The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 854 ‘May Disease’

In the slightly dark corridor, Bell stood at the corner, slowly sticking his head out and observing the corridor on the other side.

It's time for get out of class now, and there are many people coming and going in the corridor. Some people were chasing and fighting with each other, some were discussing the content of the class, and some were holding thick books and walking quickly towards the next class.

By the way, the third type is usually from fifth grade and up.

After scanning everyone's bodies one by one and confirming that there was no familiar figure, Bell breathed a sigh of relief, stood up straight, and prepared to move forward.

"Bell? What are you doing? Being sneaky."


"Ah! W-what are you doing! You screamed so loud all of a sudden, it scared me to death!"

Hermione patted her chest and glared at Belle accusingly.

Then, she looked past Bell and towards the corridor behind the corner for a while. After finding nothing, she turned back and looked at Bell suspiciously.

"H-Hermione, you, why did you come from behind? Isn't the History of Magic classroom over there?"

Bell looked at Hermione in shock, while his eyes flickered, thinking about how to escape.

"Oh, Professor Binns finished class early today, so I went to Professor McGonagall's office to ask a question, so I came over here...wait! Were you looking for me just now? You wanted to be lazy and go out to play again ,Yes or no!"

"No, no, how is that possible? Everyone on earth knows that I am the most diligent and never lazy."

After his little idea was exposed, Bell hurriedly waved his hands in denial.

"Don't expel everyone except Shanna!"

Yes, everyone except Zannah, including Bell herself.

"Uh, this, this..."

Bell was speechless, not knowing how to continue his deception.

I have really exhausted all the excuses I can think of these days. Human beings do have their limits...

"Oh~! Bell, I'm not against you relaxing and having fun, but you can't play all the time. The final is coming soon, and even if you don't plan to take the N.E.W.T.s exam, you still have to take the normal final exam. Bar?

It's rare that you have free time now, so you should spend more time preparing for this last final exam and get an excellent result. "

It's no wonder that Hermione is worried. In fact, during the recent period, Bell has been either playing with Little Bell, playing with Little Wolf, or playing with Gabrielle. It can be said that he has completely let himself go.

The other graduates were seizing the last moment to review their homework and prepare for exams. But Bell, who only wanted to play around all day long, would disappear as soon as get out of class was over, and Hermione was almost worried to death.

Especially since one of Bell's three little playmates had evil intentions, it made Hermione feel even more uncomfortable.

"Well, Hermione, I have prepared well for the final exam. Look, these are all the notes I took in class."

It’s rare that you have free time, so you should study?

What kind of theory is this?

Bell doesn't want to sit in the library all day and memorize texts. Anyway, the test score can only be 'O' at best. What's the point of reviewing those test points over and over again?

Uh, isn't this a bit offensive?

"How dare you say that! You obviously took these notes with a shorthand quill! How many times have I told you, don't use a shorthand quill. The notes written down like that will not mark the key points, and you will miss them when you review. Very troublesome!

Also, don’t think that I don’t know. When you were in the magic class yesterday, you didn’t pay attention at all. Instead, you were playing canyon battle online with Xiao Ling Dang and Fina. "

Hermione grabbed Bell's notebook angrily and stuffed it into her backpack, preparing to outline the key points for Bell when she returned.

"Hey!? How did you, how did you know about this!?"

Bell looked at Hermione in disbelief. He clearly...

"Of course Professor Flitwick told me."

Hermione gave an unexpected answer.

"Impossible! Professor Flitwick clearly promised to keep it a secret for me!"


With a cold snort, Hermione didn't bother to answer such a stupid question.

Would she tell others about her threats to the professor?

of course not!

"You didn't listen well in class yesterday, so you have to go to the library with me to study today. Come on!"

After saying that, Hermione walked towards the stairs without looking back.

'hateful! ’

Bell followed Hermione dejectedly.

Damn Professor Flitwick, he went so far as to burn bridges! He followed the other party's request to join the Quidditch team and helped Ravenclaw win this year's Quidditch Trophy and Academy Cup. However, the other party didn't even help him hide a trivial matter like "playing games in class", and It's so abominable that you promised him and then went back on your promise!

"Bell, I just happened to be looking for you."

As soon as Bell and Hermione arrived on the fourth floor, they met Huang Quan walking up the stairs. Judging from the grass clippings stained on his clothes, Huang Quan must have just returned from class.

"Yellow Spring~!

Ahem, what's the matter with you? I'm planning to go to the library to review with Hermione. If there's nothing important, don't disturb us. "

Bell spoke righteously while winking at Huang Quan crazily.

In fact, he just got the 'May disease' not long ago. He has not recovered yet, and he really doesn't want to study or read!

Huang Quan rolled his eyes at Bell. Huang Quan really didn't want to help this guy, but she did have a serious business with him, so she had no choice but to follow this guy's wishes.

"Kagura just sent a message saying that she will be docking soon. I want to discuss the next 'surgery' with you."

"She finally escaped. If she doesn't come back, I will almost forget about her. When will we dock? I'll go pick her up with you."

Although he complained on his lips, Bell silently praised little Kagura in his heart. As the saying goes, it's better to come early than to come well. This timing is so perfect!

"It is expected to dock at 8pm."

"Why so late?"

There are still several hours before 8pm. Doesn't this mean that he will have to think of other excuses to run away.

"Because it's easy to run away from home at night."

Ever since Kagura secretly ran away from home last time and came to watch the Speed ​​World Series, the elders of the Tsuchimiya family have been strictly guarding Kagura. Someone will take her to school and pick her up after school. The teachers in each class have been warned. , once it is discovered that Kagura does not appear in class, parents must be notified as soon as possible.

Every few days, Kagura would make a video to complain to Huang Quan, saying that he was like a serious criminal and almost had a nervous breakdown.

Kagura was able to sneak out this time, thanks to the magic potion that Huang Quan mailed to her (produced by Shanna, must be a high-quality product), and overturned the night watchers. Otherwise, she would have really had to wait for Huang Quan to kill her before she could save Kagura. Get rid of that miserable life.

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