The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 870 So where is that place?

"Sanna, promise brother something!"

Bell grabbed his sister's shoulders, looked at her seriously and continued:

"You have graduated now. If nothing happens in the future, try not to get close to Hogwarts again."

That place seems to have bad feng shui.

"Okay, brother."

Although Shanna didn't understand why her brother would make such a request, she still believed in her brother unconditionally.

In fact, if Bell hadn't said this, Zannah would have actually planned to apply to teach at Hogwarts. After all, Hogwarts is full of talents, and there are a lot of treasures (food) hidden in it. Zannah likes it there very much.

‘Huh~! ’

After receiving Shanna's affirmative reply, Bell breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He once again made a great contribution to the prosperity of his family, and instantly felt that his mind and thoughts were clear.

Sure enough, his father always said that he was unwilling to contribute to the family, which was a complete slander!

However, the family inheritance problem has been solved, but the problem of my sister's future happiness is still unresolved. Thinking of this, the joy and pride that had just emerged in Bell's heart were instantly extinguished.

Compared to the development of his family, Bell is still more concerned about his sister's future.

"It's decided! I'm going to build a magic university!"

Bell stood up and announced his decision in public.

In fact, he has always had this idea in his mind, but considering the huge educational resources required to establish a magic university, Bell, who was accidentally attacked by 'Sloth', has never been able to make up his mind.

But today, taking his sister's relationship issues as an opportunity, Bell finally decided: 'Well, since those guys who are weaker than chickens can't get into the eyes of his sister, then he will personally train a bunch of guys who are stronger than chickens to win over his sister. pick! ’.

"Magic University?"

Hermione's eyes suddenly flashed with a dazzling light.

Hermione had long been used to her boyfriend's frequent whims. But only this time, the other party's sudden idea perfectly hit her point of interest.

University, oh~ what a wonderful word. Suddenly, Hermione seemed to see a holy light appearing in front of her, which instantly dispelled the fog in her eyes. She had never felt that her future was so clear.

"Yes! It's the Magic University!

Don’t you think that the educational years in the wizarding world are too short?

Moreover, even in seventh grade at Hogwarts, what is taught in class is just knowledge that was passed down hundreds of years ago, with no innovation at all.

So I want to build a magic university to bring together wizards who are interested in studying magic, so that everyone can work together on the path of magic! "

Bell said impassionedly, completely forgetting that just a few minutes ago, he didn't want to do this because he didn't want it to be troublesome.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Hermione on the side nodded wildly. She felt that the education period in the wizarding world was too short. You know, in Muggle society, at the age she is now, she should be in college, wandering in the ocean of knowledge every day, and living a fulfilling and happy life.

Therefore, she has actually been complaining about the fact that there is no university in the magic world for a long time and has long been very dissatisfied.

‘I could study for a lifetime! ’

"So Bell, where do you plan to build the Magic University?"

If possible, Hermione hoped that the magical university could be built in England so that she could save some magic power when traveling back and forth.

"Hehe~! I want to build it there!"

Bell showed a mysterious smile.


Wait, you mean, there! ?

Oh~ Bell, you are such a genius! "

Hermione admired sincerely.

"Hahaha! You can praise me more! Hey~ Hahaha!"

Bell took great advantage of his girlfriend's compliments. At this moment, he felt as if he had downed a bottle of ice-cold Coke in the dog days of summer, feeling refreshed from head to toe.

"Where is that? What riddles are you two playing?"

Huang Quan looked at the couple in front of him angrily. Sure enough, those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are dark. After not seeing each other for a while, good Hermione has been assimilated by this guy Bell.


Bell winked.

"...Sanna, you know this too, right? Tell me, okay?"

Seeing Bell covering Hermione's mouth to prevent her from speaking, Huang Quan rolled his eyes angrily and turned his gaze to Zannah on the other side who also looked excited.

She knew that as long as Bell was doing something, there was absolutely nothing that Shanna didn't know about.

However, although Huang Quan guessed that Shanna was also an insider, she ignored that Shanna would always be with Bell.

I could see Shanna covering her mouth, and a tiny laugh leaked from the gaps between her fingers from time to time. She looked like a little fox who had just stolen a chicken.

"Sister Huang Quan, you should ask your brother about this matter.

By the way, brother, how long will it take for it to be completed? I haven't even seen what it's like there. "

Shanna looked at her brother expectantly.

"Actually, it could have been completed a long time ago, but you haven't graduated yet, so I asked people to continue to work on it and arrange some facilities in advance that should be gradually improved later.

After all, how can such a grand scene be done without my sister? "

Bell rubbed Shanna's hair lovingly.

Speaking of which, as Shanna grew older, he rubbed her partner's head less and less. Now I rub it after a long absence. This familiar touch is really nostalgic.

"Great! Thank you brother!"

Shanna happily gave her brother a hug.

"Then without further delay, let's go and open the curtain now!"

Saying that, Shanna wanted to stand up, but she didn't want to wait any longer.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, you are the protagonist of this banquet. If you are not here when the banquet ends, my mother will really go crazy.

Moreover, before the official debut, there is still some preparation work to be done. Well, the opening will be scheduled for next Monday, just in time for everyone to take a break after the weekend. "

Speaking of which, when Bell was in school and working, he looked forward to the stars and the moon every day, hoping that something would happen. As long as it allows him to rest for two more days and catch up on his sleep, he will vote in favor without hesitation, even if the sky falls.

As the saying goes, if you never forget your original intention, you will always succeed. Even though Bell has now gotten rid of the hard life he once had, he still has not forgotten the expectations he once had, and will try his best to help everyone give up more to the best of his ability. A few days off.

‘I’m such a good person! ’

Bell gently wiped away the self-moved tears from the corners of his eyes.

However, as we all know, people who think they are good people are often not good people. At least what Bell did after that made many people want to get rid of him quickly.

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