The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 860 It’s the details that reveal your heart

"You kid..."

Professor McGonagall glanced at the plate in front of her.

"How do you know what I like to eat?"

Yes, just by looking at it, Professor McGonagall unexpectedly discovered that the food Bell had just put on the plate was exactly in line with her preferences.

Faced with Professor McGonagall's question, Bell just shrugged and smiled without saying a word.

Could he say that he had already investigated all of Professor McGonagall's preferences in case he completely pissed off Professor McGonagall one day and the other party insisted on firing him?

Ten minutes later, Professor McGonagall finished the food on the plate. It was then that the old professor was horrified to discover that not only the type of food, but also the quantity was just right in line with his appetite.

‘This kid, is he trying to show off his power to me? ’

Professor McGonagall thought silently.

At this time, the door opened, and two other deans were urgently notified by Professor McGonagall, as well as a certain bastard who even though he had become the principal, still refused to give up his position (Professor McGonagall's perspective) , finally rushed over urgently.

"what's going on?"

As soon as he entered the common room, Snape let out his unique dark voice.

Of course, that was the question, but when he saw Bell who was also sitting in the lounge the next second, he was already sure that this kid must have caused trouble again.

I have to say that Snape really admired Bell. Growing up, he could be said to have seen all kinds of students at Hogwarts. There are bastards like James Potter and Sirius Black, there are stupid people like Ron and Neville, and there are also good people like himself, but like Bell, sometimes he is a jerk like Potter, and sometimes he is stupid like Neville. , sometimes as good as him, this is really the first time I’ve seen him.

Based on his understanding of Bell's "never making small things happen", Snape felt that he would probably have to work overtime again today.

"Hmph! Mr. Menethil discovered a secret passage that can directly enter Hogwarts from the outside world, and brought unrelated people from outside the school into the school."

Professor McGonagall glanced at Snape unhappily and said matter-of-factly.

"That's it...ahem, I mean, this is quite serious."

Seeing Professor McGonagall's dead face, Snape thought someone was really dead. In the end, it took me a long time to do it, and it was just a trivial matter. It seems that Bell's condition is not very good recently. It may be because he consumes too much from playing Quidditch.

"Professor McGonagall, I want to correct one thing. Miss Kagura Tsuchimiya cannot be regarded as an unrelated person. In fact, her sister is currently considering letting her transfer to Hogwarts, so you can understand that she is here for an on-site visit. Learn from experience.”

Bell corrected.

"you shut up!"


"Professor McGonagall, please listen to me, this matter is complicated."

After telling Bell to shut up, Hermione tried to explain the complicated reasons for this matter to Professor McGonagall herself.

"Put this matter aside for now. What I want to know more now is, when did you discover that secret passage, and what have you done with it."

Professor McGonagall reached out to stop Hermione's explanation and asked about another thing that she was more concerned about.

"It was about a month ago..."

"About 3 years ago."



Hermione looked at Bell with dead eyes. She had never heard that Bell had discovered the secret passage three years ago.

"Huh? Didn't I say that? I asked Sirius Black about three years ago."

Bell revealed his 'crime' with an innocent look.


Silence, wherever Bell is, it is always easy to fall into deathly silence.

I don’t know how long it took until...

"Black!? You mean Sirius Black!? Where is he! You must know where that bastard is, right! I asked you why there is no news about that bastard for so many years. It turns out that you hid him! "

The roar almost overturned the roof of the lounge. Snape's eyes instantly turned red as if they were about to bleed. Panting heavily, he came to Bell in three steps at a time and grabbed Bell's hand. Collar, as if Bell didn't explain immediately, he would pull Bell to self-destruct.

"Uh, professor, calm down, you have to calm down. This matter is a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short!"

Snape's saliva sprayed all over Bell's face. He is not in the mood to listen to those stinky and long nonsense now. No matter what he says, compress it into less than 10 words!

"The person who killed Lily Evans was Peter Pettigrew."

In order to avoid accidentally blowing up Snape's big firecracker, Bell also very thoughtfully restored Harry's mother's surname to its original "Evans".

"How, how could...could..."

The shocking fact made Snape ignore that Bell's words were more than 10 words long. Hearing Lily's name from other people for the first time in a long time made Snape temporarily absent-minded.

"Impossible! It was because Peter Pettigrew learned that Black had leaked the location of the Potters to Voldemort that he became mad with grief and anger, so he pursued Black alone, and was unfortunately killed in the end!

Bell, I know that you have a mature character and a wealth of magical knowledge, but the wealth of knowledge sometimes confuses our eyes. You were tricked by Blake! Tell us, where is Blake now? "

While Snape was in a state of confusion, Professor McGonagall seized the opportunity to regain the right to speak.

It's just that the old professor obviously doesn't have Bell's thoughtfulness and attentiveness.

How could you say anything about 'Mr. and Mrs. Potter' in front of Snape?

"The truth is exactly the opposite, Professor, it was Black who went after Peter. And Peter didn't die that year. Peter, who faked his death and escaped, exposed himself three years ago, so Black escaped from Azkaban and ran all the way to Ho... Here comes Gwartz.

In addition, Professor Snape, you know me. This information has been repeatedly verified and confirmed on Black through potions and spells. Speaking of which, it seems that you sold that bottle of truth serum to my father. "

In order to collect various precious potion materials, Snape often sold the potions he made privately, and occasionally when he had 'drunk too much', he would sell some products that were not suitable for the table.

"You said Peter is not dead? Then where is he now!"

Snape did know Bell, and he knew that this brat was not that easy to trick, otherwise he would have given him the potion long ago.

So rationally, he already believed the other party's words and believed that Peter Pettigrew was the culprit who killed his beloved.

However, emotionally, he... wants them all!

‘No one of those two bastards can escape! ’

Of course, it would be even better if Remus Lupin could be added to the mix. Just in time for those four bastards to reunite in hell!

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