The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 853 Chapter 854 Celebration Banquet

"Sanna, cut down on the alcoholic beverages."

Looking at his sister who was so excited that she forgot all about it, Bell reminded her in a funny and helpless way.

By the way, where did Zannah get the Ravenclaw badge to wear?

"Okay, brother."

After drinking down the butterbeer in her hand, Shanna threw away the cup in her hand, picked up the food on the table and started eating. In order to explain the competition, she didn't eat at noon. She went crazy with everyone for a long time in the afternoon, and now she was starving.

"Sanna, wouldn't it be good if the two of us are here?"

Reina carefully glanced at the lively crowd around her, tugged on the corner of Shanna's clothes, and whispered.

Being introverted, she originally didn't like such noisy situations. In addition, she was from Slytherin House, so standing among everyone in Ravenclaw House, she always felt out of place.

"What's wrong? Let me tell you, I asked the house elves to carefully prepare the food today. Usually it can only be eaten at the Halloween Eve banquet and the year-end dinner. Eat more quickly, Otherwise you will suffer a big loss!"

As she said that, Shanna picked up a large dinner plate, her right hand turned into an afterimage, and in just 2 or 3 seconds, she filled the dinner plate with Reina's favorite food, and then stuffed it into the other person's arms.

"But, we are not from Ravenclaw House."

Holding the food in her arms, Reina could feel her saliva secreting uncontrollably. But looking at the unfamiliar faces around her, she still felt a little uneasy.

Otherwise, how about packing more food and taking it back to eat?

"Who said that!? Just wait."

Shanna grabbed a little eagle passing by and asked him:

"Hey! Tell me, am I a student of Ravenclaw House?"

"Who are you...ahem! I mean, you are, you absolutely are!"

The little eagle was suddenly grabbed and wanted to get angry. After seeing Shanna's face clearly, he was instantly frightened into a cold sweat and quickly changed his mind.

Just kidding, there is a 'truth' that has always been circulated in Ravenclaw Academy, that is, you would rather mess with Bell than Bell's sister. You can still live if you offend the former, but if you offend the latter, you'd better think about how to die more comfortably.

"Look! Let me just say that I am a student of Ravenclaw House. You see, everyone thinks so."

Shanna sent this 'truth-telling' hawk away with satisfaction, and looked at her good friends with pride.

Just kidding, she is not only a student of Ravenclaw House, but also a great contributor to Ravenclaw House!

In the previous game, the reason why Ravenclaw House was able to win was not only due to her brother's wise leadership, but also her excellent support throughout the whole process.

So what happened to her bringing two friends from the outer courtyard to the celebration banquet? Who dares to be dissatisfied!

Lena: "..."

Phyllis: "..."

The two looked at each other speechlessly. So what else can they say? Eat it!

So delicious!

"Sister Shanna! And sister Felice and Sister Reina! You are here. I have been looking for you for a long time."

At this time, little Gabrielle got out of the crowd and came to Shanna and the others.

"Why didn't you stay with your friends? Are you looking for something from us?"

Zannah looked at little Gabrielle curiously.

The other party is the third hero after his brother and himself, shouldn't he be busy socializing now?

"Sister Shanna, I have something to ask you."

As she spoke, Gabrielle looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, and then continued in a low voice:

"Next, it's the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin game. Sister Zannah, what do you think?"

"What do I think?"

Zannah looked at Gabrielle in confusion.

"While explaining, sister Zannah, would you prefer Slytherin House?"

Everyone is vividly aware of Shanna's huge contribution in today's game. But that's why Gabrielle is worried.

Regarding the level of her teammates, Gabri felt like she was in the mirror. The Ravenclaw House, which is prosperous and waning, has always been at a disadvantage in Quidditch competitions.

Even now that the 'brother-in-law' has joined, at best it can equalize the disadvantages with the other three academies, and maybe there will be some slight advantages?

But this advantage is definitely not enough to offset sister Shanna's bias.

There was no way around it. Although the previous commentator often went off the rails, he was still concerned about the impact and didn't dare to be too blatant. Otherwise, they would be put in sacks and beaten when they returned. Even if the professors intervened, it would be difficult to stop the angry students from committing suicide attacks.

But Sister Shanna has no worries about this at all. Even if someone dares to attack, it will just be a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return. And even if someone succeeds in attacking by luck, what's waiting for that guy...he'd better pray that he doesn't succeed, otherwise a certain little bear will really bite people.

Therefore, Sister Shanna can be said to be unscrupulous in her arrogance, and even she, a person with vested interests, can't stand it anymore.

If in the subsequent match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, Sister Zannah favors Slytherin like she did today, then Ravenclaw will miss out on the Academy Cup.

"Why should I side with Slytherin House?"

Shanna was even more puzzled. She reached out and touched Gabrielle's forehead...

He doesn’t have a fever either. Why is this kid talking nonsense?

"Ah? Because sister Shanna, you are Slater..."

'Snapped! ’

Zannah's palm hit Gabrielle hard on the shoulder, blocking the rest of her sentence.

"Gabriel, please think about it clearly. What am I?"

Shanna stared at Gabrielle with a dead smile and said.

She had just proved her identity to her two good friends, but then someone jumped out to make trouble. If it weren't for the fact that the other person was Gabrielle, she wouldn't even have given her a chance to reorganize her language. other side.

"Sister Zannah Ravenclaw!"

In the end, the survival instinct took over.


Zannah happily patted Gabri on the shoulder. Sure enough, little Gabrielle is still as cute as ever.

"So what did you ask just now?"

"No, it's nothing. I mean, why didn't I see my brother-in-law?"

In any case, although the process was a bit scary, it was still a satisfactory answer, and Gabrielle's heart returned to her stomach.

"You mean brother? He was here just now, but now he has gone somewhere."

Shanna looked around, but couldn't find that familiar figure.

"By the way, you haven't given up promoting your sister yet? Gabri, although I am more optimistic about your sister, to be honest, I feel that your sister's hope of defeating Hermione is really slim."

"Oh~! I know. My sister doesn't live up to her expectations, and I, as a younger sister, feel helpless too."

Gabrielle sighed, with a sense of mourning her misfortune and being angry at her.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Zannah wondered if Gabrielle would just give up.

"I don't know either. But as far as I know, my sister doesn't have anyone she likes yet, so I plan to fight for her again."

"That's it, come on!"

Zannah looked at Gabrielle encouragingly. As both sisters, she can understand each other's difficulties.

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