The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 845 Who knows what these people are here for?

"Very good!"

The dark clouds that had hung over his head for more than ten years were about to dissipate. Harry felt comfortable from the inside out and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"Don't be in a hurry to relax. Have you forgotten? You still have bad news that you haven't heard yet."

Bell reminded kindly.

"Oh yes, so what's the bad news?"

Harry looked at Belle curiously. Really just out of curiosity.

As long as Voldemort is sure to be killed, other things are not a big deal to Harry.

"Harry, you must calm down. No matter what, just hold on and it will be over."

Bell patted Harry's shoulder with a heavy expression, successfully making Harry, who was not nervous at first, become nervous.

"Actually, the distortion you feel now affects the soul directly and cannot be eliminated easily.

It will take at least a day.

Don't speak yet, listen to me.

In other words, you won’t be able to eat two whole meals at noon and evening today!

Alas~! It's all my fault. I didn't control my strength well before. I'm sorry for you, Harry! "

Bell felt remorse from the bottom of his heart. If God could give him a chance to come back, he would do this again...

"No, no, that's it?"

Harry was confused. He even began to wonder if he was secretly cursed by Voldemort in the previous battle, which caused his current hearing problems. In fact, what Bell was talking about was a very serious matter, but to his ears, it turned... into... funny?

"Isn't this enough?"

Bell's eyes immediately widened.

What does ‘that’s it’ mean? That’s two whole meals!

As the saying goes, people are like iron and rice is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will be hungry. And if you don’t eat for two meals, you will be so hungry that your chest touches your back!

Not to mention, Harry had just vomited out all the food he had eaten in the morning, and now his stomach was empty.

Even though Harry had been vomiting for a long time, he didn't seem to have vomited anything out. But that was actually the spirit magic circle that converted the food in Harry's stomach into a magical form. As soon as the food left Harry's mouth, it would immediately dissipate in the air, so if you don't observe carefully, you won't be able to see anything. arrive.

"Uh... no, it's okay, Bell, I can handle it, really, you don't have to feel guilty.

Instead, I should be thanking you. Thanks to you, I can kill Voldemort alive today. Thank you, Bell. "

After saying that, Harry bowed deeply to Bell.

"Oh! You're too polite! Next time something good like this happens... No, I mean, if you encounter this kind of trouble next time, you're welcome, just come to me."

Bell's chest thumped loudly as he accepted Harry's gratitude with a clear conscience.

"Speaking of which, Professor Snape, why did you come in here? This is a place for idlers. Audiences, please stay quietly..."

"I have no intention of listening to your glib words, Bell. Give me the final blow. I want to kill Voldemort with my own hands. I must kill him with my own hands!"

Snape, who was already gloomy, now looked so gloomy that he looked like he was about to bleed. His eyes were bloodshot and he was staring at Voldemort lying on the ground. He didn't blink for an unknown amount of time.

"Well, as you wish, Professor."

Shrugging, Bell took back the [Frostmourne] inserted into Voldemort with a wave of his hand. However, he did not cancel the gravity pressing on Voldemort, so Voldemort was still lying on the ground unable to move.

Then, before Snape could take action, Bell quickly came to Snape's side, whispered in his ear:

"Thinking about Harry, Professor, I don't think our 'little savior' can survive independently in this cruel magical world."

Over the years, Snape had provided Bell with a lot of help, big and small. Especially when it comes to teaching Zannah, Snape has always been conscientious and conscientious, leaving no one with the slightest fault.

So if possible, Bell hopes that Snape can continue to serve as the principal of Hogwarts, at least until his family Shanna graduates.


Glancing at Bell, Snape snorted. However, judging from the aura it exuded, Bell's words did not have any effect.

"Okay, let's call it a day!"

No longer paying attention to the grudges between Snape and Voldemort, Bell greeted his family and friends and prepared to leave here.

It was still early, and before lunch, they could still go for a walk, fish, etc. by the Black Lake.

"Brother, is this over?"

Shanna looked at the magic circle that was still shining brightly in front of her, and she always felt like she was neither up to nor down.

Let’s talk about today’s incident. It’s indeed strange. The mystery of soul magic was revealed to her for the first time, and she couldn't help but have a strong interest in the soul.

However, except for some unknown and powerful operations of my brother, the rest is just a 'rookie pecking'!

Not funny at all!

This strong contrast made Shanna feel very uncomfortable for a moment.

"If you want to, when I get back, my brother will make a Voldemort for you to play with. It will be much stronger than the one you have today."

After rubbing Zannah's head, Bell comforted her with a smile.

Part of Voldemort's soul has been sucked into [Frostmourne]. Based on it, Bell can create a weakened version of Voldemort to use as a toy for his sister to train in spellcasting.

"Really? That's great! Thank you brother!"

Shanna happily hugged her brother's arm and followed him outside.

"Wait! Bell, so this is it? What about us?"

Seeing Bell walking out with a group of people talking and laughing, Arthur was the first to become unable to sit still.

So why are these elite members of the Order of the Phoenix here today?

"How do I know? Let's go back to our homes?"

Originally, Bell didn't call these people. He did his own experiments, but these guys showed up uninvited and insisted on watching his private experiments. It was good that he didn't chase them away. Is it possible that he still wanted to entertain them?

What a joke!

After waving his hand, Bell ignored the "onlookers" with tangled faces over there and left the barrier.

After he left the barrier and everyone in the Order of the Phoenix could no longer hear his voice, Bell said to Huang Quan, who was already impatient:

"The experiment is successful, you can inform Kagura and ask her to find a way to run away from home.

Let me tell you, you might as well let Kagura come to Hogwarts. She's an onmyoji, so what's the point of going to an ordinary high school all day long? Is it possible that she plans to go to college and become a scientist after graduation? "

"Then it's up to Kagura to make her own decision. She might be reluctant to let go of her friends in school."

In fact, if possible, Huang Quan certainly hopes that Kagura can stay by her side, but she does not want to be bound by Kagura. She hopes that Kagura can live freely according to her own will.

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