The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 871 It’s really going to be a big event this time

Shanna's graduation day is Wednesday, and there are only 5 days until next Monday.

In the past five days, in order to maintain a sense of mystery, Shanna had been staying at home and holding it in, which was a disaster for the magical creatures at home.

It is said that the magical animals who couldn't stand the harm caused by Zannah even elected a few sniffers as representatives to lodge a serious protest with the house elves responsible for taking care of them.

However, the house elves are also in trouble and cannot protect themselves, so there is no way they can help the magical animals.

Fortunately, Bell is a man of his word. Even though the time was tight, under his personal supervision, he finally succeeded in completing all the preparations on Monday morning.

After taking a short rest after lunch, Bell took the excited Zanna and Hermione, the curious Huang Quan, and the little Bell and Little Wolf who had no idea what to do, and the family came to a house in the Atlantic Ocean. On the small island.

"Bell, do we really want to do this?"

When things came to a close, Hermione began to worry about gains and losses.

Although she didn't think there was anything wrong with what Bell did, according to the general public's perception, what Bell was about to do must be very deviant and intolerable to the world.


Bell had an expression on his face that said, "You are still saying stupid things now."

It took him two full years, countless manpower and material resources, and despite his father's opposition and the pressure to take care of little Al, before he finally completed his idea. Now there is only one final step left. Are you asking him to retreat at this time?

How can it be!

As for what other people will think and where the world will go as a result...

Sorry, political matters are really not what he is good at. He really doesn't understand those complicated things.

Taking out his personal terminal, Bell dialed a magic number.

"Hello? How's it going? There's nothing wrong with the instruments, right?"

"Yes, Master, everything is running well and can start at any time. Do you need to activate the magic center now?"

"No, no! Don't be impatient. Of course, I have to personally kick off this historic moment."

Bale is not a man with a good reputation, really. He never thought about writing his name in the history books. Everything he did was really just because he thought it was fun, so he wanted to do it.

"Now, follow my command. First, turn on our live broadcast."

Bell had an uncontrollable evil smile on his face, as if he had stuck a big firecracker into an ant's nest and was about to set it on fire.

So, if you are not afraid of a bear child, you should be afraid that the child bear can do magic!

As Bell's order was issued, countless instruments hidden in the sky by magic spells shone with a faint light blue light. The next second, the calm sea surface was projected into the sky. No matter where you are on the earth, as long as you look up at the sky, you can see the ocean floating above your head.

The sudden vision instantly attracted the attention of almost everyone in the world. Some timid people even mistakenly thought that the sea above their heads was real. Faced with this terrifying scene that seemed like the sky was falling, their feet weakened and they collapsed on the ground.

For a time, people walking stood still, people driving slowed down, sleeping people woke up, and busy people stopped. As time went by, more and more people noticed the exclamations. Ocean in the sky.

"Oh! Damn it! What on earth does Bell want to do!? I should have thought of it earlier. The plan proposed by this kid must be a bad one!"

In the headquarters of the Menethil family in London, William also noticed the sudden vision outside the window. He immediately noticed the inconspicuous island at the edge of the ocean projection, and the culprit on the island, which was as big as an ant.

William knew about what Bell was doing. After all, it was impossible to hide such a large amount of funds and personnel transfer from him, the head of the family.

After listening to the wonderful prospects that Bell described to him, although there was always a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart, he finally could not withstand the temptation and approved Bell's plan.

Now, as expected, the uneasiness in his heart finally became a reality. William jumped up from the chair in shock, walked to the window in three steps and two steps at a time, gritting his teeth in anger as he looked at the scene in the sky.

‘Damn it, you never told me you would do such a thing! ’

William swore that if Bell stood in front of him now, he would kill that little bastard and strangle that little bastard to death at any cost!

"Sebas! Sebastian! What the hell is going on!"

William roared outside the office.

He knew that his old housekeeper would definitely hear his voice.

Sure enough, as soon as William finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps approaching from far away, and he quickly opened the door and walked in. What surprised William was that from the sound of the other party pushing the door open and the look on his face, it seemed that the other party was also surprised now?

‘No, isn’t Sebastian always with that little bastard Bell? ’

William thought in confusion.

"Master, I don't know what the young master wants to do."

Sebas wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his old face full of shock and confusion.

To be honest, he once naively thought that blowing up a third of the moon would be the limit of his young master's troubles. However, today, his cognition was once again overturned by his young master. He had to say that he was willing to call his young master the strongest when it came to making things happen!

"You don't know either? Have you never heard the slightest bit of news?"

William looked at the old butler with suspicion.

Although he knew that the other party would not deceive him, he still couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"Master, I really haven't heard anything about it. As you know, the master's plan was assisted by Jennifer, the former captain of the third special operations team. She is directly responsible to Master Bell and does not need to Report to me the specific progress and content of the plan.”

"Jennifer!? Damn it! Who sent that guy Jennifer to be Bell's assistant!?"

William couldn't understand. Who was this guy who was so stupid that he sent Jennifer, a guy who was afraid of chaos, to be an assistant to Bell, who was uncomfortable with not causing trouble?

Are you really afraid that these two guys will blow up the earth one day?

"Uh...yes, it's you, the head of the family."

Sebas warned cautiously.


Okay, William remembered it, he was really the one who did it.

When the special operations team was expanding its recruitment, he had called Jennifer back from [Dark Star] to be responsible for the review work. As a result, after this guy came back, he pestered him every day, hoping to be transferred to Bell's staff.

Later, he was really annoyed, and Bell happened to tell him that he needed help, so he signed Jennifer's transfer order.

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