The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 842 ‘Your plug-in has been installed’

"Hey, hey! Be gentle! That's my sword!"

Although he knew that [Frostmourne] would not be damaged, seeing his big baby bump being treated so roughly, Bell couldn't help but want to rush in and kill these two guys.

"Kid, you are too noisy!"

Voldemort has tolerated Bell for a long time. The other party ignored him time and time again, and now he dared to point fingers at his behavior. He was simply asking for death!

Holding back the coldness in his body, Voldemort pointed his left hand at Bell, and the black mist immediately transformed into an arrow and shot toward Bell at high speed.

"Harry, what on earth are you doing?"

Once again, Bell ignored the ugly Voldemort. There was no way, that guy was too ugly, and he was afraid that he would be infected if he talked to him.

A black-purple curse-filled mist emerged from the back of Bell's hand. He waved his hand as if to ward off flies, then pushed aside the arrow shot by Voldemort.

Then, Bell took out his wand, which he had not used for a long time, and moved it from bottom to top in front of him.

[Every curse ends]!

The golden-red stream of light swept 1 centimeter above the ground. It neither affected the magic circle on the ground, but also purified most of Voldemort's black mist, successfully helping Harry get rid of the shackles of the black mist.

Seeing Harry getting up in embarrassment, Bell said angrily:

"Your magic wand? You cast spells! What did you learn in the practical training class?

By the way, he has taken an elective practical training course, right? "

Bell turned to look at Huang Quan and cast a questioning look.

"But didn't you say you wanted me to kill Voldemort?"

Harry said aggrievedly.

He was obviously following Bell's instructions, but when he encountered a problem, the other party threw all the blame on him. It was really bad!

"But I didn't say not to let you use the wand! You can use magic to defend yourself, you can use magic to restrain him, and you can also use magic to hang Voldemort up and chop him!"

At this moment, Bell was extremely glad that Harry was not from his family, otherwise he would have been pissed to death by this stupid kid sooner or later.

"Uh... okay then."

After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case, and Harry decided not to blame Bell for shirking responsibility for the time being.

"Bell, didn't you say before that we couldn't interfere? Why are you..."

At some point, Arthur got behind Bell again. He looked at the golden-red light that had not completely dissipated in the field, with a look on his face that was hesitant to speak.

"Me? What's wrong with me? I didn't do anything, let alone cast Ten Thousand Curses. You must have read it wrong!

Okay, don't worry about those details, the second round has already begun, let's watch the show... ahem, no, let's take good care of Harry's safety! "


"Damn! You're so funny!

Mr. Arthur, I heard that Harry often stays at your house during holidays? Could this be a habit Harry picked up from your family? "

As we all know, Harry's uncle and aunt are both Muggles, and it is impossible to teach Harry any knowledge related to magic. Therefore, there is only one truth, and the culprit is Arthur!

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

Ahem, what about that? I went over to see Ron. He seemed to be feeling a little unwell. See you! "

After saying that, Arthur ran away again.

Just kidding, although Harry did stay at his house a few times, he always stayed with Ron. He is so busy at work every day, how can he have time to teach Harry about magic spells? It was even less likely that Harry would be taught to cast a disarming spell on an empty-handed enemy.

If you want to find out about this, you should go to Dumbledore.

With Arthur taken away, Bell could finally concentrate on watching the show. I have to say that although Harry had a big problem with the choice of spells, he had indeed mastered this disarming spell and it was very powerful.

Although there was no wand that could be disarmed, Voldemort still took two steps back under the impact of Harry's disarming spell, and the spell he prepared in his hand was accidentally interrupted.

Next, Harry swooped down like an eagle and retrieved the magic sword [Frostmourne] with lightning speed. Then, holding the sword in one hand and the staff in the other, he started an exciting... dish with Voldemort. Chickens pecking each other...

"Haaah~! Baha~baha~!"

After yawning, Bell decided to wait and talk to Huang Quan.

The opponent's actual combat training class was not effective. It was like "flying dragon riding on the face", how could it still be so ugly?

Huang Quan must be soft-hearted, and these little bastards have to practice to death!

"Harry, please work harder! We've been fighting for 10 minutes, why haven't you even hit a single blow with your sword?"

Bell said dissatisfied.

If this continues, he will have to refund the ticket.

"Ha~! Ha~! I, I want to hit him too! But, Voldemort's magic is too, too powerful, and I can't get close at all!"

Harry gasped violently, feeling as if his lungs were on fire.

"Also, why do I lose my physical strength so quickly?"

As a Quidditch player, Harry has always been very confident in his physical strength. At least compared to his classmates, Harry, who has been participating in Quidditch training for seven consecutive years, is confident that he can defeat most people.

But today, for some reason, in just ten minutes, he almost lost the strength to stand. You know, in a Quidditch match, ten minutes is just a matter of warming up. Even if he had been casting spells, he shouldn't have failed so quickly.

"Ah? Don't you know? Because Voldemort has been absorbing power from your soul. Didn't you see that his right arm has been relieved a lot?"

Because this matter was so obvious that everyone could see it, Bell thought that Harry also knew about it and didn't say anything before.

"What!? Then, what should I do? I feel like I can't stand up!"

A donkey rolled to escape Voldemort's curse. Harry was able to stand up again purely by relying on his tenacity. If there was another time, he felt that he would probably lie on the ground unable to move.

"Tsk~! Really, why is it so difficult to be lazy?

Okay, let’s change! "

In a flash, Bell appeared next to Harry, snatched back his magic sword with one hand, and raised his other hand to block Voldemort's attack.

In fact, Bell still thinks highly of Harry. In his opinion, Harry has a noble soul, perseverance, and dedication without fear of sacrifice.

Therefore, even when the fuel is exhausted, Harry should be able to hold on for a long time, and even finally be able to make a desperate counterattack, causing Voldemort to capsize in the gutter due to his carelessness.

Unfortunately, not everyone in this world is willing to trust others unconditionally like Bell. For example, Snape, Ron and others over there were completely unwilling to believe Harry and were almost unable to sit still at this moment.

There was no other way. In order to prevent those 'laymen' from disrupting his experiment, Bell had no choice but to go out of his way early and help Harry activate the 'Bell Card' plug-in.

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