The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 862 Finally won the Academy Cup

The final exam ended without incident. For the seventh-grade students who had just experienced the torture of N.E.W.T.s exams, the graduation exam was not too easy and could be passed easily.

Of course, there are exceptions for very few people who need to repeat a grade.

Fortunately, Bell did not belong to the group who would repeat a grade. Rather, even if he cried and shouted that he wanted to repeat a grade, the professors led by Snape and Professor McGonagall would definitely kick him out of Hogwarts. of.

Don't ask him why he knows, he just knows.

After the exam, there is a customary rest period of nearly a week. For students in grades 1 to 6, the free time between the end of the exam and before the results are released can be said to be the most relaxing and enjoyable time in their lives. For the seventh-grade students who are about to graduate, this week is a time for them to say goodbye to their classmates and professors.

The joy of freedom and the sadness of separation coexist in perfect harmony in Hogwarts, intertwined and blended with each other.

At this time in previous years, Professor Flitwick would say goodbye to his students one by one. The sentimental old professor even had to change his robes several times a day.

But this year, Professor Flitwick did not say a final farewell to the students who were about to leave the school. It's not because he doesn't like this class of students and doesn't want to say goodbye to everyone, but because he has a more important mission at this time.

From morning to night, Professor Flitwick followed Snape without a moment's slack, always observing Snape's eyes and analyzing whether there was any poison brewing in his stomach. If Professor McGonagall couldn't stand it any longer and took some of the pressure off for Professor Flitwick, Professor Flitwick might not have been able to complete the grading work before the time limit.

Finally, just when Snape's patience was about to reach its limit and he was considering poisoning Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall, the time finally came on the night of the last day.

At the year-end dinner, the little wizards who had arrived early to wait in the auditorium hall were suddenly attracted by a loud noise. Everyone turned to look and saw Snape walking into the auditorium with a gloomy look on his face. In the auditorium that suddenly fell silent, the sound of the opponent stepping hard on the ground was so obvious.

Behind Snape, Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall also walked in. Two old professors followed Snape, one on the left and one on the right, as if they were bodyguards. Of course, there was no problem in being escorted.

Seeing this scene, the little wizards immediately started whispering. Except for the Slytherin snake, most of them had gloating smiles on their faces. Among them, the faces of the Ravenclaws were even more nervous and excited, and their little faces turned red.

Soon, the time is up.

"Professor Snape, the time has come. It's time for you to conduct the year-end summary. After announcing the winners of the Academy Cup, the children still have to eat."

Professor McGonagall looked at the time, then at Snape, who was sitting motionless in his chair with a gloomy face, and reminded him expressionlessly.

"Yes, Professor Snape, hurry up and announce the winner of the Academy Cup."

Professor Flitwick urged impatiently.

He has been waiting for this day for 7 days... No! I have been waiting for more than 10 years! The Academy Cup has almost become his inner demon!


After glancing around the auditorium, he found that everyone was looking at him. Even though he was reluctant, Snape could only stand up.

It can be said responsibly that since becoming the principal, this is the first time that Snape has resisted giving a speech in front of the entire school. If he could, he would have driven everyone home right away, especially one super annoying guy.

'Damn Bell! ’

"Shut up! For some well-known reason, this year's Quidditch Cup finally fell into the hands of Ravenclaw House.

I want to say here that even if some people finally win the Quidditch Cup through unfair means and blatant cheating, such a trophy has no soul! "

As he said that, Snape glared hard at a little girl sitting at the Slytherin table.

If there was anyone whom Snape was most dissatisfied with right now, it was neither Professor McGonagall, nor Professor Flitwick, nor even that damn brat Bell, but Zannah from his own college.

After all, 'traitors' are the most hated.

Before, he gave thousands of warnings and advices, expressing them with emotion, acting with reason, and promising benefits, but in the end, they were of no use...

In the last game between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, Zannah adopted a blatantly biased commentary policy as always, helping Ravenclaw build momentum and warning from the beginning to the end.

And the most irritating thing is that that old guy Mag has no professionalism at all. He didn't do anything to stop Shanna's behavior from the beginning to the end. Instead, he added fuel to the fire and added insult to injury. He was so angry that he wanted to cast an explosive spell directly. Blow up the commentary room.

Snape felt that Zannah must have drugged his food, or used the Imperius Curse on him. Otherwise, how could he have agreed to let him be the narrator! ?

By now, it's too late to say anything. Unless he was willing to give up the large amount of magical materials sold to him by the Menethil family at cost price, it would be impossible for him to add dozens of magical materials to Slytherin House with his eyes closed at the last moment before the dinner like Dumbledore did. Hundreds.

"So you can see the final academy points for yourselves. Don't tell me that you are so old and can't count. Just shut up and eat honestly!"

After saying that, Snape sat back on the chair, knocked on the table angrily, and informed the house elves to serve the food quickly.


Seeing Snape first slandering and then perfunctory, no matter how good-tempered Professor Flitwick was, he couldn't help but jump out at this moment.

With an agility that did not look old at all, the old professor used his gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, biceps femoris, hamstrings... and many other muscle groups to work together, and suddenly he jumped onto the dining table, successfully attracting got everyone's attention.

"Ahem, it seems that our principal is not in a good state today, so let me say a few words on his behalf."


Snape glared at Flitwick who stepped on his cutlery, but Professor Flitwick ignored him.

"This year, Ravenclaw House successfully won the Hogwarts House Cup with an absolute advantage in house points! Let us give warm applause to Ravenclaw House!"

After saying that, Professor Flitwick clapped vigorously, and within a few moments, the old professor's palms became as red as his face.

Then, in less than two seconds, fierce cheers rang out from the Ravenclaw table, instantly filling the entire auditorium.

The eaglets, who were usually calm and composed, rarely put aside their reserve and broke out into a frenzy that was even higher than that of Gryffindor's little lions, roaring hysterically.

Especially the 7th graders felt very comfortable to be able to win a House Cup just before graduation and feel proud in front of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

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