The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 849 Difficulties in transitioning from luxury to frugality

"Hey? Professor McGonagall, are you also interested in [Frostmourne]?"

Zannah looked at Professor McGonagall with wide eyes, as if she had found a soulmate.

"Yes...ahem, no, I think everyone here is very interested in that sword."

Professor McGonagall's eyes were wandering, and she was embarrassed to face Shanna's gaze.

(Everyone: ‘No, we are not interested, we are more interested in stories from more than 10 years ago.’)

"That's it...well, let me tell you, the magic sword [Frostmourne] is very powerful. It is my brother's combination of the monks' weapon refining skills and our wizards' ancient magic knowledge. A lot of precious and even unique magic materials were used, and it took 10 days to finally forge it.

This magic sword contains a very large amount of magic power, which can provide a huge bonus to the wizard's spellcasting. Moreover, this sword is really just a sword. It can also be used to cut people. Its power is also extraordinary, even far surpassing Sister Huangquan's sword [The Lion King].

Of course, if you think that my brother is so powerful only because of this sword, then you are totally wrong! The real power is not the mirror, but..."

"Wait a minute! Shanna, what is that 'Flower in the Mirror'?"

Professor McGonagall was shocked again. How come this guy Bell seems to have hidden a lot of good stuff despite his young age?

"Jinghua, Shuiyue, I don't know either. I remember when my brother told me a story once when I was a child, he said that it is not the mirror, flower, water and moon that is truly powerful, but the person holding it. I also remember what he said specifically at that time. It’s not clear.”

"...Okay, you can continue talking about [Frostmourne]."

Professor McGonagall secretly wrote down the name 'Through the Mirror' and prepared to investigate it carefully after returning.

"That's it. Now it's time to introduce my brother."

Zannah rolled her eyes secretly.

Really, she had been asked not to say anything unrelated to the competition before, but now she was not allowed to introduce her brother. Professor McGonagall really liked to go back on her word.

"Have you finished talking? No, does that magic sword have no other abilities? In addition to being able to greatly enhance the power of the magic spell."

Professor McGonagall doesn't believe that kind of thing.

Just say that on the morning of the previous Saturday, the magic sword clearly showed special abilities related to the soul. And Professor McGonagall believed that what Bell showed that day must not be all the abilities of that magic sword. Over the years, she has become deeply aware of Bell's tendency to hide his clumsiness.

"Of course."

Shanna said honestly.

"What is it?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Zannah expectantly.



Just kidding, how could Shanna casually leak information about her brother's abilities to outsiders? I really thought she was stupid.

In fact, Zannah saw through Professor McGonagall's intentions from the beginning. After all, it's not that difficult. So she has actually been teasing the other person. The stiff expression on the old professor's face at this moment was beyond interesting.

‘Hee hee hee~! ’

"Oops! The players have already started entering!"

However, the next second, Shanna no longer cared about having fun.

Before she even finished introducing the ‘player information’, the ‘player’ entered the arena.

Really, it's all Professor McGonagall's fault for always causing trouble for her.

"Brother! Here! I'm here!"

Shanna stood up and leaned out of the commentary room, waving and shouting cheerfully below.

Bell also smiled and waved back. He had heard Shanna's 'explanation' before in the waiting room. Now, with his magic-enhanced vision, he could clearly see Professor McGonagall's livid face.

In response to this, Bell could only smile helplessly in his heart, hoping that the old professor's mental endurance was strong enough and that Shanna wouldn't make him angry.

Time goes back a few minutes.

When Shanna's voice came out from the commentary room, Hermione and others, who were looking for traces of the opponent throughout the game, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Why did Shanna become the commentator? Liz, Lena, didn't you two know this beforehand?"

The corners of Hermione's eyes twitched. She felt that today's game might leave a mark in the history of Hogwarts.

"I don't know, Shanna never mentioned it to us."

Phyllis and Reina looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"Oh~! Okay, now that we know where Shanna is, we don't have to look for her. Let's go back and get ready to watch the game."

No matter what, at least now they know that Zannah didn't sneak away to wipe out the Gryffindor House team, which is always a good thing. As for the rest, let the professors worry about it.

"Um... shall we sit like this?"

Standing in front of the seat she had reserved in advance, Phyllis looked hesitant to speak.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. In recent years, when watching Quidditch games, Bell or Zannah will use the transformation technique to transform the seats to provide everyone with a high-quality watching experience.

However, today, Bell went to the competition and Shanna went to explain. There was no one to serve everyone. Looking at the seats in front of her that were the same as those around them, Phyllis always felt empty in her heart.

"I'm coming! Let me come!"

The little bell sitting in Huang Quan's arms jumped out immediately. The magic power condensed into pitch-black particles, which appeared in the little guy's palm. With a wave of his hand, he imitated his older brothers and sisters and transformed the seats for everyone.

After a long period of study and exercise, Xiao Lingdang can now initially control the magic power in her body. This made the little guy very excited, and he wanted to show everyone the results of his hard work whenever he had nothing to do.

"Stop, stop, stop! Little Bell, there are too many people here, it's not suitable. Let me come."

Hermione hurriedly rushed over and held Little Bell's hand, stopping the other party from casting the spell.

Now that the game was about to begin, she didn't want a few people to die suddenly. Rather than letting Xiao Lingdang 'renovate the seat', she would rather let Huang Quan use a knife to carve out a sofa. If Huang Quan can do it.

"Well~ okay then..."

Little Bell lowered her hand in frustration.

The eldest brother did say that she would not be allowed to cast spells in crowded places for the time being. She had forgotten about it when she was excited just now.

"When you get back, can Little Bell perform the magic spell for us?"

Hermione gently rubbed the little guy's head.


Little Bell nodded vigorously.

Predictably, Bell's suitcase was about to suffer another disaster. Poor Kelsha and several other house elves have often had to work overtime recently, trimming the grass in the suitcase, comforting frightened magical animals, and checking the stability of the space.

So the next topic Bell formulated for the little bell was how to weaken the power of the curse.

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