The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 826 Sword Success

"Bell! Are you okay!"

With a cry of surprise, Hermione ran quickly towards Bell who was lying on the ground.

She had been concentrating on studying in the stone house. As soon as she heard the explosion outside, she knew something must have happened to Bell again. She stood up immediately and wanted to come out to check the situation. However, the impact of the explosion was too strong and she was unable to leave the stone house for a while.

Finally, after the shock subsided, she immediately rushed out impatiently, and under the guidance of Bell's laughter, she discovered Bell's location at a glance.

At this moment, Hermione was extremely worried. Bell was laughing wildly after the explosion? Hermione seriously suspected that her boyfriend could not bear the blow of failure and went crazy.

She knew that her boyfriend had been preparing for the past few years in order to make a super powerful 'magic wand'. These days, she has seen Bell's hard work, and often silently prays for Bell, hoping that things will go smoothly.

But now it seems that Merlin, the guy who was almost screwed by the wizards, is really not reliable at all. If she had known earlier, she should have prayed to God.

"Haha! I'm fine, haha ​​cough cough cough~!"

Overwhelmed with joy, Bell choked.

"Stop talking, let me check you out!"

Hearing her boyfriend's 'heartbreaking' coughing, Hermione became even more convinced that Bell had been seriously injured in the explosion, both physically and mentally.

Rushing to Bell's side anxiously, Hermione first helped Bell up and let him lie down on the transformed recliner, then put the wand against Bell's body and conducted a detailed full-body examination.

In view of the fact that Bell has become more and more unrestrained in recent years, riding the road of seeking death, and can't hold it back no matter what, Hermione has no choice but to focus on learning related medical spells, hoping to be able to At the critical moment, add another wave for Bell.

For this reason, during this school year, the more Madam Pomfrey looked at Hermione, the more she fell in love with her. She almost wanted to adopt Hermione as her goddaughter.

"Ahem, I, I'm really fine."

After taking a few quick breaths, Bell finally regained his breath.

"The power of the explosion was blocked by the defensive accessories, and I was not harmed."

At most, the distance of rolling on the ground is a bit far, which makes my head feel a little dizzy...

Faced with Bell's 'quibble', Hermione didn't waver at all. Anyway, Bell couldn't stand up from the chair until she finished the examination.

While checking, Hermione also comforted her boyfriend with words, hoping to slightly heal Bell's inner trauma.

"Bell, it doesn't matter if you fail. You are already very strong. You even defeated Voldemort, whom everyone in the wizarding world fears. Later, you even obtained the powerful [Elder Wand] from Professor Dumbledore. So even if you fail this time, you are still the strongest!"

At least in Hermione's mind, although her boyfriend has various shortcomings, his flaws are not concealed, and his boyfriend is still the best and most powerful.

"And don't they often say that failure is the mother of success? It's just a failure, no big deal. If you really want to continue, I will support you. I believe you will be able to succeed next time!"

To be honest, Hermione really didn't want her boyfriend to do these dangerous magic experiments anymore. She even didn't want her boyfriend to study magic anymore. She was really frightened by Bell's recent actions.

But she also knew that that kind of thing was impossible. She could feel Bell's strong love for magic, just as she also had an immense love for magic.

Since you can't stop it, you can only join in. Hermione planned to support Bell in order to penetrate into the 'enemy', gain 'trust', and then improve Bell's safety to the best of her ability.

"What are you talking about, Hermione? I obviously succeeded, okay?"

Bell looked at Hermione in confusion, wondering what the other person was talking about.

"What!? You became..."

The unexpected answer made Hermione's hand tremble and she almost stuck the wand into Bell's nostril.

Bell succeeded?

How could Bell succeed! ?

No, she was saying that with such a violent explosion, no matter how you look at it, no matter who looks at it, it should be a failure.

And the most important thing is that Bell succeeded. Then her series of psychological activities just now and the determination she finally made up, wouldn't it be a case of being sentimental again?

Why do we use ‘and’ in words?

In short, it’s so shameful!

Just when Hermione was quickly moving towards the stage of 'angry and angry', with the tip of her staff swinging and aiming at Bell's nostrils, suddenly, a burst of extremely cold breath came from behind, sweeping away the heat in the air.

Feeling the biting chill, Hermione was caught off guard, trembling all over, and her brain went blank for a moment.

"No! Hermione, drink this potion quickly!"

With a loud shout, Bell woke Hermione up from her daze, quickly took out two bottles of magic potion, and pushed one of them to Hermione's mouth. After watching the other girl drink every drop, he opened the potion with trembling hands. Another bottle of potion was also poured down in one gulp.

The orange-red potion entered the body and immediately boiled and released a large amount of heat, even giving people the feeling that it was about to be burned from the inside. But when this heat comes into contact with the cold air that invades the body from the outside, it immediately changes its target and responds to the outside world in unison. Not only does it not harm the user, it forms an unbreakable line of defense, blocking all coldness outside the body.

"Bell, you, did you really succeed?"

Hermione asked in disbelief.

This chill was even much colder than the aura I felt when facing that terrifying elemental lord on [Dark Star] before. It was difficult for Hermione to understand how Bell could make such a powerful wand, so much so that the aura emitted by the wand itself almost caused her to fall into an eternal sleep across such a long distance.

"Of course! Why did I lie to you?"

Having said this, the corners of Bell's mouth split open again, revealing an excited smile.

The previous explosion was precisely because the magic sword was successfully forged, and the endless cold air in the [Ice Soul Stone] was successfully guided out, which collided with the high temperature in the furnace, causing the furnace to be unable to withstand the conflict and explode.

This incident was within his expectation, so he didn't panic at all after the furnace exploded.

The only pity is that he spent a lot of effort to make that furnace, but it was only used once and completely destroyed.

Of course, this small regret was not worth showing off in front of the joy of successfully forging the magic sword. In the blink of an eye, Bell was thrown thousands of miles away.

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