The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 858 There is no need to mobilize a large force for a small matter.

"Kagura... isn't she right there?"

Bell shook his head and gestured forward.

Hermione turned around and saw that outside the door of the auditorium, several young wizards were gathering around and whispering. Through the gaps among the crowd, three familiar figures could be vaguely seen. They were Huangquan, Kagura, and as well as……

"Professor McGonagall, this is my sister, Tsuchimiya Kagura. She is not a suspicious person. Please put your wand away first."

Huang Quan stood in front of Kagura, comforting the emotional old professor in front of him.

"Professor Huang Quan, I don't remember that Hogwarts has a rule that allows professors to bring family members into the school at will! Even if you are a professor, you must give an explanation for today's matter! Tell me! How did she get in! "

Professor McGonagall asked angrily.

Ever since Snape, that bastard, became the headmaster of Hogwarts, she had felt less and less like she existed. Many people may have forgotten that she is not only the Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, nor the Dean of Gryffindor House, she is also the Vice-Principal of Hogwarts!

Even the principal of Hogwarts is not allowed to act arbitrarily on some important matters. He must discuss it with the vice principal. Otherwise, the vice principal has the right to report the principal directly to the board of directors.

Of course, if the board of directors also sides with the principal, then the vice principal's right to report will naturally be the same as nothing.

'Damn Menethil! ’

Professor McGonagall decided that even if she risked her life today, she would definitely seek an explanation from that bastard Snape. Don’t think that you can do whatever you want with the support of the board of directors. Even the board of directors must be supervised by parents!

(Except for authorization from the Board of Directors, only the Headmaster has the authority to bring outsiders into the school at Hogwarts.)

"I, I came in through the secret passage."

Kagura said hesitantly.

"What!? Secret passage!?"

The unexpected answer scared Professor McGonagall to the point where her heartbeat stopped for half a beat.

"Where did the secret passage come from!?"

"It's under that strange moving willow tree over there."

"...Professor Isayama! Why didn't you report it as soon as you discovered the secret passage? Do you know how serious this matter is..."

"Well, Professor McGonagall, in fact, I only learned from Bell last night that there is a secret passage hidden at the base of the Whomping Willow.

It was too late last night. I was afraid of disturbing your rest, so I planned to report it to you this morning. "

Huang Quan felt his face getting hot. There was nothing she could do about it, the statement Bell taught her was really too irritating.

But she couldn't think of any other better way to say it, so she could only use this to deal with the emergency.

In fact, according to Huang Quan's original plan, after the ceremony, he would take Kagura to Hogsmeade Village to stay in a hotel. In the end, who would have thought, Bell raised his knife and cut off one of Kagura's arms, leaving the two sisters completely unprepared.

Holding the unconscious Kagura in his arms, Huang Quan would of course not choose to take Kagura to stay in a hotel, and in the end he could only arrange to take care of her in his bedroom.


To be honest, Professor McGonagall was not surprised at all when she heard the name 'Bell' from Huang Quan's mouth. It was nothing more than confirmation for her once again. Sure enough, that bastard kid should belong to Gryffindor.

"Professor Isayama! Now, take your sister to the faculty lounge. You are not allowed to leave the lounge until I come back!

And you! Mr. Menethil, you come too! You will graduate in a few months, and I hope I can still see you at the graduation ceremony. "

After saying that, Professor McGonagall left quickly without looking back. She is now going to the Whomping Willow to check the secret passage there and explore the specific situation on the spot.

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall, I'm in good health recently and I will definitely be able to attend the graduation ceremony."

Bell waved at Professor McGonagall's back with a smile on his face, making the old professor so angry that he almost didn't turn around to fight him.

‘Bang! ’

"Well, Hermione, let me just say that Kagura is definitely alive and kicking again now."

After lightly blocking Kagura's little fist from hitting her head, Bell turned to Hermione and said. .

"You bastard, how dare you say that! How dare you chop off my arm, I must take revenge!"

Kagura gritted her teeth in annoyance and clenched her fists hard.

It had to be said that although this hand made with magic made her feel very awkward because it had no temperature or touch, it was indeed very powerful, at least much stronger than her original arm.

"There's nothing I can do about it. If I hadn't cut off your arm, I'm afraid you would have gone crazy by now. Besides, within a few days, your new arm will grow back, and it won't be that big. That’s not the case.”

Bell moved his arms and once again blocked Kagura's multiple attacks. Countless afterimages of his arms appeared and disappeared between the two, making it dizzying.

"I don't care, you have to compensate me anyway. If you can make my new arm as powerful as this magic arm now, then I will forgive you."

After continuing to attack for nearly a minute but failing to capture Bell, Kagura angrily stopped his futile efforts and made a request that he had planned for a long time.

"I can't do that kind of thing. There is no power that can be obtained without paying any price."

Bell shrugged, saying there was nothing he could do to help.

"Liar! Are your arms fake now?"

Kagura is not blind. Not only did Bell block all her attacks without missing a beat, her arms didn't even tremble at all. It was obvious that the strength of her arms was no worse than her current magic arms, and even stronger. Maybe even more so.

"I'm not lying to you. I really can't make your new arm as powerful as this magic arm. Only you can do that kind of thing."

"How to do it?"

"I'll ask you about Sister Huang Quan later. She also knows. Okay, don't be blocked here at the door. Let's go to the staff lounge quickly. Otherwise, if Professor McGonagall comes back later and finds that we are not there, I'm afraid... It’s really going to go crazy.”

With that said, Bell turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait! Bell, I'm going with you too!"

Hermione was really tired at this moment, but no matter how tired she was, she couldn't ignore Bell. She decided to help mediate and prevent Bell from really making Professor McGonagall have a heart attack.

"Why are you going? Professor McGonagall didn't call you. You should go find Shanna and the others. Tell Shanna that you don't have to wait for me to eat. After eating, you can go to class obediently."

There is no need for a trivial matter to stir up trouble. What if Professor McGonagall saw him bringing a large group of people there and thought he was going to cause trouble?

You know, Bell really has no plans to cause trouble recently. During the period before graduation, he just wanted to rest and recharge his batteries.

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