development of the magic world.

In order to express his dissatisfaction with this phenomenon, Bell decided to start with himself, boycott the two exams O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, and be the first wizard to 'bleed and sacrifice'!

Yes, in order to show his determination, Bell did not even take the O.W.L.s exam. Hermione was nagging him for this for a long time, but Bell remained unwavering!

Of course, the main reason is because he doesn't need to worry about finding a job...


Among a group of busy classmates, Bell, this 'idle' fellow, was as dazzling as the lice on a bald man's head, making it difficult not to notice.

In order to maintain the harmony of Hogwarts and continue the tradition of friendship in Ravenclaw House, Professor Flitwick, as the dean of Ravenclaw House, finally stood up, suppressed the reproach of his conscience, and decided to eliminate it with his own hands. Bell this 'heretic'!

"Bell, tell the truth, how did I treat you during the years you were in Ravenclaw Academy!"

In Professor Flitwick's office, the old professor stood on his desk, looking directly at Bell sadly, and spitting foam almost hit Bell's forehead.

"Uh... very, very good."

Bell didn't know what the fuss was about when his dean suddenly called him to the office, so he could only nodded stiffly and said, 'I have been taken care of by the old professor for so many years~! ’.

In fact, Professor Flitwick has indeed taken good care of Bell over the years.

As a well-known 'evil party' in Hogwarts, and with Professor McGonagall always keeping an eye on him, Bell has deducted points from Ravenclaw House a lot over the years.

And the most important thing is that Bell obviously has rich knowledge and powerful spell-casting ability, but he never actively shows it in class. Instead, he is as low-key as an introverted and shy little transparent.

If other people's points are deducted, they will find ways to add them back afterwards. Although it may not be successful every time, it can still be regarded as making progress. But this guy, Bell, was the typical one who made no progress, and only deducted points from Ravenclaw House.

There is no doubt that no professor would like a 'bad student' like Bell!

(The above comment comes from Professor McGonagall, who has been trying to transfer Bell to Gryffindor.)

But the amiable Professor Flitwick has never discriminated against Bell, and even often defends Bell and maintains Bell's image in the eyes of everyone.

(Professor Flitwick: "Sanna, the blind date last time didn't like me. Please let your mother introduce me to another one sometime.")

To sum up, if Snape is the professor who has the strongest relationship with Bell, then Professor Flitwick is the one whom Bell respects the most.

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