The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 848 Warm-up before the start of the game

"Because the Hogwarts College Cup requires only one commentator, and the commentator has always been Max. Before Max makes a major mistake or voluntarily resigns, no one can fire him at will, the principal. also can not!"

Professor McGonagall argued hard, fully demonstrated her ability to defy the principal's power, and tried to make Shanna feel ashamed...

"Oh, you said that person, he can't come."

Shanna immediately lost her anger when she heard that it was because of this incident.

Everyone who knows her knows that she has been a good girl who has done everything flawlessly since she was a child. There can only be one narrator, and of course she will not ignore this information that everyone knows.

So that guy who was selling some kind of silk had already been dealt with by her.

"What!? W-what did you do to Max? Is he still alive?"

It has to be said that after several years of getting along day and night, the old professor's understanding of Shanna has reached a certain depth.

"Oh! Don't worry, that Maisui is still alive and well...well, maybe not very well?"

No matter what, Shanna would never kill her classmates in school. She is no longer the young and ignorant person she once was.

She graduated from "The Sherlock Holmes" a long time ago, and she is currently studying "The Framing of a Murderous Primary School Student" and "Details of the Laws of the Modern Magical World" produced by the Ministry of Magic.

"Oh God! Poor Max! What the hell did you do to him?"

Professor McGonagall could already imagine Max's miserable situation at this time. If the game hadn't started soon, she would have gone to rescue him non-stop.

"I put him... ahem, I didn't do anything to him! It was because he accidentally ate dirty things and ended up living in the bathroom now."

Shanna hurriedly covered her mouth, she almost spilled the beans just now.

Although there seems to be no difference whether it leaks or not?

"...What are you still waiting for? The game is about to start, hurry up and start the commentary!

Also, remember that you are a Quidditch match commentator, don't say anything irrelevant to the game, I will keep an eye on you. "

With that said, Professor McGonagall sat back down on the commentary table. At this point, she has no choice but to do her best, keep an eye on the opponent in the next game, and try to let everyone hear a few more normal explanations.

"Hee hee! Okay, Professor McGonagall! Don't worry, I've already studied the commentary styles of the previous two, and I promise I won't lose to them!"

Shanna said enthusiastically.

Isn't it just setting the rhythm and pulling the strings? She can master such simple things without learning from a teacher.

‘I hope you can lose to them. ’

Feeling the enthusiasm leaking from Zannah's side, Professor McGonagall was unable to say these words in the end. But she had even less expectations for what was going to happen next.

"Hey! Try the wheat, try the wheat!

Hello everyone, because Maisui has diarrhea and cannot get out of the bathroom, so today I, Bel Menethil's sister, Zannah Menethil, will give you a wonderful explanation. ! "

"Miss Menethil, don't waste everyone's time by telling us information that has nothing to do with the competition!"

Professor McGonagall helplessly raised her forehead.

She didn't know if Max had come out of the bathroom now, but she knew that if Max heard what Shanna said just now, he might never want to come out of the bathroom to see anyone in his life.

"Oh well!"

Shanna agreed calmly.

"Since Professor McGonagall won't let me talk about things that have nothing to do with the competition, then let's just ignore the dead Maisui who is still squatting in the bathroom and can't get out."

(Professor McGonagall: ‘...You did it on purpose, right? You definitely did it on purpose! And his name is Max!’)

"Talking about the game, talking about the game...

Well, as you can see, the game has not started yet. Let me take a look... The game will officially start in 3 minutes. This time is a bit tight, but it should be enough.

Okay, in the last three minutes before the game starts, let me introduce to you the contestant of this game, my brother, Bel Menethil! "

As she said that, Shanna clapped her hands so hard that her palms turned red.

"Let me tell you, my brother is the best and best brother in the world. I first met him when I was more than 2 years old..."

"Sanna! Talk about the game! No one wants to hear the memories of you and your brother from more than 10 years ago!"

Professor McGonagall was so angry that she directly changed the name of Zannah from 'Miss Menethil' to 'Zannah' because the pronunciation was shorter.

It is foreseeable that before the end of today's game, she will call the opponent's name again and again, so choosing a shorter pronunciation should leave a lot of energy for her.

"Hey!? How is that possible!?"

Shanna looked at Professor McGonagall beside her in disbelief. She couldn't believe that there were people in this world who didn't want to hear every detail of her relationship with her brother! ?

"Of course it's possible! Okay, hurry up and start introducing the players. If you keep talking about things that have nothing to do with the game, then don't blame me for removing you as the commentator. Principal Snape's appointment is not easy to use. !”

Even with Snape's appointment, Professor McGonagall can remove Zannah from her duties if her performance is too poor.

Of course, what the old professor didn't know at this time was that among the many students on the scene, there were actually quite a few who were very interested in what Shanna wanted to talk about, and they were all silently blaming Professor McGonagall for being so stupid. What's going on.

"Hmm~! Okay then, let me introduce to you my brother's current situation.

Let me tell you, my brother is really awesome now!

He just forged a super handsome magic sword not long ago. That magic sword is called [Frostmourne], what a domineering name!

Then, my brother is now..."


"What's the matter, Professor McGonagall? I'm introducing the player's information."

Zannah looked dissatisfied at Professor McGonagall who interrupted her again. Why is the other party so annoying? Can't you just sit somewhere else?

"Ahem, I mean, you can tell me more about the magic sword called [Frostmourne]."

Instinctively, Professor McGonagall felt that the magic sword Shanna mentioned should be the evil sword that Bell used to destroy Voldemort not long ago.

Several members of the Order of the Phoenix who were present that day, including Professor McGonagall, were very concerned about that magic sword that made people feel as if their souls were being frozen and devoured just by looking at it.

But that brat Bell was too slippery. No matter how many insinuations she tried during this period, she was unable to get any valuable information from the other party. Now that he accidentally learned the name of the magic sword from Shanna, Professor McGonagall felt that he had found an opportunity.

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