The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 834 Beida cheated

"What a coincidence. The Horcrux whose location I know happens to be the last one you didn't find."

The corners of Bell's mouth curled up, showing the look of an old farmer who saw that the leeks were ready to be harvested again.

To be honest, he didn't expect that Harry and other members of the Order of the Phoenix could be so capable. Without Lao Deng's leadership, they were able to find all of Voldemort's Horcruxes so quickly. Now, his chances of convincing Harry to serve as a 'volunteer' were even greater.

"Really? Great! Bell, tell me quickly, what is the last Horcrux? Where is it hidden?"

Harry looked at Belle with excitement on his face. Sure enough, his plan to 'find pure-blood families to gather information' was correct, and he suddenly solved the problem that had troubled him and others for nearly a year. Mr. Arthur and others will definitely be very happy after knowing this good news.

"Harry, have you never considered why you can accurately sense the location of Voldemort's Horcrux at close range?"

Bell did not tell Harry the answer directly, but instead asked Harry a question.

"Huh? Isn't it because I once defeated Voldemort?"

Harry tilted his head, wondering why Bell asked an irrelevant question at this time.

Speaking of which, until now, he still doesn't know how he defeated Voldemort, who was feared by everyone in the wizarding world, when he was just born?

But since Professor Dumbledore said he was the one who defeated him, Harry didn't think much more about it. After all, how could Professor Dumbledore lie to him?

"No! How do you know that I can sense the location of Horcruxes at close range? Didn't you say that you are not a member of the Order of the Phoenix?"

Harry suddenly noticed the blind spot.

Even he himself didn't know that he could sense the Horcrux at first. It was Professor Dumbledore who told him before leaving that he realized that he still had this unique ability.

As for this matter, except for a few people such as Mr. Arthur and Professor McGonagall who were present at the time, not even the other members of the Order of the Phoenix knew about it. How did Bell in front of him know about it?

Thinking of this, Harry felt a creepy feeling in his heart for no reason. He looked at Bell warily, bowed slightly, and prepared his right hand to draw out the wand at any time.

"Don't be so nervous, Harry, I'm not your enemy."

Facing Harry's vigilance, Bell still looked lazy, as if he didn't feel Harry's hostility at all.

"Harry, there is no rule in the wizarding world that allows you to detect the location of a person's soul after defeating him. Even if you cast tracking magic on Voldemort, you can only detect the location of Voldemort's main soul. As for other souls It’s impossible to know the location of the fragments.”

"Then why?"

Bell's lazy look made Harry relax his vigilance a little. Judging from the other party's 'frank' behavior, Harry felt that maybe he really thought too much?

If you think about it carefully, Bell's girlfriend is Hermione, and Hermione is a witch from a Muggle family, so it is basically impossible for Bell to be Voldemort's hidden supporter.

Of course, it’s not ruled out that Bale has been acting over the years. But Harry didn't want to believe that his classmate would be such a scheming person.

"Because you are the last Horcrux!"

Bell finally revealed the final answer.


As Bell's words fell, the other three people in the field seemed to have been cast under a petrification spell. They stood frozen in place, not even blinking, until...

"Are you kidding me! What nonsense have you two been talking about since just now? Come on, April Fool's Day has already passed!"

And even if April Fools' Day hadn't passed yet, Ron wouldn't believe that anyone would be fooled by such an outrageous and stupid statement.

Looking at Harry standing frozen beside him, at this moment, Ron suddenly felt that the other person's figure was so unfamiliar. You know, Ron has always considered himself the person who knows Harry best in the world. The two of them have lived together under the same roof for nearly 7 years.

7 years! How many 7 years are there in a human life?

But today he discovered that Harry had been hiding something from him? Moreover, it is still so thrilling... ahem, he means, such a dangerous thing!

So does Harry regard him as a brother?

Compared to Ron, Hermione was much calmer. Although based on the conversation just now, she still didn't know exactly what happened, but there was no good thing linked to Voldemort. This was the consensus of the British wizarding community.

"Harry, is he really that kind of Horcrux?"

Hermione looked Harry up and down and asked on his behalf.

"Of course. Harry, do you know how Horcruxes are made?"

Bell decided to educate the 'illiterates' in front of him. Of course, the main reason was that the curiosity in Hermione's eyes was almost uncontrollable. Anyway, Hermione would pester him to ask for details afterwards, so it was better to tell him now. Come out and enhance the credibility of your words. Maybe Harry would rush to be a 'volunteer' for him.

Harry shook his head subconsciously. At this moment, his brain was in chaos and he could only react based on instinct.

"The principle of making Horcruxes is actually not complicated. It's nothing more than killing a person, and then using the fear, pain, resentment and other strong negative emotions generated by the person's death to help the murderer tear apart his own soul.

Of course, the actual operation is still very complicated, so I won’t go into details here, and I don’t think you will be interested.

The next step is the key point. In some special circumstances, for example, a wizard has made preliminary preparations for making a Horcrux, but unfortunately he is killed when he kills someone. Then the strong negative emotions generated by the wizard himself may also tear his own soul apart.

At this time, if there happens to be a container nearby that meets the requirements, the torn soul fragments may enter the container and form a Horcrux.

Harry, have you never thought that the magic spells of wizards are so magical that it is not difficult to regenerate severed limbs, but why can't you cure the frequent pain of the lightning-shaped scar on your forehead? "

"That, that's because I have never had Madam Pomfrey treat my scars."

Harry retorted harshly.

"No, no, no, Harry, you have to believe in our respected Madam Pomfrey. She is a highly skilled and very dedicated doctor. As long as you enter the door of the school hospital, even you are not aware of it. Madam Pomfrey can also detect patients and help you treat them.

And if Madam Pomfrey didn't do that, there were only two possibilities.

First, your injury cannot be healed.

But if this happens, the dedicated Madam Pomfrey will definitely inform you and recommend you to go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies for treatment.

Second, you are not sick or injured at all. "

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