The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 823 Even honest people will explode if they hold it in for a long time.

Facing the request made by his most respected old professor, Professor Flitwick, Bell did not hesitate at all and said decisively...

"I reject!"

Bell's answer was sonorous and forceful, and he would rather endure the pain caused by guilt than act against his principles.

"Bell! Just promise me! I have been the headmaster of Ravenclaw House for more than ten years, and I have never even touched the Quidditch Cup! I am not too young this year. It’s time to retire in a few years, can you bear to let me have this regret all the time and never die in peace?”

Professor Flitwick jumped up in anger when Bell unexpectedly rejected him.

"No, Professor, I remember you are not a big fan of Quidditch either? Why..."

If these words today were spoken by Professor McGonagall, Bell wouldn't be surprised at all. But since when did Professor Flitwick care about things other than blind dates?

"It's true that I'm not a fan of Quidditch, but I am a fan of the House Cup! Do you know the House Cup? It's such a big, spicy House Cup!"

Professor Flitwick felt like crying when he mentioned this Academy Cup.

As we all know, their Ravenclaw students are the best and wisest wizards. Logically speaking, the College Cup should belong to Ravenclaw House every year.

However, the reality is that he has been the headmaster of Ravenclaw College for more than ten years, but he has not even touched the dust on the College Cup!

The only person who could compare with him was Ms. Rumpleud of Hufflepuff. However, people really don't care, but he can only pretend not to care!

Every year at the year-end dinner, he would sit in the professor's chair and watch the insidious guys from Slytherin compete with the brainless fools from Gryffindor for the House Cup, and he would have to put on a show of his own. He showed a warm smile and even had to be applauded.

Each of those palms felt like a slap on my heart. It was heart-breaking, right?

He had been holding these words in his heart for many years. He didn't even have anyone to talk to, and he was almost going crazy with it. That's why he has always been keen on dating and finding a partner.

Yes, that’s it!

"Uh, professor, calm down, you must calm down!"

Seeing his dean dancing and spitting, Bell was really afraid that the old man's heart wouldn't be able to bear it. If the old dean suddenly suffered a heart attack and passed away, then he, the only 'suspect' present, would really be indistinguishable.

"Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down! Only the cold touch of the Academy Cup can calm me down!"

Two thick lines of white mist spurted out from Professor Flitwick's nostrils. The old professor's eyes were glowing red and he stared at Bell, as if he would pounce on him and scratch him if Bell didn't agree.

"But Professor, let's not talk about whether I can win the Quidditch Cup. Even if I do win it, it doesn't mean that our college can earn the College Cup."

With Snape, the old bat with no lower limit, guarding it, the House Cup has already been decided to go to Slytherin House, okay? Apart from anything else, in terms of shamelessly adding points to his own school, Snape has indeed obtained the true inheritance of Dumbledore.

"Don't think that I don't know about the private affairs between you and Snape! I don't ask you to let Snape favor our Ravenclaw house, as long as he stops shamelessly giving Snape a bunch of inexplicable reasons. Letlin adds crazy points, everyone competes fairly, I don’t believe we Ravenclaw House can’t win!”

Professor Flitwick said that he had secretly found out about the relationship between Snape and Bell. He dared not say more, but if it was just the Academy Cup for one school year, he believed that Bell would still be able to get it.

Bell looked at his dean speechlessly, wanting to ask him: 'Don't you really have any ideas in mind? ’.

Snape became the headmaster only in the past two years, but before that, Dumbledore had always been the headmaster. So in those years of fair play, when did Ravenclaw win?

Of course, in order not to be hit in the knee by his dean's violent jumping ax, this question was destined to never be asked.


"Don't be cocoa. If you're thirsty, I have water, coffee, juice, and butterbeer. You can have whatever you want!"

As he said that, Professor Flitwick took out a lot of drinks from nowhere, and then used his skillful magic spell to control the drinks to surround Bell.

"Drink it! Open it up and drink it! After you drink it, go to the Quidditch team for training! After the Easter holiday, it will be the game against the Gryffindor team. I don't care what method you use, you must give it to me I'll defeat that damn brat Harry!"

It seems that Professor Flitwick really suppressed it so hard that the old professor became arrogant and his amiable persona almost collapsed.

Raising his hand to gently push the glass away from his face, Bell looked at the drinks surrounding him. After hesitating for a while, he slowly said:

"No Coke?"

After talking for so long, he was really thirsty...

Easter is a festival celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus, and is very important in European countries.

Bell spent more than ten years, during which time he consulted countless books and books, and consulted many "professionals." However, to this day, he has not been able to solve this century-old mystery: "Why do wizards celebrate Christian holidays?" ’.

Even if the two are mortal enemies, they are not much different, okay?

But no matter what, I believe that no students will have any objections to being able to have a holiday. Bell, who is also a student, certainly wouldn't have it either. In particular, the Easter holiday lasted for two weeks, which was enough for him to do a lot of things.

"Hi~! It's so cold!"

Hermione shuddered violently.

Since using the thermostat badge, she hasn't experienced the cold for a long time. Even in the coldest season of the year, the temperature is far from breaking through the lower limit of the constant temperature badge.

However, now, the cold wind blowing in the face, after being filtered by the constant temperature badge, still had a biting chill on her face, which made Hermione very unbearable for a moment.

[Repelling the cold and keeping warm]!

After tapping Hermione and himself twice with the wand, Bell said:

"So I said you don't need to come with me. There is nothing in the ice and snow here. The most important thing is that the wind is very strong. It's boring to stay here."

While speaking, Bell reached out to help Hermione tighten the scarf around her neck to block the cold wind.

"That's not okay! I have to keep an eye on you and I can't let you do dangerous things anymore! If you dare not let me follow, then I will tell Aunt Elena."

Hermione threatened.

"Let, let, let. I didn't say no. Look, I brought you here."

What Bell is most afraid of seeing now is his mother. Even just hearing his mother's name will make his heart tremble.

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