The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 861 Job Hunting Anxiety

"Uh, professor, I mean, Peter was not dead back then, but now, he is actually dead."

By the way, Bell only found out later from Sirius Black that Scabbers, Ron's mouse, that he had killed, was actually Peter Pettigrew.

Peter, who is indeed evil, actually caused him to become a murderer without knowing it. How cunning!

"Damn Blake!"

Snape was furious. He didn't want to let go of any of the culprits who caused Lily's death. Including Voldemort, including Peter, and of course Potter and Black.

"Where is Blake now? You must know where he is, right!"

There was only one last target left to vent his anger on, and Snape must seize this last opportunity.

"As for Blake, I remember hearing that he was in Poland before. I don't know if he is still there now."

Speaking of which, Blake has had a tendency to let himself go in recent years. I don't know if Bell deceived him too much, causing Black to believe that Bell could protect Harry. He no longer worried about Harry's safety, and spent all his time traveling around the world. His life was so comfortable that Bell was even a little envious.


After glaring at Bell, Snape turned and walked out.

He no longer planned to tangle with Bell, a cunning kid. He decided to go back and contact William. No matter what the cost, he must know Blake's specific location.

What? You ask him, why is he still looking for trouble when he already knows that Blake was not the culprit who killed Lily?

Just kidding, does he need a reason to trouble Blake?


It wasn't until Snape slammed the door and left that the other people in the lounge were shocked back to their senses by the deafening sound of the door closing.

For a moment, Professor McGonagall looked at Bell, not knowing what to say.

Are you blaming the other party for concealing the location of the secret passage and not reporting it? Or is Blake not reporting his affair?

She had suspected that Black had sneaked into Hogwarts through an unknown secret passage, but until Black was defeated and captured by Harry, and then until Black was rescued and disappeared by a werewolf, she could not find the secret. Where the Tao is, it ends in nothing.

"Ahem, Professor, if there is nothing else, we will leave first. I have to go to Quidditch training in the morning to prepare for the next game."

As he spoke, Bell secretly winked at Professor Flitwick, hoping that the other person would stand up and say a few words for him.

However, Professor Flitwick was indifferent...

"Don't leave!"

Are you kidding, you made such a big mistake and you still want to run away?

There is no way!

If it weren't for the fact that Ravenclaw's next Quidditch opponent was Slytherin, Professor McGonagall would have wanted to ban Bell as a punishment.

So why didn’t this happen earlier?

Finally, after a morning-long lecture, Bell was severely punished by Professor McGonagall.

Yes, only Bell was punished. As for the others, only Kagura was ordered to leave Hogwarts immediately as punishment?

All in all, it’s very gratifying…what a ghost!

‘Why do you want me to seal the secret passage? I'm still just a student! ’

Bell issued a serious protest against Professor McGonagall's behavior of dumping the burden.

Of course in my heart...

In addition to sealing the secret passage, until graduation, Bell will also be responsible for helping to process potion materials, taking care of the herbs in the flower garden, taking care of the excrement of magical animals, patrolling the Forbidden Forest... and so on.

He is just a wage earner who is being squeezed to death by evil capitalists, and the most important thing is that he has not been paid.

"Ha~! I'm so exhausted."

Bell fell down on the sofa with a 'pop', and then expertly rested his head on Hermione's lap.

After finally escaping from Professor McGonagall's preaching, he first helped Kagura arrange a temporary residence in Hogsmeade Village, found a house elf to take care of her, and then ran to seal the secret passage, spending a lot of time It took a lot of effort to calm down the brainless Whomping Willow.

He had been busy until now, and it was already past 8 pm. He didn't even bother to eat dinner, so he finally passed Professor McGonagall's review and was able to return to rest.

"Hmph! You deserve it! Let's see if you dare to do anything wrong next time!"

Hermione poked Bell's head hard twice and said angrily.

When she learned that Bell was actually related to the evil wanted criminal Blake, she was terrified. Even if it was learned from Bell that Blake was actually wronged and that someone else was the culprit, the inherent impression over the years could not be changed so easily.

To be honest, she really thought Bell would be expelled from Hogwarts. When she thought that there were only less than 2 months left to graduate, but Bell was expelled at this moment, Hermione almost wanted to kneel down and beg Professor McGonagall for extra mercy.

Fortunately, things did not develop in the worst direction in the end, but Hermione had also decided that in the last period of time, she must keep an eye on Bell and never let him cause trouble again.

You should hide whatever you provoked in the past, at least wait until you graduate before exposing it!

"I don't dare, I really don't dare."

Bell held his head in his hands and begged for mercy.

In fact, when it comes to this matter, Bell feels that he is very wronged.

So it was obviously the secret tunnel that Lao Deng dug back then, and it was Blake who Lao Deng deliberately let go. He was just a poor guy who "accidentally" got into it, so why did the blame fall entirely on his head.

It's really... well, death is the most important thing. For the sake of the [Elder Wand], Bell decided not to argue with the great Professor Dumbledore.

"That's pretty much it."

Hermione took Bell's hand away, placed Bell's head at a good angle, and gently massaged his temples.

"Speaking of Bell, we are about to graduate. What kind of job do you think I should do after graduation?"

When she first entered Hogwarts and learned about the general situation in the wizarding world, Hermione originally planned to work in the Ministry of Magic after graduation. After all, everyone says that only the best wizards can work in the Ministry of Magic.

But later, after dating and getting along with Bell for a long time, and under the influence of Bell, she gradually no longer liked the kind of job where she clocked in at work every day and immersed herself in a pile of trivial matters that she could never finish.

So what exactly do you do after graduation? Thinking about it carefully, it seems that apart from studying, I don’t have any special skills?

Hermione, who was confused, decided to think slowly, since she still had a lot of time anyway.

As a result, before she knew it, a lot of time was left, less than 2 months, but she still couldn't get the answer. This made her inevitably anxious.

"Just do whatever you want to do. If you don't know what you want to do, then go and experience it. If you still don't know what you want to do at the end of the experience, then come and join me."

Reaching out to play with Hermione's hair, Bell felt the emotional fluctuations emanating from Hermione, but there was no good way to do it.

He could understand Hermione's feelings. When people take a new step, they are always full of anxiety and panic about the future and the unknown. He once went through the same stage.

And this hurdle is what a person must go through to mature. Only by walking over it in person can you see the world that belongs to you.

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