The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 825 Why did it explode again?

The sun rose and the moon set, and after countless beatings, Bell finally stopped and controlled the metal ingot in the flames to fly in front of him.

As the beating proceeds, the magic alloy gets closer and closer to the finished product, and its melting point gradually increases. For this reason, Bell had to increase the temperature inside the furnace many times. At this moment, the flame in the furnace had turned into a deep purple color, and its temperature reached nearly 10,000 degrees Celsius.

After staring at the metal ingot in front of him carefully for a while, Bell nodded with satisfaction and placed the metal ingot beside him.

He took out a bottle of magic potion and drank it. The hunger, thirst and exhaustion of not eating or drinking for several days were quickly swept away.

This potion was specially made by Bell after asking his sister. It contains various nutrients needed by the human body and can restore physical strength and energy in a short time.

However, this kind of magic potion cannot be taken regularly, otherwise it will easily lead to mental addiction, and it will also cause the depletion of magic power in the wizard's body.

After a short rest, Bell took out a 30 cm square bone.

This bone was taken from the core of [Enzos]'s body. After testing, it was found that among the bones in [Enzos]'s body, the core bones have the strongest magic conductivity, far exceeding any magic material discovered so far in the magic world.

Throwing the bones into the furnace, Bell relied on the high temperature of the flames in the furnace and the magic power of the magic stone in Wan She's body. While polishing the bones, he also followed another formula and added some magic metals and materials from time to time to further strengthen the bones. The magic conductivity and hardness.

It has to be said that having a group of researchers at home is a worry-free thing. If that group of people hadn't been researching day and night, and Bell had to do everything by himself, God knows when he would be able to develop these material formulas.

Of course, the peace of mind here only refers to Bell. As for how much William had broken his heart in order to mediate the conflicts among the 'big men' at the institute and negotiate the allocation of research funds, that was not something the 'young and ignorant' Bell could know.

Sweat flowed slowly down his face like a stream. Even the heat-proof clothing Bell had prepared in advance could only barely protect the last line of defense under the heat wave of thousands of degrees Celsius.

He skillfully took out a bottle of potion and drank it. The crystal bottle containing the potion was discarded by Bell. The crystal bottle fell into the lava and was burned to ashes in just the blink of an eye.

Bell, who focused all his energy on refining the weapon, had long lost track of how many bottles of magic potion he had drank, and had no idea how many days had passed.

All he knew was that after returning this time, he must ask his sister to detoxify him and recuperate his body.

‘Clang clang clang clang~! Dangdang~! ’

The ultra-high-intensity forging made Bell's beating skills improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. Not only did the frequency speed up a lot, but it even became more rhythmic, making this hot and boring space inexplicably more cheerful.

Perhaps influenced by this sense of joy, after throwing the [Ice Soul Stone] into the furnace at the Land of Belzhen, he felt that his brain suddenly became ethereal, and he became more comfortable in controlling magic power.

Even Bell felt that the quality of his own magic power had improved a lot in an instant. Under the burning flames, the consumption rate of magic power dropped by several percent.

Whether this sudden feeling was real or an illusion, in short, at this moment, Bell's heart was full of confidence, and he seemed to have seen the scene of his success.

Carefully control the [Ice Soul Stone] to enter the polished goat-horned demon skull, accurately landing on the core of the natural magic circle inside, and by beating the skull from the outside, the [Ice Soul Stone] will be completely Stuck and fixed.

Then, the ram's horn skull is installed on the forged sword, and the connection is fixed by hammering again.

Finally, the prototype of the long sword was completed. Next, in order to ensure that the final product is foolproof, it is necessary to conduct a final inspection of the magic circle and magic text inside the long sword to prevent structural deviations in certain places, resulting in poor flow of magic power. The power of the finished product is diminished.

Whether it is checking test papers, checking homework, or checking the structure of magical instruments, it is all time-consuming and laborious work. Therefore, many students know that if they check more papers during the exam, they may get a few more points, but they are still unwilling to check.

Yes, this is Bell.

But I have to admit that people are forced to come out. When faced with something that you attach great importance to, even if you are as lazy as Bell, you will force yourself to be patient and check for omissions and fill in the gaps over and over again.

It was another sunrise and moonset. Bell, who had checked several times without detecting any problems, knew that there should be no problem.

He took a deep breath, and then inhaled again, and then inhaled again... When he couldn't take it in anymore, Bell exhaled with force, making a small crater in the ground in front of him. He no longer hesitated, and tightened his right hand holding the Elder Wand. The powerful magic light beam rose again, and a steady stream of magic power was injected into the long sword in the furnace.

To be honest, at this time, there is really not much magic left in Bell's body. The words indicate that other wizards may never encounter the situation of running out of magic power once in their lives, why does he encounter it once every now and then?

Could it be that this is actually... the world's fault!

That’s right, it’s the world’s fault!

Before the answer was finally revealed, even Bell, who was accustomed to big winds and waves, inevitably felt worried about gains and losses. He could only ease some of his inner restlessness through random thoughts.

It was as if a passage to another world had opened inside the furnace, swallowing up every drop of the magic power Bell had poured into it.

Then, time seemed to stand still at this moment, the sound no longer sounded, and the air stopped flowing. Bell held his breath and stared at the furnace in mid-air in front of him without blinking.

One breath? Or ten thousand years?


A cracking sound resounded on the furnace, and cracks spread throughout the furnace body instantly.

‘Boom~! ’

The earth shook.

The furnace exploded outward like a big bomb. The fragments of the furnace body flew everywhere, some shot deeply into the ground, and others disappeared into the end of the sky.

I hope no unlucky guy will be injured by these pieces of iron falling from the sky...

The iron piece was followed by a shock wave. Bell, who was the first to bear the brunt, kept rolling on the top of the mountain. Finally, he struggled to grab a protruding rock and finally managed to stop himself. If he keeps rolling like this, he will really roll all the way to the bottom of the mountain.

"Haha~! Ah hahaha~!!!"

The furnace was blown up, and he was disgraced, like a beggar begging on the street, but Bell was lying on the ground, laughing heartily.

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