The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 846 Hogwarts News Agency sacrifices his life to report

In the hearts of the senior students at Hogwarts, there has been a regret in the past two years.

Ever since Gryffindor House's Lee Jordan graduated, they could no longer hear each other's exciting commentary, which made everyone feel that the Quidditch House Cup game was not as enjoyable as before.

Even many little snakes in Slytherin House betrayed the 'revolution' and began to miss Lee Jordan's electric vibrato.

It has to be said that when it comes to commentating on Quidditch games, everyone is willing to call Lee Jordan the 'strongest'.

Unfortunately, people can no longer hear each other's commentary on the Quidditch game, because... Lee Jordan was invited by Bell to commentate on the speeding game.

In order to overwhelm his biggest competitor in Quidditch, William specifically stated in the contract he prepared for Lee Jordan that he was prohibited from commentating on Quidditch games part-time in his free time.

Of course, Lee Jordan rejected this overbearing rule. No one can stop his love for Quidditch!

However, the other party gave too much, so Li Jordan had no choice but to turn from light to dark and fall in love privately...

Ahem, back to the topic, after Lee Jordan graduated, Professor McGonagall selected a student with the loudest voice from Gryffindor House, hoping to train him to take over Lee Jordan's banner.

However, this plan was strongly blocked by Snape.

Just kidding, Snape has been putting up with that bastard Lee Jordan for a long time, okay? That bastard would set the pace every time he explained, and he would often blatantly give warnings to the Gryffindor players in the name of explaining the game. If Lee Jordan hadn't been so popular and protected by that old witch Mag, he would have given him a taste of his 'smiling half-step'!

Now, after Lee Jordan finally graduated, Snape, who had been promoted to the principal of Hogwarts, decided that this time, he must firmly control the 'mouthpiece' in the hands of their Slytherins!

After a fierce battle, Hufflepuff's Max finally became the new Quidditch commentator...

Don't ask why a Hufflepuff suddenly appeared here. If you ask, you will lose both sides.

But as long as it's not Gryffindor (Slytherin), Snape (Professor McGonagall) can accept it.

Hufflepuff can't win anyway...

Cough cough cough!

In order to clear away the slander of his academy by outsiders, Max went to great lengths to study every game commentary by Lee Jordan in detail, and imitated the opponent's style. He spared no effort to set the rhythm during the commentary process, and provided a good environment for the players of his own academy. Tell the news.

However, even if Max worked so hard, the results of the Hufflepuff House team were still not ideal, and they could only compete with Ravenclaw House for the last place.

This year's College Cup is already halfway through. Thanks to Max's hard work, Hufflepuff House is currently leading by a large margin. If nothing else, it can be said that it has locked... the third place ranking. .

As a result, just when Max was ready to become the hero of Hufflepuff House, and even the speech draft had been initially finalized, an unexpected accident happened.

'Extra! Extra!

According to insiders, our reporter learned that in the second half of this year's Quidditch Academy Cup, the Ravenclaw Academy team will introduce a powerful foreign player-Bell Menethil.

I think every Hogwarts compatriot must be familiar with the information about Lord Bell. He has always been synonymous with blood, terror, and darkness.

Hogwarts has been suffering from Menethil for a long time, when will it see the light of day again?

(For details, please subscribe to the latest special issue "The Origin of Menethil" released by the Hogwarts News. Order now and enjoy a 20% discount!)

Closer to home, this time, what we want to discuss is the Demon Lord’s Quidditch level. As we all know, just because a person is evil and powerful does not mean that his Quidditch skills are equally superb. In fact, most of the current ace players in the four major academies are benevolent people with righteous hearts.

Therefore, in line with the professional spirit of journalists, our reporters risked their lives and went deep into the tiger's den to find out a lot of first-hand information about the Demon King's Quidditch proficiency.

According to a certain Miss Hermione Granger who did not want to be named, the Big Devil has actually been deliberately concealing his Quidditch level for many years. Miss Granger believes that the Big Devil's skills are not even weak. A professional player on the front line.

According to a certain Miss Zannah Menethil who was willing to remain anonymous, "My brother is the best! Whether it's Quidditch, speed, or spells, in short, my brother is good at everything. They are all the strongest! You weaklings, just wait to be beaten to death by my brother!"

(The twenty-ninth generation president of the news agency: "Who is it!? Who touched my manuscript!?")

In addition to the two people mentioned above, our reporter also secretly interviewed many people familiar with the matter, so I will not list them one by one here. The intelligence provided by these insiders all showed that the Big Devil deliberately concealed his powerful Quidditch skills.

It is still unclear why the Big Devil hid his Quidditch level and the purpose of suddenly participating in the Academy Cup this time. Our reporters will continue to risk their lives to collect intelligence and bring you first-hand real information.

To know what happens next, please continue to follow our reports.

This is the Hogwarts News Service, every Hogwarts wizard's most loyal friend. ’

The above report is excerpted from the original text of "Hogwarts Daily News".

"I never said that Bell intentionally concealed his true level! What real information and what his most loyal friend! I will never accept interviews from these guys again!"

Hermione threw the newspaper on the table angrily, wishing she could immediately go to the reporter who interviewed her the day before yesterday and ask him to change the contents of the newspaper.

‘By the way, how did Shanna change the news agency’s manuscript? ’

(Sanna: ‘Hey!’)

"That's right! And my brother's level is much better than that of a professional player."

The little wolf curled his lips in disdain.

"Sister Hermione, why don't we dismantle the news agency?"

The little wolf looked at Hermione eagerly. As he grew older and became more familiar with Hogwarts, the house-breaking spirit within the little wolf became increasingly difficult to suppress.

"You'd better go find Fina to accompany you on this kind of thing."

Hermione waved her hands with a headache.

It's all Bell's fault. The two little guys, Little Bell and Little Wolf, have become more and more lawless recently. The other party wouldn't listen to what she said anyway, and she was too lazy to care about Xiaolang now.

At most, after Xiaolang committed a crime, he would complain to Bell in a more embellished manner and ask Bell to give the boy a hard lesson.

"That guy Fina stays in the box every day now and doesn't come out at all. If you don't follow me, I'll find Gabrielle to come with me."

After saying that, Xiaolang ran away without looking back. He didn't know whether he really wanted to invite Gabrielle to dismantle the news agency, or was he just looking for a reason to get close to Gabrielle?

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