The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 840: To deal with evil heretics, there is no need to talk about quacks

Chapter 840 To deal with evil heretics, there is no need to talk about moral principles!

"W-What the hell is this!?"

Harry's eyes widened in horror.

"It's obvious that it's a snake, isn't it?"

Bell acted as if the matter had nothing to do with him, and his tone was very light.

At this time, where the lightning-shaped scar should have been on Harry's forehead, the iconic scar had disappeared and was replaced by a small, dark, pocket-sized snake.

It has to be said that although Voldemort is ugly, the little snake he turned into looks like a work of art carved from a piece of the finest black crystal, and it looks a bit cute.

"By the way, Harry, look at this little snake, it's quite cute. How about you keep it? It's really handsome."

Bell was so angry that he died.

"What a joke!"

Before Harry could speak, Snape jumped out first.

When it comes to hating Voldemort, Snape even far surpasses Harry. After all, Harry's parents died before Harry could remember. Harry also heard things about his parents from other people.

But Snape was different. He and Lily were real childhood sweethearts. They had grown up wearing the same pair of pants, and they had personally experienced the period when Voldemort killed Lily. His hatred for Voldemort was truly unforgettable.

Now, with Voldemort's last soul right in front of him, Snape could not wait to rush to Harry and strangle the little snake with his own hands. However, considering Harry's life and death, he could only endure it and did not dare to act rashly.

"Well, Professor, you know I'm joking, so don't be so serious."

Just kidding, if the person in the room who hated Voldemort the most was Snape, then the person who most hoped that the experiment could proceed smoothly was Bell. If anyone dares to jump out and interfere with the experiment, Bell will make the other person regret coming into this world without anyone else taking action.

"Okay, the joke is over. Harry, you also saw the little snake on your forehead. I think you should also guess that it is the last remaining soul of Voldemort."

Seeing that Snape had a tendency to go berserk, Bell quickly put away his impropriety and put on a serious look, which made Snape beside him roll his eyes in anger.

"Yes, yes, but what should I do now?"

Harry stared at himself in the mirror stiffly, not daring to move.

In other words, if he had known that his soul was in such a miserable state, he might not have been able to bear the psychological pressure and gone crazy.

"Don't be afraid, Voldemort's soul is still sleeping, and normal actions will not wake him up.

Just wait a moment and let me study it. "

As he spoke, Bell's eyes lit up with a faint blue light. He stared at the little snake on Harry's forehead without blinking, nodding from time to time, and muttering something in a low voice.

Finally, while Harry waited for seconds that seemed like years, he heard Bell say:

“It’s okay, this step isn’t too troublesome, just be simple and rough.

Harry, just grab the little snake on your forehead and pull it off. But I want to remind you that once you touch Voldemort's soul directly with your hands, you will inevitably awaken it. So you must move quickly without any hesitation. After tearing it off, immediately throw it far away.

Oh, by the way, be careful not to throw it outside the range of the magic circle. "

"Just, that's it? Is this really okay?"

Harry asked shakily.

Not only Harry, but also some other people present looked at Bell. After all, the other party's method is too simple and crude, and it sounds unreliable no matter how you listen to it.

But in contrast, several powerful adult wizards such as Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Moody had no intention of questioning Bell. After all, although they can't understand the magic circles on the ground (they have different specializations), they are all more or less involved in soul magic.

Especially Snape among them. As a famous former Death Eater, Snape's attainments in soul magic are not low. It can even be said that he is the only person present who can compare with Bell. Therefore, Snape quickly saw through the reality of Harry and Voldemort's souls, and knew that the real difficulty was actually yet to come.

"Of course. You have to trust me, Harry. I'm a professional. You have to trust my expertise."

Although it’s not that professional…

"Okay, okay."

Inhale~exhale~! Inhale~exhale~!

After taking a few deep breaths, Harry finally calmed down a bit, at least his hands no longer shook like an epileptic patient.

Gritting his teeth, under the worried gaze of everyone, Harry raised his hand neatly, grabbed the little snake on his forehead, and pulled it off with force.


The pain felt like his soul was being torn apart, making Harry want to hold his head and lie on the ground rolling around. But fortunately, he still remembered Bell's instructions, so he endured the pain and smashed the little snake in his hand to the ground in the distance without any delay.

Then, Harry became unsteady and knelt on the ground. He held the hilt of the magic sword in front of him tightly with one hand to support himself from falling, and covered his forehead with the other hand, squeezing out slight screams of pain from between his teeth.

If he hadn't experienced the severe pain of scars many times since childhood, he might have really fainted at this moment.

"Who! Dare to disturb the great Dark Lord's sleep!"

You can have an ugly face, but you can’t appear unattractive. When Harry knelt down, he saw that the little snake that had just rolled on the ground several times and was covered in mud suddenly had thick black smoke coming out of it.

Immediately afterwards, low and hoarse words, like the hissing of a poisonous snake, came from the smoke. A dark figure stood up in the black mist, opened his eyes, and scanned the people in the scene with his scarlet eyes.

The fragment of soul in Harry's body was torn off when Voldemort was at his peak. Therefore, this Voldemort can also be said to be the most arrogant. His whole body exudes the aura of being the second in command and his boss. He is simply worse than the main soul that was successfully resurrected.

‘Hold it! Can't take action! It would be such a waste of such a rare experimental body! ’

Bell kept hypnotizing himself in his mind to prevent anyone from accidentally killing Voldemort without holding back.

"Bell, are we going to keep watching like this? Now that Voldemort's soul has been separated from Harry's body, how about we swarm up and destroy each other directly."

At this time, Arthur came to Bell's side and said, 'There is no need to talk about moral principles in dealing with evil heretics like Voldemort.'

Mainly, as Ron's biological father, Arthur had a lot of contact with Harry. He admitted that Harry was indeed better than his useless younger son, but honestly, that was about it.

Arthur had no idea whether Harry could kill Voldemort's remnant in a single fight.

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