The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 829 Forgotten ‘little things’

The first time he used [Frostmourne] to cast a spell, Bell still couldn't grasp his own endurance limit. In addition, he was showing it in front of his lover. Even if he was as low-key as Bell, he couldn't help but want to show off.

As a result, Bell sucked in too much magic power into his body, and his body almost couldn't bear it. The entire left half of his body is now numb, and there are bursts of tingling pain in his body, and he is also a little itchy...

"Hermione, do you remember that I once told you that I could make you catch up with Zannah in strength?"

Bell asked.

At the same time, he was delaying time and covering up the physical abnormalities.

Hearing this, Hermione thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"Remember. What happened? You suddenly mentioned that thing?"

In fact, by now, Hermione had long been accustomed to the power gap between herself and Zannah, and no longer cared about it.

I have to say that habit is a terrible force.

Therefore, if Bell hadn't suddenly mentioned it, she would have forgotten that it happened.

"The principles are the same."

Bell saw through Hermione's thoughts, and even though he felt speechless, he continued to explain dutifully.

"Through the magic circle, the magic power in the magic stone is guided out, taken into the body, and the magic spell is cast. In this case, as long as the body's strength reaches the standard, the magic power itself only plays a guiding role, and the total amount of magic power will be determined. It’s no longer important. In addition, with the almost infinite magic power of the magic stone, the gap in magic attainments can be erased to a large extent."

Of course, the strong is still stronger, and it is basically impossible to defeat the strong with the weak, but there is still no problem in maintaining an unbeaten streak.

Hermione: "..."

"What's wrong? Why don't you look very happy?"

Bell looked at his expressionless girlfriend in confusion.

Even if Hermione no longer competes with Zannah every day, being able to become stronger should be a happy thing, right?

"Bell, actually, I'm fine the way I am now, really! So... so..."

Hermione glanced at the magic sword hanging on Bell's waist without trace, and the disgust in her eyes almost leaked out.

As the saying goes, whether you are strong or not is a temporary matter, but whether you are handsome or not is a lifelong matter! Hermione felt revolted from the bottom of her heart at the thought of having to hang such an evil sword on her waist.

Ugly rejection!

"Uh... don't worry, I won't let you take [Frostmourne], I just need to transform the Ten Thousand Snakes in your hand."

Of course, Hermione's disgusted look couldn't be hidden from Bell who was so close. As he became more and more speechless, Bell couldn't help but doubt his life.

Is his [Frostmourne] really that ugly?

How can it be! No matter how you look at it, it’s 360 degrees with no blind spots. It’s so cool, isn’t it?

So there must be something wrong with Hermione's aesthetics!

Hmm... Why do I suddenly have the 'illusion' that I am scolding myself...

"That's good...ahem, no, I mean, it's not troublesome. It takes 10 days to forge a sword. You didn't eat or drink for the past 10 days, but it made me feel bad. !”

Hermione said half-seriously, trying to hide her 'Sima Zhao's heart'.

"I'm not in a hurry to transform Wan She. After you go back, take a good rest for a few days, and then review carefully. You haven't attended classes well this school year. Now that you are busy, you are not allowed to skip classes anymore. The classes you missed before It must also be made up for.

Also, you have to take ancient magic texts and arithmetic divination. Don’t slack off just because the professor has passed it for you. Take advantage of the last two months to attend classes and take the exam at the end of the semester. Maybe you can get an ‘O’, or even an ‘A’!

And there’s more…”

As she spoke, Hermione entered the preaching mode again. This school year, Bell was absent from class every day. She saw it with her eyes and felt anxious in her heart. She worried about Bell every day like an old mother, and ended up being annoyed by Bell. It was really difficult for her.

"Okay, okay, I understand. I will go to class later."

Bell rubbed his temples with his left hand, interrupting Hermione's chatter.

"Besides, there's no point in being anxious about transforming Wan She. Your current physical strength is still far from the minimum requirement. Even if you transform, you won't be able to use it."

Not to mention Hermione, even Zannah, whose body has been strengthened to a higher degree, is still not up to standard. Bell also relied on the 'side effects' of being seriously injured many times, and the strengthening process jumped several times, to be able to control [Frostmourne] like he does now.

Moreover, the power of [Frostmourne] has only been exerted to less than one-tenth. Even higher, Bell couldn't bear it anymore.

However, after achieving a stable magic flow cycle with [Frostmourne], his body strengthening speed has been greatly accelerated, and he will soon usher in a period of rapid growth in strength again.


A bright smile suddenly appeared on Hermione's face.

"What, what's wrong?"

Bell had never heard such a loud voice from Hermione's mouth, which gave him a very bad feeling.

"You don't need to say the last half of the sentence!"

(╬ ̄俣)=○# ( ̄#)3 ̄)

"Ah it hurts!"

After a brief fun (?), Bell and Hermione finally returned to Hogwarts.

Taking one last look at Mount Vesuvius, Bell felt a little reluctant to leave this place where he and Hermione had left traces everywhere.

But it doesn’t matter! As long as people are still around, he can create more places similar to Hermione!

Thinking of this, Bell held Hermione's hand tighter.

Hermione turned to look at Bell in confusion. She didn't know what happened to him suddenly. Why did he look so sentimental?

Although she didn't know what was going on, Hermione still held Bell's hand tightly and responded to the other person's feelings. Of course, if Hermione had known what was going on in Bell's heart right now, she might not have immediately thrown away Bell's hand and returned to Hogwarts alone.

Are you really not afraid of your body being hollowed out?

Holding Hermione in his right hand, Bell put his left hand on the hilt of the sword. The space was slightly distorted, and silently, the two of them disappeared into the mountains of Mount Vesuvius...

"Huh? Bell, why are we still where we are?"

After realizing that the scenery in front of her had not changed at all, Hermione once again cast her disgusted eyes on the magic sword on Bell's waist.

She didn't believe that her boyfriend would fail to disapparate, so the problem could only be with that evil magic sword. Sure enough, she should have persuaded Bell to throw away the sword.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that we forgot something."

After scratching his head in embarrassment, Bell let go of his hand and motioned Hermione to step back.

After entering the dimensional space just now, he suddenly remembered that Mount Vesuvius was still frozen, and the barriers set up by Hermione had not been lifted yet.

The two of them were so involved these days that many 'little things' were forgotten. Fortunately, he thought of it again at the last moment, otherwise Mount Vesuvius might become a supernatural attraction in the future.

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