The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 844 The experiment was a great success

Chapter 845 The experiment was a great success

If these words had been spoken by Grindelwald, Bell might have really fallen to his knees. But coming from Voldemort's mouth...

Sorry, ugly!

Ahem, mainly because of this guy Voldemort, what he did and what he said were completely different. Even Ron over there knows...

'Hello! Neville! What's your expression! Please wake up to me! ’

Rubbing his temples, Bell felt really worried about the future of the Longbottom family.

"How about it? Come and follow me, the future of the magic world needs you!"

Seeing Bell looking around but not speaking, Voldemort suppressed his anger and spoke pleasantly again.

"Um...then what..."

"Bell! Don't believe Voldemort's lies! He is a complete villain!"

Pressing his hand, Bell signaled Mr. Arthur not to be too excited. Emotional stress can easily lead to hair loss.

"What I want to say is..."

‘Brush~! ’

The bright crescent moon rises from the ground and disappears in an instant, leaving only beautiful and bright ice crystal star chips, which is dazzling.

"...Before recruiting people next time, ask them for their names first. This will make them appear more sincere."

"Ah——! Damn you kid! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to skin you and cramp you!"

Voldemort clutched his shoulders, the pain of his soul being torn apart made him want to lie down and roll on the ground.

He finally got rid of the ice on his right arm, and within two minutes of regaining consciousness, his 'little right' left him completely, disintegrated into a handful of black mist, and was sucked into the evil magic sword. , so that even if he wanted to take it back, he couldn't.

"How's it going, Harry? How do you feel now?"

Belle looked back at Harry.

"Uh... It's pretty good. I just feel like my brain is a little cold."

Harry decided that when he returned, even if it was a serious remonstrance, he would persuade Ron to stay away from Hermione and stop teasing Bell.

This guy is so dangerous! Sure enough, the many rumors circulating in Hogwarts are not groundless!

"Really or not? Isn't there a more intense reaction? For example, dizziness, nausea and vomiting."

"No, really not. If I have to say it, I just want to sleep."

After sensing his situation again, Harry said honestly.

"Come here, stand closer, and let me take a good look.

Hmm... Nothing happened indeed. It seems that the situation is better than I expected, so the problem is simple.

Come back here, don't run around! "

The last words were spoken to Voldemort.

It turned out that after Bell took action and saw that nothing could be done, Voldemort decided to make a last ditch effort to break out and escape.

Voldemort's soul suddenly exploded into a thick black mist, and the bright rising sun above his head could not penetrate even a single bit into the black mist.

In response, Bell said: "Can't you come up with something new?" He stretched out his hand and a giant hand made of magic grabbed all the black mist.

As Bell's fingers tightened, the giant magic hand also clenched simultaneously. The black mist was squeezed, and angry roars came from the mist one after another, but it was of no use. In just a few seconds, the black mist seemed to have been subjected to time retrieval, coming back together and returning to Voldemort's ugly form.

Then, Bell turned his hands and pressed down, and heavy pressure fell from the sky, just like the Tathagata Buddha suppressing a certain monkey, pressing Voldemort to the ground. No matter how he struggled and roared, he could not move even a finger.

"...Where did I just say it?"

As he said this, Bell gave Voldemort a vicious look.

If this guy hadn't sucked a lot of magic power from Harry's body before, his fighting ability would be worse than that of a dog.

(Sirius Black: 'Who are you to blame!')

So isn't it better to just accept your fate and wait for death? Why do you have to jump? It made him forget his words.

"You said that the situation was better than you expected, and then the problem becomes simple."

Harry warned cautiously.

At the same time, he kept stealing glances at Voldemort not far away. Inexplicably, he suddenly felt that the other person's figure was a little desolate.

Thinking that just a few minutes ago, he had been suppressed by the opponent and was almost defeated, Harry silently took two steps away from Bell.

"Yes, yes! That's it! Harry, I'm going to take a slightly more radical approach next, so be mentally prepared and tell me immediately if you feel uncomfortable somewhere."

Although he said this, Bell gave Harry no time to prepare mentally. Before he could finish his words, he threw [Frostmourne] out and accurately pinned Voldemort to the ground.


A shriek that was even shriller than before sounded, and everyone onlookers felt as if a needle had been inserted into their brains from their ear holes, and they couldn't help but cover their ears and take two steps back.

Looking up, he saw that the evil long sword was emitting a terrifying suction force. Voldemort's figure began to twist, and he was sucked into the sword body bit by bit.

"How's it going? How do you feel now?"

Bell looked at Harry again.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but everyone seemed to hear a sense of eagerness to try in Bell's voice.

"I feel... I feel a kind of distortion, my chest is uncomfortable, and I'm a little nauseous."

Harry grabbed his chest hard and honestly described his true feelings.

"'s okay. It was just an illusion. Your body itself was not affected in any way."

With that said, Bell waved a wave of magic power and penetrated [Frostmourne], and the suction on the sword immediately increased by another level.


The sudden intensification of the distortion made Harry fall to his knees. He tried hard to endure his rumbling stomach and prevent himself from vomiting.

After staring at Harry's body for a while, Bell repeated his old trick and injected another burst of magic power, increasing the suction power again.

In this way, Bell increased the power of [Frostmourne] several times in a short period of time. It was not until Harry couldn't bear it anymore and the distortion of his senses began to affect the soul body itself that he stopped the experiment.

"Very well, Harry, I have good news and bad news to tell you now. Which one do you want to hear first?"

This experiment has officially come to an end, and Bell, who has harvested a wealth of experimental data, feels very comfortable at this time.

"Okay, okay!"

Harry gasped violently.

As early as a few minutes ago, he couldn't help but started vomiting. The only thing that made him feel a little relieved was that he couldn't spit out anything, which could be regarded as saving some dignity.

Now, he was even more eager to hear some good news to soothe his dizzy brain.

"The good news is that the operation was very successful, beyond expectations. So you can continue to live in good health."

Belle patted Harry's shoulder happily.

"V-Where's Voldemort?"

Harry did not forget about it just because he heard that he was safe. He always kept in mind that his real purpose was to kill Voldemort completely.

"Of course he's dead."

At this time, most of Voldemort's soul had been sucked into [Frostmourne]. Even if Bell showed mercy and let Voldemort run away, Voldemort's soul would not last for a few hours before it would completely dissipate.

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