The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 859 Elderly people should pay attention to eating breakfast

"No, I...I also know the existence of that secret passage, but I didn't tell Professor McGonagall, so I have to apologize to Professor McGonagall!"

Hermione said.

During the Easter vacation, she left the secret passage with Bell. Originally, she planned to tell Professor McGonagall about the existence of the secret passage when she came back, but because of the last few days on Mount Vesuvius, The days when the sky couldn't tell the difference between the sun and the moon caused her brain to shut down for a long time, and she later forgot about it.

"Nothing to apologize for."

Bell curled his lips in disdain.

Just kidding, if you want to apologize, it should be Lao Deng who dug the secret tunnel. Secondly, it should be the four-person team that Harry's father belongs to. It will never be his Hermione's turn. ah.

"You should apologize. Not just me, but you also have to apologize to Professor McGonagall later. Remember to be sincere and don't always look like you're so angry that you won't pay for it with your life!"

With that said, Hermione didn't give Bell another chance to refuse. She hugged Bell's arm and dragged him towards the staff lounge.

As for informing Shanna?

For that kind of thing, just send a message.

The faculty lounge is not far from the auditorium, and Bell and his party quickly arrived at the entrance of the lounge.

After twisting the doorknob, several people discovered to their embarrassment that the door was not open...

After all, it's still very early. At this time, the professors are either eating breakfast or busy sorting out materials for later classes. No one will come to the lounge early in the morning to daze.


"Wait a minute! What do you want to do?"

Bell held down his girlfriend's wand in surprise.

"Open the door. You can't just stand outside like this, right?"

In fact, if she was alone, Hermione didn't mind standing outside waiting for Professor McGonagall to come back. Anyway, even if someone saw her, they would just think that she came to see the professor again early in the morning to ask questions, turn around and mutter a few words, and then forget about it.

But now, with Bell present, the situation is completely different.

Hermione could guarantee that if the scene of them standing outside the staff room was seen by others, many bizarre rumors about Bell would spread throughout the castle during lunch, without waiting until the afternoon.

"But then you can't just use magic to force the lock."

Bell discovered that even though his girlfriend usually acted like a good girl, sometimes she was even more reckless than him.

Using a lockpicking spell to pick the lock of a faculty office, do you really think that all professors are blind?


"Just use the key to open the door. Come on, Huang Quan, I leave it to you."

Just kidding, they have a serious professor here, why do they still need to slide the door and pick the lock?

"I didn't bring the key."

"...No, why don't you bring the key?"

Bell felt a little pain in his face. Huang Quan, can this guy still have some professionalism?

"Because I never come here, I threw the key in the drawer."

Huang Quan spread his hands innocently.

Due to the age gap and different growth environments, it is difficult for Huang Quan and other professors in Hogwarts to have a common language. After her first two visits to the staff room turned out to be awkward, she never came back.


"Stop, stop, stop!"

Bell stopped his girlfriend again. This time he directly held Hermione's hand to prevent her from picking the lock without him paying attention.

"Don't stop me, Bell. It's too troublesome to go back and get the key. Let me drive it."

I don't know why, but looking at the closed door in front of her, Hermione wanted to pry it open. That feeling is like a cat seeing a dogtail waving in front of it. The instinctive impulse cannot be restrained at all.

"No, there's no need to go back to get it. She doesn't have the key, I have it."

The shikigami was unreliable, so Bell had no choice but to play in person.

"Where did you get the key?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes and looked at Bell. She suspected that the other person was trying to hide something from her again.


Bell explained with practical actions.

The space was slightly distorted, and Lim, the house elf who had not been seen for a long time, appeared.

"What are your orders, Master?"

"Bring us the key to the staff room, and bring us some breakfast."

As the unknown hero who secretly keeps the entire Hogwarts in order, house elves have spare keys to various doors in the castle in order to help open the door when a professor accidentally forgets to bring the key.

Just like students cannot cast spells at will in the corridor, in school, even professors must follow certain rules when casting spells. Otherwise, it is likely to bring chaos to the school's order and affect the implementation of school rules.

"Okay, Master, please wait a moment."

After saying that, Lim disapparated and left to look for the key.

"Sister Huang Quan, this one is delicious! And that one is also delicious! Oh my god, the food here is so delicious! I don't even want to leave!"

"If it's delicious, eat more. Don't be in a hurry. There will be more after you finish. Also, if you don't want to leave, just stay."

"Can you really stay? No, no, there are still things at home..."

Pushing open the door to the staff lounge, what entered Professor McGonagall's mind along with the above conversation was the enticing aroma of food.

‘Gu~! ’

The empty stomach let out a cry of joy, making Professor McGonagall's cheeks turn red instantly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm angry.

I thought that she was an old man in her seventies and eighty, who didn't even take a sip of water early in the morning, and then ran around hungrily for the safety of Hogwarts. She was almost slapped in the face by a branch of the damn Whomping Willow, and even more so. I accidentally fell down in the slippery secret passage, and my robe was covered with mud and water stains.

As a result, while a respectable old lady like her was hungry and busy, a group of young people in their prime gathered in a clean and tidy lounge to enjoy delicious food?

This is really a breakdown of etiquette and moral decay!

"Uh... Professor McGonagall, no, this is ahem!"

In a hurry, Hermione accidentally choked.

"Okay! No need to say anything! Hurry up and pack all this food for me!"

Seeing Hermione's anxious look, Professor McGonagall was either angry or not. She couldn't deny the children food just because she was still hungry, right?

"Okay, okay."

With that said, Hermione was about to take out her wand.


Bell stopped Hermione again.

With a shy smile on his face, Bell picked up an unused dinner plate, picked some from the food on the table, and controlled the plate to fly in front of Professor McGonagall.

"Let's eat something first, professor. That secret passage has been there for more than ten years, and it's only a few minutes away."

Skipping breakfast for the elderly can be very harmful and can easily lead to stroke or heart failure and other diseases.

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