The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 852 Brilliant Victory


ah! Look! My brother stole it!

snort! I just said those guys can’t do it, how about that!

What a crisp and neat action...ah! That bad guy actually dared to attack my brother directly with a bat! This is really unreasonable! "

Bell leaned over and lowered his head, easily dodging the headshot from the bat, and continued to rush towards the Gryffindor goal without stopping.

"Zannah! What did you do with your wand!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Shanna who suddenly stood up beside her, and immediately noticed the extra small wooden stick in her hand.

"Of course we'll kill that bad guy!"

As she spoke, the magic wand in Zannah's hand lit up with the light of the magic spell.

"Stop! Sit down and put away your wand! No one outside the field is allowed to interfere with the progress of the game!"

Of course, Professor McGonagall will not allow Zannah to do whatever she wants and disrupt the normal progress of the game.

"But I am not an irrelevant person. I am my brother's sister, and I am also the commentator of the game. No matter how you look at it, I am a relevant person."

Shanna argued hard.

"You still know that you are a commentator! Are there any commentators like you? From the beginning to the end, you are only talking about your brother, can't you also pay attention to the situation of other players! For example, now, ha Lee has discovered the Golden Snitch and chased him, why don’t you explain such a wonderful and important moment!”

Professor McGonagall decided that after the game was over, she would join forces with Professor Sprout to provide Max with 24/7 security services during the period before the end of the Quidditch Academy Cup. If Shanna was allowed to commentate on a few more games, her cerebral blood vessels would really burst.


Zannah turned her head and looked into the air, and sure enough she found Harry flying at high speed. About 10 meters in front of Harry, a small golden ball was fluttering its wings in a desperate attempt to distance itself from Harry.

The Ravenclaw Seeker was now 2 or 3 meters behind Harry. Not to mention surpassing Harry, he couldn't even interfere with the opponent.

"Brother! That guy Harry has discovered the Golden Snitch! He is above your right rear and is flying at full speed to the southwest!"

Seeing that Harry was getting closer and closer to the Golden Snitch, Zannah immediately stopped caring about the trouble of looking for the batter. She decisively carried forward the second traditional skill of the Hogwarts House Cup commentator - 'telling news in the name of commentator', and informed her brother Harry's movements.

"You! How could you!"

Professor McGonagall felt her eyes go dark, and her fingertips couldn't stop trembling.

So why should she remind the other party? Wouldn't it be nice to just quietly watch Harry catch the Golden Snitch!

At this moment, Professor McGonagall was so regretful that her intestines turned green.

After being reminded by his sister, Bell stopped and turned around without any hesitation. After locking Harry's position, he threw the Quaffle in his hand with all his strength.

The scarlet Quaffle drew a conspicuous red line in the air and accurately hit the tail of Harry's broomstick.

The broomstick shook violently. Harry grabbed the handle of the broom with both hands and clamped his legs tightly. Amid the exclamations of the audience, Harry finally managed to stabilize his body. By this time, the Golden Snitch had disappeared.

"What a beautiful shot! Not only did it successfully prevent Harry from chasing the Golden Snitch, but he still firmly controlled the ball in his hands. Oh no! Why is that guy so stupid! He can't even catch this!?"

It turned out that after the Quaffle hit Harry's broom tail, it rebounded and flew towards the third Ravenclaw Chaser.

But when everyone is flying at high speed, Bell cannot accurately grasp the rebound angle of the Quaffle, so he can only make sure there are no mistakes in the general direction.

Perhaps because he didn't expect that the Quaffle would suddenly bounce towards him, the last Seeker of the Ravenclaw team failed to react immediately. In the end, he missed it by a hair and let the Quaffle fly past his fingertips.

"Really, it's all Professor Flitwick's fault. He refused to agree to let me join the Quidditch team no matter what. Otherwise, how could this situation have happened!"

Zannah complained unhappily.

Seeing that the Quaffle was caught by Gryffindor's chaser first after it hit the ground, her wand that had not had time to put it away shone with light again.

"No, you want to join the Quidditch team, why do you go to Professor Flitwick? Shouldn't you go to Professor Snape?"

After Professor McGonagall silently praised the poor Ravenclaw Chaser, she reached out and pressed Zannah's wand while discovering the 'blind spot'.

"I want to join the house team of my own house, why should I go to Professor Snape?"

Shanna curled her lips.

"Aren't you a Slytherin?"

"No! I'm from Ravenclaw! Let me tell you, it's all the fault of the Sorting Hat. It must have been too long without washing, and its brain is filled with cobwebs. I should definitely belong to Ravenclaw. From the academy, but that shabby hat actually sorted me into Slytherin, I..."

"Okay, okay, let's continue explaining the game."

Professor McGonagall had heard similar remarks from Bell countless times, and she didn't want to hear Shanna repeat them again.

The Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor lasted for nearly 2 hours, making it the longest match in the Academy Cup in recent years.

The final score of the game was 330:200, and Ravenclaw House won.

Although Harry tried his best to catch the Golden Snitch quickly and locked the battle with the Golden Snitch's 150 points, he was always stopped at the last moment due to Shanna's tip-off and Bell's precise throwing.

Later, it was Bell who saw that his team members were starting to lose strength, so he allowed Harry to catch the Golden Snitch.

It has to be said that Harry's flying skills are indeed superb. Of course, it can also be said that the Seekers of Ravenclaw are really good at making up for it. Bell has stopped Harry so many times in succession, and the Seekers of Ravenclaw have not been able to catch him. Seize the opportunity and catch the golden snitch.

After the game, there was a grand celebration banquet. The eaglets of Ravenclaw have lost count of how long it has been since their house defeated Gryffindor. This long-lost victory made everyone forget themselves with excitement. For a while, even Bell's reputation improved significantly.

Of course, Bell's reputation in Gryffindor has completely fallen into the sewer, and it is the kind that cannot be saved in this life.

"Yeah! Cheers!"

At the Ravenclaw celebration banquet, Zannah held up a glass of butterbeer and clinked glasses with others happily. Not to mention how happy Shanna was that her 'own' academy could win. For a moment, even looking at the other team members who were 'lagging behind' felt a lot more pleasing to the eye.

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