The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 864 Learn about the elixir of life

Bell, who had thousands of words stuck in his heart and didn't know how to express it, finally decided to respond to his father with practical actions.

Bell took out a light red gem from his arms, placed it on the table, pushed it in front of his father, then waved his hand, and planned to stand up and return to his bedroom.

"Wait! What do you mean?"

William hurriedly stopped Bell who was about to leave. He didn't know what the other party meant by planning to leave without saying a word.

"Also, you actually have a magic stone hidden in your body? Or is it the complete version? Do you know how big the gap is in the magic stone now, and you still dare to hide it privately!"

With the ice core produced on [Dark Star], the current inferior version of the magic stone-level magic core is indeed enough, but the complete version of the magic core is still in short supply. After all, there are too few ice elements that can grow to this level.

And unlike the non-attribute magic power in the magic stone, the magic power in the ice core has its own ice properties, so its versatility is still slightly inferior.

"How can I keep it privately? I just made this magic stone a few days ago. I originally wanted to keep it for myself, but now I give it to you."

Although after forging [Frostmourne], Bell himself has no shortage of magic power, and it can even be said that he can spend it as much as he wants. But when making some powerful magic props, you still need to use an independent magic source.

That's right, Bell, who had been resting for several months, began to feel restless again and planned to make some fun 'gadgets'.

"Hmph! That's pretty much it."

William picked up the magic stone in front of him and played with it in his hands with a look of joy on his face.

It is embarrassing to say that he, the head of the Menethil family, has only touched the real magic stone once so far, and it was taken away after only a few minutes.

Now he finally encountered the second one. This time, he said he would have to play with it for a few more days until he was satisfied.

"Then this matter is settled. Next Monday morning, come with me to the company headquarters. I will first assign you the position of supervisor and let you go on a tour below to understand the basic situation."

After saying that, William planned to get up and return to his bedroom to play with the magic stone in his hand.


However, this time, it was Bell who stopped his father from leaving.

"How come it's settled? Didn't I give everything to you? I shouldn't have anything to do with it."

"What's the meaning?"

William looked at Bell in confusion.

"The magic stone. You can use this magic stone to make the elixir of immortality, and then you can always be in charge of our family's industry. Not to mention just 40 years old, even 400 years old is nothing!"

Once again, Bell was moved by himself. These days, who else is thinking about his father like him?


William looked at the magic stone in his hand, then at Bell, then at the magic stone in his hand, and then at Bell.

"No, no way——! I don't want to work for another 400 years. I've done enough. I want to retire!"

‘I’ll throw it! ’

The Sorcerer's Stone, which he couldn't put down just now, was like a hot potato at the moment, and William returned it to Bell without hesitation.

As the Menethil family's business grew larger, the number of things they had to deal with every day naturally increased. Gradually, William began to feel powerless.

Especially recently, his sleeping time has been shortened repeatedly. Every time he takes a shower, a lot of hair falls out. In order to keep his handsome blond hair, he has recently reduced the frequency of bathing a lot, and for this he has been disliked by his wife.

After a long time, I was looking forward to the stars and the moon, but I finally looked forward to Bell graduating, thinking that I could throw the burden on my shoulders to Bell. Who would have thought that Bell, a bastard, gave him a magic stone and planned to let him work for another 400 years.

Is that 400 years?

That’s countless years!

And tons of hair…

Based on William's understanding of Bell, if he took away the magic stone today, Bell would dare to let him do it until he died.

God knows how many years it will be, but Nico Flamel has lived for 600 years, and he was still alive and kicking when we met him some time ago.

When he thought about the countless years in the future, he would be busy with endless work every day, stay up late every day to review documents and make instructions, and the day of retirement would be delayed again and again, and it was far away. William felt that there was only darkness in front of him, and he couldn't wait to do so. He immediately crashed to death in front of Bell.

"I don't care! You are the heir of the family, and this family will be yours sooner or later. You must take responsibility for me!"

Since the emotional route doesn't work, William can only take the righteous route and use his power to suppress others.

"Uh... how about, Zanna, you become the head of the family?"

Seeing that his father had entered an 'unreasonable' state, Bell, who really didn't like the boring work and lifestyle, decided to abdicate and leave the future of the family in the hands of his talented sister.

"don't want!"

Shanna turned her head away with a look of disgust, not wanting to pay attention to her bad brother and father for the time being.


Bell awkwardly looked at the back of his sister's head, and then at his father's aggressive gaze, and couldn't help but feel a headache. He couldn't force Shanna like his father forced him, so if he wanted to solve this matter, he had to solve his father in the end.

"Dad, to be honest, you should stop expanding. There are only a few people in our family. If we continue to expand, it will easily cause trouble. And there is no point in it.

In some less important areas, wouldn't it be okay to give more to our partners, or even to wizards from other camps? "

If it weren't for the magical power of magic, the binding force of wizards' contracts on wizards would be much stronger than the contracts made by Muggles relying on the law. With the current size of the Menethil family, the following industries would have been long ago It's time for the phenomenon of being obedient and violating.

In addition, because the Menethil family has gained huge profits, many wizards are on the opposite side of the Menethil family, and from time to time, they will cause them some trouble overtly or covertly, even now The special operations team has expanded to 500 people, but it can still barely support it.

Giving some benefits to others can not only resolve the hostility of others, but also streamline the Menethil family's industrial structure and free up more energy to focus on more important things. One harm.

"Well... indeed, I will start making arrangements later."

In fact, William has been thinking about this matter recently.

As the patriarch in charge of the overall situation, it is of course impossible for him not to notice some bad signs in the family. However, with the benefits within reach right in front of him, he felt very reluctant to give them up to others in vain. Bell's words today were the last straw that broke the camel's back and helped him completely make up his mind.

Only when you are willing to give up can you gain something.

"But you still have to take over the family affairs!"

Things should be settled one by one, and it is absolutely impossible for him to 'dedicate himself to death'!

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