The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 830 Are there any kind-hearted people... ahem, volunteers?

Chapter 830 Are there any kind-hearted... ahem, volunteers?

Pulling out [Frostmourne] from his waist and holding it up, with the injection of Bell's magic power, ice-blue magic light mist floated out from the skull's eyes and nostrils, and the runes on the sword were activated one after another. .

[Frostmourne] has two ways to use it.

The first one is [Frostmourne] as the source of magic power. Bell absorbs the magic power into his own body and casts the magic spell.

In this way, Bell can cast magic spells as he wishes, with greater flexibility. However, due to Bell's own physical strength, he is currently unable to exert the full power of [Frostmourne].

The second type, [Frostmourne] is used as a wand. Bell injects his own magic power into it and casts the spell.

In this way, [Frostmourne] plays the same role as a traditional wand, but because the magic power inside the sword body is too strong, although it will greatly enhance the power of the spell, it will also increase the difficulty of control. Be careful, it may cause accidental injury, so use it with caution.

Of course, if Bell is strong enough, these two methods of use can actually be combined into one. At that time, [Frostmourne] can bloom into its true glory.

Cautiously increasing the power of the spell little by little, after about 5 seconds, Bell felt that it was almost enough. He held the sword upside down with both hands and inserted it into the ground with force.

Hermione, who was watching from the sidelines, felt that the magic sword in Bell's hand suddenly produced a strong suction force. But neither the surrounding air nor the earth and rocks on the ground showed signs of converging towards Bell. This sharp contrast between perception and reality made Hermione very uncomfortable, and her brain felt dizzy for a while.

‘Kacha~kacha~! ’

The sound of ice exploding sounded, and Hermione quickly turned her attention away, trying to eliminate the uncomfortable feeling in her mind. Then she saw that the ice on the mountain quickly melted and shattered, and small streams flowed down the cracks in the mountain, and soon penetrated into the mountain.

In just a few breaths, Mount Vesuvius, which had looked like an iceberg for thousands of years just now, returned to its original appearance. However, the originally green plants on the mountain have disappeared under the torture of repeated hardships, and it is unknown when they will grow again.

Standing up and drawing his sword, Bell hung the magic sword back on his waist. Then with a flick of his fingers, a few weak magic attacks destroyed the barrier set up by Hermione at the foot of the mountain.

After standing in the crater and looking inside for a while, after confirming that his previous actions here would not cause a disaster such as a volcanic eruption, Bell breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to leave with confidence.

This time, he didn't have any nostalgia.

The main reason is that all the feelings that were brewing before have been exhausted...

In the blink of an eye, the Easter holiday has been over for a week.

During this week, Bell went to class and did homework step by step every day, and his life was very fulfilling.

Thanks to this fulfilling life, Bell's previously consumed 'energy' was finally fully restored.

The energetic Bell was walking in the corridor of Hogwarts Castle, looking around, trying to cause trouble... Ahem, a slip of the tongue, it was really a slip of the tongue. You know, he was known as Bell and never caused trouble. Damn it!

In fact, everyone who knows Bell knows that he is a good man who must do what he says and what he does. The reason why I was in such a hurry to forge [Frostmourne] was not only to satisfy my own hobbies and improve my own strength, but most importantly, to fulfill my original promise to Huangquan.

Now that the preparations have been completed, there is only one final step left to cut off the shikigami contract between Kagura and Shirai and save the little girl's rapidly passing life.

But this last step is not easy to take.

As we all know, a certain technology must be tested on the market before it is actually put into production. Otherwise, if a large amount of money is invested and the product produced is found to be defective, the money invested is likely to be wasted.

Similarly, Bell had never done the technical work of cutting off a shikigami contract before. In order to avoid causing irreparable trauma to the little girl Kagura, it is still necessary to practice before the official operation.

But things like shikigami are a specialty of the magic world. In the magic world here in Europe, you really can’t find one even if you scratch the surface.

Except Bell's own.

Not to mention, the shikigami contract between Kagura and Shirai is the most stringent and advanced contract with the closest connection between the shikigami and its master. There are only a few onmyojis who use this kind of contract in the entire magic world. It is really difficult to catch them and send them to England.

Moreover, no one had any grievances, and Bell didn't want to experiment on innocent strangers, even if he paid to hire them.

The long journey of thousands of miles has been completed, and the final step is still needed, but it is stuck. Not to mention how upset Bell is.

And just when Bell was racking his brains and couldn't think of a good solution, when he went to the Quidditch field for training, he unexpectedly met a person who turned Bell's head on. He couldn't help but secretly blame himself for not even being so famous. characters have been forgotten.

Now, walking in the corridor, Bell is looking for his experimental subject...ahem, looking for the 'savior', hoping that the other party can help him to save the poor and innocent little girl Kagura.

"Little Wolf, is your nose okay? Is it really this way?"

Looking at the little wolf sniffing beside him, Bell regretted asking this little guy for help. If only he had gone straight to Hermione.

"It's really this way, brother, believe me, there will be nothing wrong this time!"

Xiaolang's chest was beating loudly, and it was completely impossible to tell that he had found the wrong target twice before.

"Speaking of Xiaolang, it's okay for you to find Neville the first time. After all, I don't have the items on the target. It's understandable that you got the wrong smell. But you found Xiaojia the second time. What's going on with Bree?"

Bell was puzzled. When did the target hook up with little Gabrielle? Could it be that because I couldn't catch up with my sister, I set my sights on my sister?

But that's not right, he didn't hear how obsessed the target was with Fleur.

"Oh...this, this, that..."

As soon as he heard Gabrielle's name, the little wolf's cheeks immediately turned red, and his tail waggled back and forth quickly, almost as fast as a small electric fan.

"Okay, stop talking, I understand."

As a male and someone who has experienced this, Bell immediately understood Xiaolang's little thoughts when he saw Xiaolang's reaction. Facing his own child who was in estrus, he really couldn't blame him for deserting during the execution of the task.

But having said that, I don’t know what little Gabrielle thinks of his little wolf? I must ask Shanna later.

At this moment, the soul of gossip in Bell's body was burning.

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