The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 833 The last one

"What? Are you looking for a Horcrux?"

Without letting Harry continue to struggle, Bell revealed Harry's purpose.

This sentence also made Hermione and Ron look at Harry in surprise.

"H-How do you know!?"

Harry looked at Belle in shock. The biggest secret in his heart was revealed. He was so shocked that he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Is that hard to guess?"

Bell spread his hands, expressing that he couldn't understand Harry's question.

In the past two years, Mr. Arthur and others have never stopped taking action in secret. Although Bell had not specifically investigated the whereabouts of a few people, it was not difficult to analyze what these people were doing from the fragmented intelligence.

"So how many have you found?"

Bell asked.

"W-what ones? What on earth are you talking about?"

Harry took a few steps back again. He somewhat regretted his reckless move to come to Bell today. He was now considering whether he should escape immediately and then go to Professor McGonagall to tell him about Bell.

"What else could it be? Of course it's Voldemort's Horcrux. Isn't that what your Order of the Phoenix is ​​looking for right now?

Don't be so nervous, relax, I won't eat you. Don't worry, I have no interest in interfering with the love-hate relationship between you and Voldemort.

I can even provide you with some 'trivial' help if you need it. After all, I don't like that ugly noseless guy, it affects the appearance of the city too much. "

Bell slowly unfolded his 'picture'.

"You actually know about the Order of the Phoenix!? Are you, are you also a member of the Order of the Phoenix?"

After being shocked too many times in a short period of time, Harry calmed down.

He had always known that Mr. Arthur, Mr. Kingsley and Professor McGonagall were not the only ones in the Order of the Phoenix. He also met several other members when he participated in the operation during the summer vacation. Some of them told him their names, while others came and went in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to ask their names.

Therefore, Harry would not be surprised at all if Bell was also a hidden member of the Order of the Phoenix. After all, he can join the Order of the Phoenix, so it is not surprising that Bell, who has better grades and is more powerful, is also selected by Professor Dumbledore.

"Me? No, of course not. I have nothing to do with the Order of the Phoenix."

Bell said dumbfounded. Regarding Harry's imagination, he really didn't know whether to say that the other party was whimsical? Or praise the other person for their active thinking?

Just kidding, what is Order of the Phoenix?

After the Menethil family successfully cleared their name and came ashore, the Order of the Phoenix became the largest illegal armed society in the British wizarding world!

(Anyone who has not reported to the Ministry of Magic and obtained approval is an illegal society.)

As a law-abiding citizen, Bell would not join those suspicious and dangerous illegal groups.

(My own ones don’t count, those are those I know.)

"Okay, Harry, let's put those little details aside and let's get down to business.

Do you want to know what Voldemort's Horcruxes are? I happen to know them all. I can tell you, but in exchange, I need to know how many Horcruxes you have found. "

Bell looked at Harry calmly and said.

"...Okay, but I still need to know the location of the Horcrux."

After thinking for a while, Harry's traditional skills inherited from Gryffindor House revived again, and he agreed to the 'deal' proposed by Bell without permission.

Unlike Ron, Harry's impression of Belle was neither good nor bad. Although there were many rumors circulating in Hogwarts about how evil Bell was, Harry had never seen Bell do anything bad. On the contrary, he saw Bell helping others casually a few times.

Although it was just some trivial things, it was through these small things that Harry believed that Bell's nature was not as bad as people said, and he could even be called a good person.

(Bell: 'I am not, I am not, you are the good person! If you talk nonsense again, be careful I will sue you for libel!')

"There's nothing I can do about this. In fact, I only know the specific locations of a few of the Horcruxes... No, right now, I only know the location of one Horcrux."

Bell looked at Harry with a playful smile on his lips.

"Is that so... Well, if you know the location of the Horcrux that we haven't found yet, I hope you can tell me the specific location."

"no problem."

Bell readily agreed. Originally, that kind of thing didn't matter. As long as you know the true form of the Horcrux, you will naturally know its location.

Taking a deep breath, Harry slowly revealed what he and others had accomplished over the past year.

"We have now found four Horcruxes. They are Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's golden cup, Ravenclaw's diadem, and a big snake called Nagini."

These four Horcruxes were all found by Mr. Arthur and other members of the Order of the Phoenix. They secretly investigated a lot of information and screened out the most likely locations where the Horcruxes were stored. They then took him with them to find them during last summer vacation.

In order to find these Horcruxes, he traveled around throughout the summer vacation and fell into crisis many times. He also caused extreme dissatisfaction with his girlfriend Qiu Zhang because of several failed dates. Now their relationship is on the verge of breaking up.

But Harry never regretted it. Because he knew how dangerous Voldemort was. As long as he can completely eliminate Voldemort and avenge his parents, he will not hesitate to sacrifice his own happiness!

"In addition, Professor Dumbledore had already destroyed two Horcruxes, a diary and Marvolo Gaunt's ring. According to Professor Dumbledore's speculation, Voldemort should have a total of seven Horcruxes. We haven't found any clues about the last remaining one."

Harry added.

When Dumbledore was mentioned, it was obvious that Harry's mood dropped for a moment. It was obvious that Harry really liked Dumbledore.

"How's it going? Bell, do you know what the remaining Horcrux is? Also, is the Horcrux whose location you know the last one we haven't been able to find?"

Harry looked at Belle expectantly.

In order to find this last Horcrux, everyone in the Order of the Phoenix racked their brains and listed one possibility after another, but in the end they were rejected one after another. For this reason, Mr. Arthur's hair was scratched a lot, and the area of ​​the "Mediterranean Sea" expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Harry saw all this and felt pain in his heart.

I feel sorry for Ron.

So he wanted to help everyone in his own way, as much as possible.

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