The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 843 It turns out you are such a Voldemort!

"Harry, listen, I will take your place in dealing with Voldemort next. I need you to tell me your feelings at any time, any feelings! Don't ignore it no matter how small it is! In this way, I can adjust the strength of my attack in time according to the situation. Understand. Yet?"

Standing in front of Harry, Bell said without looking back.

"Thank you, Bell. However, I can still fight. Let's fight side by side and defeat Voldemort!"

Harry glanced at Belle's back gratefully. If the other party had been gentler when grabbing the sword just now, he would have been more grateful to the other party.

"No, Harry, feel the feelings on your body carefully, and then tell me exactly. This is very important to me, that's all."

With that said, Bell casually threw a full-body binding spell on Harry to prevent this guy who was prone to getting hot-blooded from causing any trouble.

"Enough! Ignorant fools! I've had enough of your arrogance! Now, welcome the wrath of the Dark Lord!"

Finally, Voldemort removed the ice on his right hand by absorbing Harry's power. After his hands were free again, his spellcasting ability was greatly enhanced.

"What's that, Lao Fu, I want to remind you. The fact that you can cast spells like you do now depends entirely on the magic circle under your feet, which provides your soul with the ability to move freely. If you run out of the scope of this magic circle, He will immediately transform back into the form of a lonely wild ghost, and by then, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to speak properly.”

As someone who had dealt with Voldemort many times, Bell was not too familiar with Voldemort's urine.

Maybe it's because he has been chased away by Dumbledore since he was a child? In short, Lao Fu's moral integrity is surprisingly low, and he can be said to run away if he disagrees with him. From Voldemort's 'domineering' speech just now, Bell heard the other party's intention to run away.

Voldemort: "..."

No wonder he always felt that his current state was a bit strange. Is it really the function of this strange magic circle under his feet?

After a moment of hesitation, Voldemort finally decided to give it a try, just in case it worked.

"Kid, did you arrange all this?"

In the previous battle, Voldemort did not pay all his attention to Harry. He had been distracted and observed everything around him.

"It's just a matter of fact. It's me."

Bell bowed humbly, and swung his sword to strike the 'line' connecting Harry and Voldemort, slowing down Voldemort's ability to absorb Harry's power. If Lao Fu were to suck it in so unscrupulously, little Harry might be sucked dry.

"How are you, Harry? How do you feel?"

"It feels like ice has been stuffed into my head. It's very cold, but I can't say it's unbearable."

Holding his head and shivering, Harry described his feelings truthfully.

"Very good, that's it. Keep me informed of your feelings from now on."

Bell carefully looked at Harry's soul and took note of the changes he observed and Harry's description.

Voldemort took a deep breath and tried to suppress the anger in his heart.

Ever since he left the orphanage, he had never been ignored so repeatedly. He always thought he had forgotten this feeling.

But now, someone else helped him recall this 'nostalgic' past, and he vowed to thank the person properly!

But now is not the time, he has some other small things that he needs help from.

"It's really outstanding! I think you must be the student with the best academic performance in Hogwarts now. You may not know that when I was in school at Hogwarts, I was always the first in my grade. At the same time, I He’s also the male president of the student union.”

"Well, actually I know."

Hearing that Voldemort suddenly began to reminisce about the past, Bell lowered his raised sword again. He was suddenly very curious about what the other party wanted to say.

"Really? This is not information that can be obtained easily. It seems that you have investigated me specifically.

However, I don’t think you know what happens next.

As the best student at Hogwarts, I can be considered a rare outstanding student even in the nearly thousand years of Hogwarts history. However, after graduation, I was among the other mediocre and inactive students. There is no difference between generations.

I am busy at work every day, and there is always endless debris waiting for me to deal with. My time was wasted, my youth wasted, my dreams were faded, my talents were buried, and even my spellcasting level began to regress.

Can you imagine the feeling of a talented person watching his talent dry up before his own eyes? It was simply like a seriously ill and dying person lying on the bed, feeling his life passing by little by little, despair, unwillingness, resentment, longing, and finally...complete death.

Finally one day, with the help of my friends, I woke up.

I will no longer waste my time and work for those with vested interests!

I began to question power, question the public, and question everything that came into my eyes!

So I fell into thinking. I think about why it is possible and why it is not possible, I think about why I should do it and why not do it, I think about what I want and what others want me to want.

Then I reached the pinnacle of magic.

Many people do not understand what I am doing, they insult me, they belittle me, they want to suppress me, they try to erase me.

But all this did not knock me down. Instead, it made me realize more clearly that I was on the right path, a path that was deviant but full of freedom and light.

Decay cannot block the light, and the wind of freedom will surely blow away slavery and oppression.

Ultimately, people fear me...

To be honest, this is not what I want. They are all my compatriots, and I feel very, very heartbroken when I see my compatriots sinking into corrupt interests and being blinded by money.

But any change requires sacrifice. Even if my heart aches unbearably, I will use blood to awaken everyone!

Come, come to me. Only I can let you see the true face of this world. Only I can give you the power to embrace freedom. "

Voldemort looked at Bell, and at this moment a light seemed to flash behind him.

Bell: "..."

To be honest, Bell was confused at this moment.

In his impression, Voldemort was a complete lunatic, the type who could directly enter Arkham Asylum for further training if he changed the set.

However, what the other party said today completely overturned Bell's inherent impression of Voldemort.

The other party was able to recruit a large number of pure-blood wizards to work for them, and there were even many diehards among them who still followed the other party's footsteps unswervingly after the other party's disappearance for more than 10 years. It seems that it was not all through force of oppression. of.

‘So this guy really didn’t steal Grindelwald’s manuscript? ’

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