The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 839 Oh my god! What exactly is that?

After passing through the barrier, what everyone saw was no longer a dense forest, but a vast open space that had been carefully leveled. In the center of the open space, there is also a huge magic circle drawn. The formation patterns in it are so mysterious that just one look at them will make you feel dizzy in your mind.

This is actually the soul power contained in the magic circle impacting everyone's souls. Anyone who is not up to standard in soul magic will not be completely immune to this dizziness.

After asking others to stand outside the magic circle and not to enter the magic circle, Bell walked to the core of the magic circle, took out his magic sword [Frostmourne] in a precious place, injected magic power into it, and used the talisman on the sword to The texts light up one after another.

When the top three runes among the five runes were completely lit up, Bell suddenly exerted force and inserted the magic sword into the core node of the magic circle, half of the sword body was submerged in the ground.

Ice-blue light flowed down from the sword like water waves, spreading along the formation patterns on the ground, and soon lit up the entire formation.

For no reason, everyone outside the magic circle trembled and trembled violently. There was obviously no change in the temperature in the air, but everyone felt cold from the bottom of their hearts. The constant-temperature accessories they wore seemed to have suddenly failed and no longer brought people warmth.

After standing in the magic circle and feeling it carefully for a while, and confirming that the magic circle was functioning well, Bell slowly withdrew from the magic circle's coverage.

"Harry, come here, I want to explain something to you."

Bell greeted.

Hearing this, Harry suppressed the nervousness and excitement in his heart and trotted to Bell, only to hear Bell continue to say:

"Don't be nervous, what you need to do is very simple, I believe you can do it well.

First of all, this magic circle is called [Spiritual Element Transformation Array], which can convert everything covered within the magic circle from the material state to the soul state, so that we can directly observe Voldemort's soul hidden in your body.

Secondly, the big sword at the core of the magic circle is the help I have prepared for you. Wait, you go to the core, pull out the sword, and use it against Voldemort.

You have to remember that the energy of the magic circle is provided by the sword. You must not walk out of the magic circle with that sword, otherwise only God knows what will happen.

Okay, that's it, go in. "

After finishing speaking, Bell patted Harry's back hard to encourage him.

"That's it? So what do I do when I get in?"

Harry looked at Belle confused.

Although he understood what the other party said, why did he still not know what he should do?

Moreover, why give him a sword as a boost? Could it be that the big sword that looked evil at first glance was a powerful magical sword like Gryffindor's sword?

But the problem is, he has never learned swordsmanship! Hogwarts never handed him over!

If I had known better, I should have consulted Professor Isayama about swordsmanship.

"Don't worry, after you go in, I will give instructions based on the actual situation. There are so many people here, and as long as you act according to the instructions I give, Voldemort will definitely be unable to fly today.

Okay, manly man, stop nagging and hurry in! "

With that said, Bell raised his leg and kicked Harry into the magic circle.

Staggering into the range of the magic circle, Harry felt a chill rising from his feet as soon as he crossed the edge of the magic circle, instantly flowing through his body and reaching the Baihui point above his head.

Of course, Harry didn't know what Baihui Point was...

Putting aside the magical acupuncture points, what was even more amazing was that not only did Harry not feel cold at this moment, but he also felt that his body was extremely light and comfortable, as if he could float in the sky like a cloud with just a slight jump.

This sense of divergence between common sense and actual senses made Harry stand there for a moment, then looked back at the people behind him.

"Oh! Merlin's beard! This, this is really..."

Professor McGonagall raised her hand, trying to cover up her exclamation. But her wide eyes completely revealed the horror in her heart.

"What, what's wrong? What happened?"

Seeing that not only Professor McGonagall exclaimed, but also everyone else looked at him with wide eyes and shock, Harry looked down nervously, but could not find any problems.

This made him even more panicked.

Ron: "Harry, you..."

"Okay, Harry, don't waste time. Now, go to the center of the circle and put your hand on the hilt of the sword.

Oh, by the way, remember not to touch the blade of the long sword, otherwise you will be instantly frozen into ice. "

Bell interrupted Ron's speech and gave Harry a heads up.

[Frostmourne] is an exclusive weapon tailor-made for Bell, and it is 'picked up and bound'. Apart from Bell, only Zannah can barely hold the magic sword without being harmed by virtue of the magic power fluctuation that is 99% similar to Bell. As for other people, their souls will be frozen the moment they come into contact with the magic sword.

In order to allow Harry to hold [Frostmourne] briefly and use the magic sword to fight enemies, Bell had spent a lot of effort these days and finally managed to give Harry some permissions.

"Is this, so dangerous? Can I not use that sword?"

Harry didn't want to use a long sword in the first place, mainly because he didn't know how to use it. Now that Bell said that the sword was so dangerous, Harry didn't even want to get close.

What should I do if I accidentally touch the blade of the sword?

Although in order to completely eliminate Voldemort, Harry did not hesitate to sacrifice himself. But if he could survive, he would not seek death for nothing.

"If you can skillfully cast soul spells to cut souls and are confident that you can defeat Voldemort alone, it doesn't matter if you don't use it."

Bell shrugged, signaling Harry to feel free.

"Uh...I'd better use it then."

At this time, Harry had already walked to the side of [Frostmourne] and carefully placed his hands on the hilt of the sword.

"What should I do next? Just pull it out?"

Harry's voice sounded shaky.

"No, wait. I think you should look in the mirror first. You must be curious about what everyone was surprised about just now, right?"

As he spoke, Bell snapped his fingers and saw that the air in front of Harry was slightly distorted, and a mirror floated in front of Harry as if out of thin air.

"If I were you, I would grab the hilt of the sword harder. This way, if my legs get weak due to fright, I won't fall down and make a fool of myself."

Bell was kind enough to give his advice.

"Oh my god!"

Visible to the naked eye, the blood on Harry's face quickly faded, and the capillaries under his skin could even be vaguely seen. However, unlike the blue-red capillaries under normal circumstances, Harry's blood vessels were now icy blue, as if what was flowing in them was not bright red blood, but icy magic.

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