The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 868 It turns out that ‘weak chicken’ is used to praise people

What Bell didn't know was that after he graduated, without his restraint and suppression, Zannah's name quickly rose in Hogwarts at a speed beyond everyone's imagination.

Just last night at the year-end banquet, many people couldn't help but shed tears when they thought that Zannah would leave Hogwarts forever today and that they might never see each other again in this life.

Tears of joy.

Among them, the professors were especially excited. The old professors shed tears of joy at the thought of no longer having to worry about Hogwarts suddenly being bombed one night in their sleep.

I can finally have a good night’s sleep again!

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Just as Bell thought back then, because Shanna invited many friends and classmates to the banquet, soon after the banquet started, she got rid of her mother's clutches on the pretext of entertaining friends and was able to freely travel throughout the party. Running around in the banquet hall.

Of course, there is also the reason why mother Elena wants to focus most of her energy on taking care of little Al.

"I'm talking to your sister Huang Quan about her work."

Bell moved and made room for Zannah to sit next to him.

"Sister Huang Quan's job? Oh, is it the matter that Sister Huang Quan plans to resign as a professor at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, you know too?"

"Well, I heard Sister Huang Quan say it once when we were chatting. What's wrong? Is it because Professor Snape refuses to let Sister Huang Quan go?"

Shanna looked at Huang Quan, who was sitting opposite. She felt that this kind of thing shouldn't happen. When did Professor Snape have the courage? Aren't you afraid of being split in half by Sister Huangquan's knife?

"No, Professor Snape has agreed to my resignation application. It is your brother who hopes that I can continue to be a professor."

Huang Quan explained.


Shanna turned to look at her brother in confusion.

It's just a professor position. If you don't want to do it, just leave it. It's not a big deal. And even if Sister Huangquan resigns, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts will still be theirs, and it will still be easy to know the news inside Hogwarts.

"Isn't it true that Little Wolf and Little Bell are still at Hogwarts? I'm a little worried about them."

Bell looked at the two little guys who were looking for food not far away.

Little Bell has also officially enrolled in Hogwarts to study last year. She will be promoted to the second grade when school starts after the summer vacation, while Little Wolf is about to enter the fifth grade. Both would be at Hogwarts for several more years. When he thought about the special nature of the two of them and no one to take care of these two little guys, Bell was really worried.

"Don't worry, brother. Little Wolf is already very powerful now. Not only has his physical fighting ability become stronger, but he has also mastered a lot of magic spells. In the past two years, Xiao Lingdang's control over magic power has become stronger and stronger. It has surpassed Xiaolang by a lot, and the Obscurus in her body is completely under control, so there will be no problems."

Compared to Bell, Shanna was much more relieved about the two of them. In her opinion, the two little guys together are worthy even if they are against the professor. It would be good if they don't bully other people. There is no way they will be bullied.

"But...Oh~ forget it, since you all said so, let's do it. Speaking of which, how are Little Wolf and Gabrielle? Didn't you invite little Gabrielle today?"

Even though the worry in his heart has not been eliminated, it does not prevent Bell from gossiping. Speaking of which, during this period of time, he was busy with his own affairs and being a trainee dad. It seemed that he had not gossiped for a long time.

As soon as Bell mentioned this topic, several people around him immediately became energetic, which fully demonstrated that there is no one who does not gossip.

"Brother, let me tell you, Little Wolf confessed to little Gabrielle before!"

Shanna lowered her voice and said excitedly.

"Really!? It's okay, boy. What's the result? Are the two of you together now?"

"No, little Gabrielle said she wanted to think about it, but until now, she hasn't given a clear answer. Today is the same. I originally invited Gabrielle, but she said she wanted to attend a party at home. , refused. Brother, what do you think Gabrielle thinks? Does she not like Little Wolf? "

As the eldest sister of the two, Zannah still hopes to see Xiaolang and Gabri get together. In that case, even if Gabrielle's sister fails to marry her brother, they can barely be considered relatives, right?

"Then how do I know? But since Gabrielle didn't refuse directly, she should still have some feelings for Xiaolang, right?"

A woman's heart, a needle in the sea, even Shanna, a girl, didn't know what little Gabriel was thinking, and it was even more impossible for him, a man who hadn't been in contact with her for a long time, to understand.

"Actually, I don't think Gabrielle hates Little Wolf, but if she likes him, it seems a bit uninteresting."

After all, my little wolf grew up in a pack of wolves, and its living habits and behavior are very different from ordinary people. It is normal for some people to not accept it.

To be honest, as an outsider, Shanna didn't think much about Xiaolang and Gabri being able to get together. On the contrary, Miss Luna might be more compatible with Xiaolang in terms of personality?

"Let him make the decision regarding Little Wolf. Don't mess around."

Seeing his sister's eyes moving wildly, Bell knew that the other party was planning something again.

The so-called good intentions of outsiders are often not accepted by oneself. Bell does not want his sister to do bad things with good intentions.

"Oh, got it."

Shanna obediently gave up her plan to do anything random.

"Let's not talk about Xiaolang, let's talk about you. Shanna, you are 17 years old now. How are you? Do you have a man you like?"

When he said this, Bell didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment. He didn't know what kind of answer he expected to hear from Shanna, let alone what he would do if Shanna really found someone she liked.


Shanna shook her head without hesitation.

"Isn't there anyone? Not even anyone who is slightly fond of or interested in you?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bell always feels like there's uncontrollable joy coming out of his heart?

"not a single one."

Shanna shook her head again, then sighed and said helplessly:

"Brother, you don't know that all the boys in the school are too weak. Their strength is not even as good as our chickens. I don't want to call them weak chickens anymore."

When talking about this matter, Shanna was very disappointed.

Ever since she first entered school, she had often seen her brother and Hermione showing off their affection together. At that time, she was very hostile to Hermione because of this.

Later, as she grew older, she gradually realized that it was not Hermione who wanted to steal her brother, but everyone would face such a day sooner or later.

With her brother as a role model and the fact that she often saw people in couples in school, Shanna had of course imagined many times what her future partner would be like.

She had imagined many images, but among them there was definitely no guy who couldn't beat a chicken!

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