The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 831 The real ‘protagonist’ who has not been seen for a long time

Harry had been very troubled lately, very troubled.

Ever since the great Professor Dumbledore's deathbed, Harry's mind has been filled with content related to the Order of the Phoenix, Horcruxes, etc. For this reason, he was often absent-minded even when dating Qiu Zhang.

With the help of Ron and Neville, the three of them rummaged through the entire Hogwarts library, trying to obtain relevant information. But it turned out to be a pity. I wonder if the Hogwarts library does not contain relevant knowledge at all? Or are the three of them too dishonest?

Anyway, after nearly blowing their heads off, the three of them ended up with nothing.

"Hey! Harry! What are you thinking about alone? Are you still thinking about that Horcrux? Give up, brother, we searched the entire library, but we couldn't even find a book with this word written on it. Ben, and my parents also said that there is no such thing at all, maybe you heard it wrong. Maybe it should be a soul, a magic weapon or something?"

Patting Harry on the shoulder, Ron was very worried about his good brother's recent condition.

Since Senior Qiu Zhang graduated, Harry's mental state has been deteriorating day by day. Recently, he has seen Harry and Senior Qiu Zhang arguing on the phone several times. The reason seems to be that Harry always disappears for no reason during the holidays, and his regular contact is getting less and less.

Ron understood this very well. Not only Senior Qiu Zhang, but also he didn't know where Harry often went mysteriously during holidays. He asked several times, but Harry refused to tell him anything, and he was still very unhappy about this for a while.

Of course, although mentally, he is on the side of Senior Qiu Zhang, but physically, he still... has to be ordered by his sister...

No, after Ginny learned that Harry's relationship with senior Qiu Zhang seemed to have broken down, she immediately sent him to find out the details. The most hateful thing is that Ginny dared to threaten him. If he couldn't get any useful information this time, she would kick him out of the Gryffindor House group chat.

What a joke! He is the prefect of Gryffindor House! The captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch House team is his best brother! Who dares to kick him out of the group chat!

So he must pry open Harry's mouth today and ask what's going on with Harry and Senior Qiu Zhang...

Ahem, don't get me wrong, he is just worried about his best brother, and he has nothing to do with Ginny's threat. real!

"No! Ron! I'm pretty sure I heard it right. How could I have heard it wrong! It's 'Horcrux', it's Vol... No, it's nothing. Ron, why don't we go to the library to check again, maybe It was a book we missed last time."

After thinking about it, Harry sadly discovered that he, who had not yet graduated, seemed to have no other choice but to go to the library and read books.

"Oh no! Merlin's idiot! Harry, please let me go, and let yourself go too. We have raided the library three times in the past two years, and even my grades are overall for this." It’s moved up a notch. Even if you come back for the fourth time, it’s impossible to find something that’s not there!”

Ron wailed loudly.

Now whenever he hears the word 'library', his brain feels like it is trying to escape gravity.

To be honest, he really couldn't understand what kind of evil possessed Harry, and why he had to fight against that 'horcrux'?

And most importantly, Harry still refused to say where he heard the word, which made him want to help investigate, but he didn't know where to start.

"And Harry, I have asked my parents for you before, and they all said there is no such thing. They told me not to believe some hearsay information, and they gave me a severe scolding for this. This matter You also know the things. So forget about that 'Horcrux', the weather is quite nice today, why don't we talk about some interesting emotional topics?"

In order not to be kicked out of the group chat, Ron tried his best to steer the conversation to Senior Qiu Zhang.

"No, Mr. Arthur... he doesn't know, and it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, does it?"

Harry, who almost revealed that Mr. Arthur was also an insider, looked away unnaturally.

To be honest, he didn't want to deceive his good brother. But for Mr. Arthur's concealment of information about Horcruxes from Ron, he actually agreed from the bottom of his heart.

Horcruxes are evil magical objects created by Voldemort to resurrect, and they are simply too dangerous. Harry didn't want to involve Ron and Neville unless necessary. Asking two people to help find information in the library is already the limit.

"Ron, if, I mean if, if Horcruxes really exist, then who in Hogwarts is most likely to know the relevant knowledge? Except the professors."

After all, Professor McGonagall and Snape were both members of the Order of the Phoenix, and he basically understood the information they knew. So Harry decided to look for a breakthrough from the students, especially those in Slytherin. Most of them were from pure-blood families. Some of their parents were once Voldemort's subordinates. Maybe their families had relevant information. record.

"If you exclude professors, then the one most likely to know the relevant knowledge must be Hermione."

When it comes to being knowledgeable, the first thing that comes to Ron's mind is Hermione's name. In fact, not only Ron, but also others, I believe they would immediately think of the little witch who ranks first in grade every year.

"Hermione? Yes! We can ask Hermione!"

After receiving Ron's prompt, Harry immediately became enlightened.

Not only was Hermione always ranked number one in her grade, she also liked to spend time in the library reading when she had nothing to do. The most important thing was that Hermione's boyfriend Bell was from the famous Menethil family. Even if Hermione didn't listen, Having said that about Horcruxes, he could also ask Hermione to ask Bell.

Of course, there is no need to speak out these little thoughts, otherwise God knows how long Ron will be angry with him.

"Wait! Do we go now?"

Seeing Harry jumping up and grabbing his arm to run out, Ron was a little flustered by this sudden situation.

“Of course, time is money, my friend!

By the way, where will Hermione be at this time? Library? "

It occurred to Harry that he had no idea where Hermione was. In other words, he might as well go directly to the Ravenclaw Academy's lounge to find Bell. No, Ron is still here... By the way, he might be able to use the excuse of looking for Hermione separately to temporarily separate from Ron. But without anyone to guide him, can he pass the test of the door knocker...

Just as Harry's thoughts were churning, Ron behind him said:

"At this time, Hermione should be helping take care of those magical animals at Hagrid's place."

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