The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 869 Bell’s major discovery

Bell was quite helpless when it came to his sister's troubles.

He had no choice but to let his sister tell the truth. He had no way to refute it.

The scientific name of Bell’s chicken is ‘Golden Feather Phoenix’, but of course Bell prefers to call it ‘Long-tailed Turkey’. It was Bell who asked Mr. Tuscamander to crossbreed phoenixes with other types of magical animals on the grounds of "solving the problem of too small a population of phoenixes", and finally gave birth to a brand new species.

This kind of golden feather phoenix inherits the ability of the phoenix to breathe fire and move in space, but these two abilities are weakened versions. Similarly, Golden Feather Phoenix also inherited the Phoenix's ability to be reborn from the ashes. Yes, it is also a weakened version.

No matter how seriously injured the Golden Feather Phoenix is, as long as it still has breath, after throwing it into the fire, the Golden Feather Phoenix can be reborn in the flames. But if he dies completely, he can only be burned into a roast chicken.

In addition, the Golden Feather Phoenix will not be reborn after its lifespan is exhausted, but will die normally. Correspondingly, the reproduction ability of the Golden Feather Phoenix is ​​far superior to that of the Phoenix.

Mr. Scamander was very sorry that the Golden Feather Phoenix could not fully inherit the Phoenix's ability to rise from the ashes. But Bell secretly enjoyed this for a long time.

Just kidding, Bell is not a fan of protecting magical animals. He originally asked Tuscamander to study phoenix hybrids because he actually wanted to have a taste of phoenix.

This kind of long-tailed turkey has strong survivability and reproduction ability. The most important thing is that the long-tailed turkey will not suddenly come back to life after being cooked. It is simply not perfect!

Moreover, the meat of the long-tailed turkey is very delicious and tastes great. The chicken is rich in magic power. Long-term consumption by the little wizard can effectively promote the development of the body and magic power. Even an adult wizard can slightly increase the amount of magic power if he regularly eats chicken from long-tailed turkeys.

However, although the status of long-tailed turkeys in the Bell family is equivalent to that of broiler chickens, they have inherited the bloodline from Phoenix after all, and they are not weak in terms of combat effectiveness.

It is by no means uncommon for a wizard to be unable to defeat such a turkey in a one-on-one fight, not to mention catching a handful of them. It is really difficult for students who have just graduated from Hogwarts to defeat the long-tailed turkey alone.

"Ahem, Shanna, how about we hold a competition to find a bride?"

Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth and pulling back his wandering thoughts, Bell rolled his eyes and thought of an excellent idea to solve the problem.

The 21st century is coming soon. As a wizard with advanced ideas, you must keep pace with the times and integrate with international standards. There is no need to keep your eyes on this little land in the UK.

Since the recent graduates of Hogwarts are quite exhausted and there is no one who can satisfy Zannah, then they can set their sights on the world and issue an open invitation to the whole world to hold a competition for Zannah. Recruiting a bride. Bell really didn't believe that he couldn't find a young man who was stronger than his chicken!

"A martial arts contest to recruit a bride? No more."

Shanna resisted this.

"Don't worry, Shanna, brother will definitely find many outstanding young people for you."

Bell mistakenly thought that Shanna was thin-skinned and was afraid that no one would come to participate after the news of the competition was released, and she would lose face.

Just kidding, my sister is so beautiful, strong, and has a gentle and cute personality (Bell's perspective). Once the news is released that she wants to find a good match, there will be a large number of suitable candidates, and everyone will rush over to her.

"No, brother, I don't want to have any competition to attract a bride."

What age are you in, and you still compete in martial arts to find a bride?

"And what if I don't like the guy who wins?"

"It's okay, brother will help you kill him when the time comes!"

If Shanna didn't like it, he didn't like it. He knew that the brothers and sisters didn't like them, but he still dared to get in front of them. This kind of ungrateful guy deserved to be killed!

"Then brother, help me kill them all."

"I didn't ask...uh..."

Bell was embarrassed.

He held the martial arts competition to choose a brother-in-law, not to eliminate the new generation of the magic world.

"Oh! Brother, I'm only 17 years old. Why are you so anxious? Do you really want to give your sister away as soon as possible?"

Shanna grabbed her brother's arm and shook it vigorously, saying angrily and funnyly.

"How is that possible! I will not give my sister away!

Aren't I worried about you? Time is a slippery thing. If you don't pay attention, it will disappear without a trace.

Let’s not talk about anyone else, but Gabriel’s sister Fleur. That guy is older than me. He has graduated so many years ago, and he is almost 30 at the moment. He seems to be single now.

So we can’t be lax and careless just because we think the time is still long. "

Bell persuaded earnestly.

The mother of the family is now fully focused on the newly born little Al, while the father is even more incompetent than him. I am afraid he wishes that Shanna would never get married, so as for Shanna's future happiness, he is the only one who can be the elder brother. Take the lead.

"Gabriel's sister is only in her early 20s, okay? She's almost 30."

Shanna rolled her eyes at her brother angrily.

She was sure that if Sister Gabrielle found out about her brother's rude remarks just now, she would rush directly to her house to fight for her brother.

"And even if you are still single when you reach 30, it doesn't matter. Look, there are many professors in Hogwarts who are still single after 30 or 40. For example, Professor Snape, He is about the same age as his father, and he is still single. And Professor McGonagall is almost 60 years old, and is still single."

With so many role models in front of her, Shanna is really not anxious at all about her life-long events.


Bell was stunned. It is said that he has never seen Hogwarts and the professors in Hogwarts from this perspective. Only when Shanna reminded him today did he realize this very serious problem.

If you think about it carefully, Dumbledore, the former headmaster of Hogwarts, was an old bachelor and a homosexual.

Snape, the current headmaster of Hogwarts, is also a bachelor, and he is also the ultimate bitch. It is foreseeable that he will be a bachelor until his death.

Professor McGonagall, the Head of Gryffindor, seemed to have been married in his early years, but her husband died in an accident not long after, and she has been single ever since.

Professor Flitwick, the Head of Ravenclaw, is an old bachelor who is almost crazy about wanting to go on a blind date all day long.

Professor Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff, I don’t know for sure, but I have never heard that the other party is married, so he must be single?

As for the other professors in Hogwarts, it seems that no one is married.

It can be said that in the entire Hogwarts, from the principal and headmaster to the gatekeepers and gamekeepers, there seems to be no one who is not single?

This is really scary to think about! Bell seemed to have suddenly discovered the reason why the number of wizards in the British wizarding world has not been increasing.

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