The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 832 Horcruxes, nothing unusual

At the beginning of this school year, without Bell's 'supervision', Hermione took the opportunity to secretly add Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures course to the elective course application form.

Given that after many years of experience, Hagrid has finally gotten rid of the shadow of his past, maybe he has finally had enough of the floob caterpillars and all kinds of weird creatures? In short, the current Care of Magical Creatures class is finally on the right track, and it is somewhat useful.

Therefore, Bell resigned to Hermione's insistence on taking Care of Magical Creatures. He would never go there anyway, and it would be useless even if Hermione said something.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is...

"Why are you so skilled? No, why are you so clear?"

Harry looked at his best friend worriedly. He was very worried about him now. He was really afraid that when he got up early tomorrow morning, he would go to Azkaban to visit his good brother.

Or maybe St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies...

"Who, who is proficient! I'm not proficient, not at all! I mean, it was just an accident, yes, it was an accident! I just learned that Hermione will go to help Hagrid at this time every week. Prepare for tomorrow’s class.”

Ron panicked and denied Harry's 'slander'.

"Ron, to be honest, it's been so many years, and it's almost time for you to give up. As your best brother, although you may not like to hear these words, I still want to tell you, what you are doing is wrong."

Harry persuaded Ron earnestly, and for a while, he didn't even bother to look for Hermione and Bell to ask for information about Horcruxes.

"...I know everything you said. But, I don't know why, but I just can't let it go."

To be honest, Ron didn't know what kind of feelings he had for Hermione.


Just kidding, how could he like that arrogant, tough, rigid guy with a terrible personality!


It's not that serious. After all, he had failed the final exam several times thanks to the notes Hermione lent him.

If I have to say it, it should be an obsession. Normally, the figure of the other party would always appear in his mind uncontrollably, making him upset.

"Alas~! Brother, I understand you! But it's not an option for you to continue like this. Speaking of which, Lavender has always wanted to get back together with you, don't you really think about it? If not, I was in Ravenclaw before. In the lounge, I heard a sixth-grade girl named Luna say she was interested in you, maybe you can get to know her too?"

The best way to forget a relationship is to start a new one. Although Ron has proved with facts before that this method does not seem to be as effective as the legend, but there is really no other way. Give it a try, just in case it works this time.

"I don't want to meet that crazy guy."

With a curl of his lips, Ron said that he refused to come into contact with any of Bell's "doglegs". Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together, and no one around Bell's guy is normal.

"Okay, Harry, don't you still want to ask Hermione about Horcruxes? Let's go quickly. If you go late, Hermione may have finished her help and I don't know where she will go."

Seeing that Harry wanted to say something more, Ron quickly passed Harry and walked out without looking back. He didn't want to discuss the topic anymore.

By the way, has he forgotten something important?

Forget it, since you will forget it, it means it is not that important. Let’s talk about it when you remember it.

(One early morning a few days later.

Location: Harry and Ron's dormitory

Character: Ron

"No! Ginny, you can't do this to your brother! I'm a prefect. If you kick me out of the group chat, it will make me lose face!"

In the dormitory, Ron's inconsolable wailing came out. )

As the saying goes, it takes no effort to find a place even if you have to go through iron shoes. After Bell and the little wolf sneaked around for a long time, they still couldn't find Harry. They planned to go to the Gryffindor lounge in the evening. While they were blocking each other, Hermione led Harry and Ron to the door.

"Bell, Harry has something to ask you. Can you help him answer it?"

As soon as they met, before Bell could express to Harry the joy of meeting again after a long absence, Hermione took the lead in telling the reason why she was hanging out with Harry and Ron.

Although Bell wouldn't care too much about this, Hermione would still pay special attention to this aspect when she knew that Ron had plans for her. Just like Bell would usually try not to be alone with Huang Quan.

"Ask me? What is it? Just ask, as long as I know, I will tell you everything."

Bell patted his chest happily, indicating that everything was taken care of by him.

After all, he wanted to use someone as a guinea pig. Although this matter was also good for Harry, Bell still felt a little bit guilty in his heart. Helping Harry answer some questions can be regarded as a reward paid to him in advance.

"Thank you, Belle."

Seeing Bell agreeing so readily, Harry politely expressed his thanks before continuing to ask:

"Bell, have you ever heard of Horcruxes?"

"Horcruxes? Of course I've heard of them. Isn't that the magic spell that guy Voldemort used to resurrect him? It's not unusual."

In fact, the dark magic of Horcrux was really not a secret in the British magic world in the past. At most, it was relatively unpopular and few people had heard of it. Otherwise, Tom Riddle, who was still a student at that time, would not have learned the specific casting method in the public library of Hogwarts.

But later, after Tom Riddle 'degenerated' into the ugly monster Voldemort, he deliberately deleted the records related to Horcruxes. In addition, in the past two years, Dumbledore learned that Voldemort used Horcruxes to achieve immortality. In order to prevent others from following suit, he also helped Voldemort put an end to his legacy, completely erasing the last records of Horcruxes from the outside world.

Therefore, except for the private collections of some pure-blood families, it is really difficult for the outside world to find information about Horcruxes.

"Really!? Do you really know about Horcruxes!? Then, then you know..."

Harry was very excited when he suddenly heard that Bell did know about Horcruxes. This was the first time he heard information about Horcruxes from someone other than a member of the Order of the Phoenix. And the most important thing is that Bell actually knew that Voldemort made Horcruxes, which had to surprise and delight Harry.

But when the words came to his lips, Harry hesitated. He didn't know if he should tell Bell what he was doing. But if he didn't tell the other party, how could he explain that he was tracking down the whereabouts of Voldemort's Horcruxes?

For a moment, Harry was in a dilemma. He opened and closed his mouth several times, but no sound came out.

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