The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 850 The firewall doesn’t work

"The players from both teams are on their respective positions!"

After all the players came to the center of the field and saluted each other, Mrs. Huo Qi held the whistle in her mouth and instructed the players to make final preparations before the start of the game.

The two goalkeepers got on their brooms, kicked the ground hard, and flew to the goal easily. The rest of the contestants stepped onto their brooms, with their legs slightly bent, and their eyes fixed on the Quaffle in Mrs. Huo Qi's hand, ready to take off at any moment.

Bell came to Mrs. Hooch and also stepped on the broomstick. After rubbing it awkwardly twice, he signaled that he was ready.

Although he had trained several times with other members of the academy team during this period, after all, he had never ridden a broomstick a few times since he was a child, so he still felt a little awkward.

"Are you all ready?"

Mrs. Huo Qi made the final confirmation.

"Very good, then, the game officially begins!"


Mrs. Hooch threw the Quaffle high in her hand. On the ground, Bell and the Gryffindor Chaser on the opposite side kicked the ground hard at the same time. The two of them were like rockets rising into the sky, chasing the Quaffle in the air quickly. .

After being unable to withstand Professor Flitwick's request, Bell worried for a long time about which position he would take.

To be honest, no matter which position he is in, it doesn't matter to Bell. Anyway, he has never trained, he is just a pure novice.

As for the goalkeeper, he is slightly passive. Although Bell can ensure that the opponent does not score, he cannot decide how many points Ravenclaw can score. If Ravenclaw fails to score 150 points when the opponent's Seeker catches the Golden Snitch, they will eventually lose.

Taking this into consideration, Bell had no choice but to give up his favorite goalkeeper position and waved goodbye to laziness.

As a Seeker, it's a good choice. Bell was confident that with his dynamic vision, as long as he targeted the Golden Snitch before the game started, there would be no way the golden, round little guy could escape his sight.

When the time comes, as soon as the game starts, he will rush straight over, believing that he will soon score 150 points and end the game at the same time.

But in this way, the game ended too quickly and was too uninteresting to watch. You know, Shanna has been looking forward to his competition for a long time. Bell didn't want to spoil his sister's interest.

So Seeker is also excluded.

The batsman is quite good. He can hit the dog's head angrily with his swing when advancing, and protect his teammates by hitting the ball when retreating. He can be called an auxiliary in the jungle and a human-headed dog in the auxiliary. It was by virtue of this position that Syaoran succeeded in establishing such a great reputation that Quidditch players from the other three houses would feel pain as if their bones were breaking when they saw Syaoran.

But to be honest, Bell has little confidence in himself. After all, he is not a little wolf. If he is not careful and strikes too hard, someone will really die!

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. In order to prevent his sister from being labeled as the 'sister of the club-killing maniac', which is a very unqualified title at first sight, Bell decided to play it safe.

Therefore, after eliminating all wrong options, the remaining chaser was the only one Bell could choose.

"Haha! It was indeed my brother who stole the Quaffle! I knew it would be like this! That Gryffindor scumbag actually wanted to steal it from my brother. He really overestimated his ability!"

Shanna's passionate commentary echoed over the arena. She speaks very fast, but in her ears, she can understand the meaning of her words very clearly. It seems that Shanna has really prepared a lot for today’s explanation.


However, Professor McGonagall was not satisfied at all with Shanna's 'wonderful' and 'careful' explanation.

"It is forbidden to use insulting words to describe the players on the field! Also, you should name the players instead of using pronouns such as 'scumbag' or 'my brother' to describe them!"

"Huh? But, when that guy Lee Jordan was commentating in the past, didn't he often use insulting words to describe the players?

(Referring specifically to the players of Slytherin House.)

Even the later Maisui Death, although the frequency is lower, doesn't he still use insulting words occasionally?

(This still refers specifically to the players from Slytherin House.)

Moreover, everyone knows who my brother is, so don’t worry, no one will get him confused.

Moreover, I don’t know the names of those guys. "

Shanna felt very aggrieved. She obviously learned the commentary skills from her ‘predecessors’. Why was it that those commentators before were able to do it, but not her?

"No, you don't even know what the contestants are called!?"

Professor McGonagall was shocked. Although she had long known that the brothers and sisters of the Menethil family could be very unreliable at times, she really did not expect that someone would act in such a 'solemn', 'solemn', In a tense and intense Quidditch match, it can still be so outrageous.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall was willing to call Shanna 'the most outrageous'!

"Well,'s not like I don't know everything. You see, I know my brother's name, and I also know that the Ravenclaw player holding the ball now is little Gabrielle, and the one holding the ball right now The one who chased his batsman with the bat was the little wolf, and there are…”

"Wait! Player Beilang, why are you attacking your own players!? Timeout! Mrs. Huo Qi, I ask for a timeout!"

What Professor McGonagall had been worried about had finally happened. As expected, that little bastard Bell secretly instigated the rebellion of Gryffindor team Bei Wolf.

'So what exactly is Granger doing? Didn't they all agree that she would be responsible for stopping Bell and preventing him from using his dirty tricks? ’

Professor McGonagall thought angrily.

Sure enough, it’s the girls who are outward!

"Professor McGonagall, after the game starts, only the captains of the two teams have the right to request a timeout. In addition, it is not a violation to attack your teammates before actually hurting them."

Although the corners of her mouth were twitching crazily, Mrs. Huo Qi still made a fair and just judgment.

"Pause! Harry, help~! Please pause~!"

The Gryffindor beaters shouted to Harry for help. Only when he faced the attack of the little wolf directly could he feel how strong the murderous intent of the other party was at this moment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his life was hanging by a thread!

"Oh! Look, everyone! Taking advantage of the infighting between Gryffindor's two batters for unknown reasons, Ravenclaw's Chaser quickly rushed towards Gryffindor under the protection of the batters of the same team. More than half a game.

Gabri passed the Quaffle to my brother! Well done Gabrielle!

My brother got the ball, and with a realistic fake move, he deceived the Gryffindor Chaser. My brother came to the goal, he threw the ball, and the ball went in!

Ha~ha~ha~! Anyway, let me just say that my brother is the most powerful! The first goal of the game was scored so quickly! Even in the history of Hogwarts Quidditch, such a quick goal is unique! "

Shanna's hearty laughter spread unbridled over the arena.

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