The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 865 The real protagonist makes his debut

"Hello? Bell, where did you go again? Come back quickly!"

Hermione looked anxiously at the image of Bell displayed on the screen in front of her. She was really tired of having a boyfriend who wouldn't know where to run if he didn't even notice him.

"Right away."

Before he finished speaking, Bell's figure was slightly distorted, and then he appeared behind Hermione.

After returning to the room, Bell did not greet Hermione immediately, but quickly walked to the bed, bent down and picked up a soft little guy.

"Be good, Al, be good, don't cry, don't cry."

Bell gently patted the back of the baby in his arms and walked around the room. Soon, the crying sounds coming from his arms became weaker and weaker.


When the little baby heard a familiar voice, he opened his eyes and saw his most familiar figure. The little excitement he felt just now disappeared immediately.


Two soft little hands grasped Bell's cheeks, and a bright smile bloomed on the baby's face.

"Huh! What a little white-eyed wolf. I usually take care of him more, but he still gets closer to you. I just coaxed him for a long time to no avail, but now he stops crying as soon as you come. It’s so infuriating.”

Hermione stared at the large and small children in front of her angrily. These two guys are indeed close, but they are both equally annoying.

Of course, even though she said this, seeing the baby finally stop crying and showing a smile, the corners of Hermione's mouth couldn't stop rising, and the distressed look in her eyebrows slowly dissipated.

"Hahaha! Then you must be closer to me, right, little Al?"



Little Al answered in the affirmative, which made Bell laugh even louder.

In order to prevent anyone from misunderstanding, here is a brief introduction.

First of all, little Al is a boy, a real little man. So if I cried or something just now, it was all accidental.

Secondly, little Al is not Bell and Hermione's child.

Although Bell really wants a child, they are not married yet, so they can only talk about it slowly.

In fact, after graduation, Bell planned to marry Hermione, and Hermione had agreed before. However, due to work issues, after consultation, the two finally postponed the wedding.

Hermione, who has just graduated, is in a period of confusion. She hopes to wait until she finds the job she really wants to do and is completely stable before starting a family with Bell and raising children.

At this point, the answer is actually very clear. That's right, little Al is Bell's brother.

Little Al, full name: Arthas Menethil, was born after the banquet celebrating Bell's graduation two years ago. Because William and Bell were arguing over the heir to the Menethil family, neither of them could convince the other. , finally worked together and came up with a compromise: 'regenerate' the product.

Of course, as we all know, the fertility rate of wizards is very low. It is simple to say "regenerate one", but in fact it is not an easy thing to achieve. This method is more of a mutual compromise in a situation of disagreement.

William agreed to give Bell a few more years of freedom, and Bell also acquiesced that if the Menethil family could not have a third child, then he would take over the burden of being the head of the family.

I don’t know if it’s because Bell has done too many good things over the years, or because the Menethil family is enthusiastic about charity? Anyway, thanks to Merlin's blessing, Bell's mother actually got pregnant the second year after Bell graduated, and successfully gave birth to a healthy younger brother for Bell.

By the way, Little Al was named after Bell. At that time, the family gathered together to discuss the name of the baby. In the end, the name Alsace proposed by Bell prevailed over the others and won unanimous approval from everyone.

It's just that every time William hears this name, he always feels a chill down his spine. However, the name did sound nice, and it also had an air of a king inexplicably, so William finally agreed with the name.

Bell: (ω)

"By the way, did Little Al wake up a little early today?"

Normally, little Al would sleep until 3 o'clock in the afternoon before waking up after lunch. Bell will also take advantage of this time to deal with some of his own matters.

"I don't know. He suddenly woke up and started crying. It shocked me."

Hermione shrugged, indicating that she didn't know what was going on.

"Little Al, what's going on? Why did you wake up so early today?"

So Bell decided to ask him directly.

"Ah~~Ahhh, ahhh~!"

Little Al said dancing happily.

"I see, you were dreaming about your mother. No problem, my brother will help you find your mother right away."

Bell nodded, indicating that everything was taken care of by him.

"No, can you actually understand what little Al is saying!?"

Hermione was shocked, so how did Bell hear such complicated meanings from those 'ah's' and 'ahs'?

"Of course...I don't understand."

Just kidding, little Al is still less than 1 year old. It is unclear whether a baby of this age can form organized thinking, and how can he understand what the other person is humming.

It was nothing more than finding a reason to call his mother back. After all, it's okay to ask Hermione to watch for a while now and then. Just treat it as a practice for the future, but you can't always let Hermione take care of it, right?

In the past two years, because the Menethil family has been splitting up and reorganizing the family industry, many things require personal supervision by their parents, so the two of them have been busy, and Bell can understand.

But no matter how important work is, why is it important to have our cute little Al!

It's not that Bell doesn't want to take care of his little brother, but the problem is that no matter how willing he is, he can't produce breast milk. Children should still drink breast milk when they grow up in order to develop well. How can they drink milk powder like he did when he was a child?

And the most important thing is, because of Shanna's experience, in order to ensure his future retirement life, William is reluctant to leave little Al to Bell's education.

After returning home every day, William would hold little Al and carefully check it from beginning to end several times, just like checking the galleons in the vault. Even so, the look in William's eyes when he looked at Bell recently became more and more wary.

It can be said that Bell is having a thankless job now. He is disliked by others every day. Only his brother's innocent and cute smile can soothe his inner trauma.

He did what he thought of. He held his brother in one hand, took out his personal terminal with the other hand, and skillfully dialed his mother's magic number.

"Bell? What's wrong? Is your brother hungry again?"

Elena said without raising her head while reviewing the documents in her hand.

In recent months, Bell often sent her messages asking her to go back to breastfeed. For this reason, she felt that she had become much more proficient in the disembodiment spell.

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