The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 847 Come on! Explode, just explode, no one is afraid of whom!

It's another sunny day.

(Let me tell you a little secret. After you learn to use magic to disperse the dark clouds, every day can be a sunny day.)

As soon as the first class in the morning ended, the students rushed out of the classroom eagerly.

Some of them ran back to the lounge, threw down their textbooks, picked up the banners and other things they had prepared, and rushed out of the castle out of breath; some of them just grabbed their textbooks and ran straight to occupy their seats.

Today is the first House Cup of spring, Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor. There are different opinions and speculations as to whether the newly reinforced Ravenclaw team can defeat Gryffindor, the old strong team with Harry the 'Savior' and Bewolf the Wolf of the Arena.

Thanks to the popularity of the topic, this competition attracted far more attention than usual before it started. At this time, everyone was sitting on the field, whispering to each other, and some even almost got into a fight because of the argument.

Of course, the two people who almost got into a fight were one from Slytherin and the other from Gryffindor.

"Quiet! Everyone, find your seats quickly, and don't run in the auditorium!"

Professor McGonagall, who finally arrived at the commentary desk, looked even more serious than usual today.

In fact, Professor McGonagall has been in a very bad mood these days.

Ever since he learned that Filius, that stinky dwarf with no martial ethics, actually took the lead in using Bell... no, he inserted Bell into the Ravenclaw House team in the middle of the match, Professor McGonagall has always wanted to find a player. On a dark and windy night, he used his Animagus transformation to sneak into the other party's office and scratch the snacks and candies that the other party had collected.

How old do you have to be to still eat snacks and candies all day long? Aren’t you afraid of getting diabetes?

Of course, in the end, reason prevailed in Professor McGonagall's brain. After all, even if she sent Filius to the hospital, it would not change the fact that Bell would join the Ravenclaw House team.

‘The rules of the College Cup must be changed next year. After the start of the competition, no replacement of players is allowed unless it is force majeure! ’

In fact, the reason why Professor McGonagall is so worried is not because she is afraid of Bell's superb Quidditch skills.

Just kidding, she had never seen Bell play Quidditch. She also learned from Miss Granger from her own college that Bell hardly knew how to play Quidditch during the holidays.

No matter how talented you are, it is impossible to play Quidditch well without hard training day after day.

Don't underestimate Quidditch!

As for that report in the Daily Hogwarts News?

Of course, Professor McGonagall had also read that report. But the old professor didn't believe a word of the information in that report.

Don’t think she doesn’t know that the idol of the current president of the news agency is Rita Skeeter, that big bastard who can only make up random things!

What really worries Professor McGonagall so much that she can't sleep is actually the relationship between Bell and the ace batsman of the Gryffindor House team, Bell Wolf.

As we all know, Bei Lang obeys that little bastard Bell, but if Bell insidiously resorts to extravagant tactics to make Bei Lang deliberately let go during the game, or even acts as the 'eighth man', then what will Gryffindor do? It’s dangerous!

Privately, Professor McGonagall has also talked to Beilang many times. Talked from a safe distance of course.

However, that little bastard Bei Lang, who had no sense of collective consciousness or academy glory at all, would not listen to her words at all!

To be honest, Professor McGonagall would have wanted to replace Bei Lang if he couldn't find a substitute.

In just a few days, Professor McGonagall was so worried that several gray hairs appeared on her head. But today, no matter what the outcome is, the old professor can rest in peace... No, he can get rid of his sorrow and have a good sleep.


"Max? Max, where are you? Come to the commentary table quickly, the game is about to start!"

It was raining all night, and Professor McGonagall, who was already in a bad mood, found out that the game was about to start, but Max, as the commentator, had not yet arrived, and his mood index immediately dropped by another 3 percentage points. .

Max, that guy, has come earlier than her in every competition in the past. Except for his outrageous pacing and biased behavior, he has always done well in other aspects. Why hasn't he come yet today?

"Come on, come on! I'm here!"

Familiar shouts came from below, and after a burst of footsteps, the commentator finally entered the commentary platform and took his place.

"Wait a moment!"

Professor McGonagall jumped up and stopped the other party from sitting on the commentary table.

"Miss Menethil, why are you here!? This is not a place for you to mess around. Get back to the audience immediately!"

That's right, the voice that Professor McGonagall was extremely familiar with before, so familiar that it often appeared in his sleep, was not Max, the narrator that the old professor had been waiting for for a long time, but Sanna, the 'uninvited guest'.

"Hehe! That's not possible. I am the commentator of the game today. I have to sit in the commentator's seat and explain to everyone my brother... ahem, it's a wonderful game today!"

Shanna was in a very, very good mood today, so even though Professor McGonagall's tone was very unfriendly, Shanna forgave the old professor generously.

"What!? Are you the commentator of the game? What...what is this?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the small piece of paper Shanna held up in her hand, and felt an extremely bad premonition in her heart.

"This is the 'letter of appointment' from 'Headmaster' Snape! 'Headmaster' specifically asked me to be today's commentator!"

As we all know, Shanna is a good girl. She perfectly inherited many of her brother's advantages, one of which was that she never lied.

Before, she took out some scraps from the corpse of [Enzos] that her brother had given her for studying potions, and turned them around in front of Professor Snape. In a circle. Then, the amiable professor specially asked her to be the narrator.

"This, this is not allowed!"

After grabbing the note and scanning it quickly, and indeed finding the signature of that big bastard Severus in the lower right corner, Professor McGonagall was so angry that she almost blew up the explanation room.

How could someone be such a bastard!

"why not!"

Zannah looked at Professor McGonagall angrily.

It didn't matter that the other party's tone was bad. Considering that the other party was a professor, she was in a good mood today so she didn't care about it.

But her role as the commentator was officially authorized by the real principal of Hogwarts, and it was reasonable and legal and complied with the procedures. If anyone dares not to let her be the commentator today, then don't blame her for getting angry. Got this cracking room!

Even outside, she can still explain!

(Commentary room: ‘It’s really none of my business! Please let me go!’)

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