The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 838 They are all a group of fearless people who don’t know why.

"Boy Bell, are you planning to go on an outing!?"

Walking on the way to the Forbidden Forest, looking at the group of little guys following Bell, even though Professor Moody was used to strong winds and waves, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes and wanted to hit someone.

"No, Professor, you misunderstood. The outing is just a side trip. The main purpose is to conduct magic practice... ahem, or to help Harry destroy Voldemort's soul."

A group of adult wizards blocked the door of the auditorium early in the morning. Bell's young mind was greatly frightened. So, based on the principle of strength in numbers, Bell raised his arms and summoned his outing tour group.

After all, that is Voldemort's soul. Ninety-nine percent of wizards in the world have never seen such a rare thing. If there is a rare opportunity, Bell will of course bring his relatives and friends to gain knowledge.

"Bell, this is too dangerous, why don't we let everyone go back."

Mr. Arthur looked worriedly at the group of little guys in front of him. Of course, he was mainly focused on his youngest son. If possible, he really didn't want Ron to be involved in this matter.

However, after learning that his father was also an insider, Ron, who had been betrayed and deceived by his own parents and his closest brother, said that he would never believe in love again... ahem, it was because he didn't want to be with him now. Talk to these bastards!

Fortunately, when he first asked his parents about the Horcrux, his parents actually had the nerve to scold him.

And Harry, this guy, comforted him decently for a long time, which made him quite touched. Now think about it, the other party has actually been watching his jokes!

'snort! I'll settle the score with you after today's business is finished! ’

"What's so dangerous? It's just a Voldemort."

Bell said he couldn't understand why Mr Arthur was so worried.

"Merely Voldemort? Kid, do you really know what you are talking about? Do you know what horrific things Voldemort did back then and how powerful he was!"

Kingsley glanced at Bell unhappily.

The current kid is really ignorant and fearless. This is the first time he has heard someone mentioning Voldemort with the word "merely" in front of it as an attributive.

"Forget it, Zannah, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

However, Bell had no intention of paying attention to Kingsley. Instead, he put his arms around his sister's shoulders, preventing the little girl from trying to teach him a lesson.

Bell didn't even bother to talk to this charcoal-headed man who exuded outright hostility upon meeting him. As long as the other party stood aside and watched honestly, not disturbing his experiment, Bell didn't care even if he said a few more rubbish words.

But if this guy dares to intervene at will, then don't blame him for being unkind.


Kingsley glared at Bell angrily. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been ignored like this, especially when the person who ignored him was a member of the Menethil family, which made him even more furious.

"Okay, Kingsley, calm down, they are still just children. And business is more important. Our first priority now is to completely kill Voldemort."

The good old Arthur took a few steps quickly and stood between Kingsley and Bell, blocking their sight.

Speaking of which, he didn't know what happened to Kingsley today. He was obviously a gentle and easy-to-get-together person, but why had he always looked like he was on the receiving end of a gun since he saw Bell today?

But as he just said, the main business today is to eliminate Voldemort, not to investigate and mediate the conflict between Kingsley and Bell. Arthur decided to have a good chat with Kingsley after today's events were over.

Of course, that is assuming they are all still alive at that time.

With several powerful adult wizards accompanying them, the group reached the depths of the Forbidden Forest without any help from Bell and others along the way.

Just when several people began to feel impatient, Bell finally waved to stop everyone.

"Wait a moment, in order to prevent animals from destroying the forbidden forest, I have arranged some protective measures here."

As he spoke, Bell motioned for everyone to stay where they were and not move around, while he stepped out from the crowd.

These days, Bell has never been idle. In order to ensure the success of the experiment, he set up complex magic circles here day and night. For this reason, he had not slept well for several days.

Walking to a large, unremarkable tree, Bell raised his hand and tapped three times at different locations on the tree regularly. Then, he walked to another big tree not far away and tapped it a few times.

Just like this, after repeating it several times, Bell turned back to everyone and said:

"Okay, the 'door' has been opened, follow me."

After saying that, Bell walked towards a big tree not far away again. This time, without any pause, he walked directly into the tree and disappeared.

Different from the slight hesitation of Harry, Professor McGonagall and others, after seeing her brother disappear, Zannah immediately followed him with the little bell. As she walked, she greeted her friends.

"Liz, Leilei, and little Gabrielle, please hurry up and leave. Brother said there is something very interesting happening today."

Shanna's face was filled with excitement, and she was looking forward to the great show that was about to take place.

"Speaking of which, Professor Snape and Minerva, you two just don't care? This is too outrageous!"

Kingsley couldn't help it anymore, but this time he pointed his gun at Snape and McGonagall.

These little guys are too nervous, right? Did they really think they were here for an outing?


Snape snorted coldly, not bothering to pay attention to Kingsley at all, and walked into the barrier with a cold face.


joke! He must be able to take care of it!

In Bell's family, he can definitely defeat the weakest Hermione and the little wolf. The rest, even the pet who is responsible for being cute, he may not be able to beat. How can he care about this!

"Okay, Kingsley, let's go in quickly. Don't worry, if we are really in danger later, don't worry about these little guys, they will protect themselves."

Professor McGonagall shook her head, looked at Kingsley with a mixture of sympathy and pity, and then followed Snape without looking back.

I have to say that today’s young people are really fearless if they don’t know anything. Kingsley probably didn't know that the girl over there with long, silky black hair, who had been walking low-key and silent, was not actually a student at Hogwarts, but was called the "Strongest Shura" by the students. 's Hogwarts practical training course professor - Isayama Yomi.

Even if Bell is put aside, Professor Isayama alone, Professor McGonagall believes that he has the ability to protect all the students here. Similarly, the opponent also has the ability to instantly chop off a certain braised egg that is wildly taunting.

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