The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 874 When you go out, you will inevitably encounter troublesome people.



"Isn't it! You can also use the whiteboard!? Can't you let me also take a card?"

Huang Quan rolled his eyes at Bell and was too lazy to talk to him.

There is no personal relationship at all in the game of cards, she is just such a ruthless card-playing machine.

"No more fun! It's not fun at all!"

After Huang Quan played another trick, Bell pushed the mahjong tiles in front of him and lay on the ground rolling around in boredom.

After playing the crappy game for 20 minutes, he didn’t win a single game. This doesn’t conform to probability theory at all!

Seeing that Bell stopped playing, the other three put away their mahjong and looked at Hermione, who was still holding a tome and giving a speech not far away.

(Bell: 'So that's why I accidentally left my speech at home.')

"Master, how long are you going to talk about this, Madam?"

Jennifer raised her head and glanced at the sun in the sky. She always felt that something was not right about today's incident.

"That's almost it. Don't let her talk anymore."

After lying down in a daze for a while, Bell got up and walked towards Hermione without caring about the grass clippings on his body.

What he didn't tell Jennifer was that the speech Hermione had prepared for him was based on a one-hour speech.

"Chapter 6 of the "Dalaran Code" states that wizards and other magical creatures must obtain corresponding permits before they can use space spells such as apparation to move in the city.

The reason for establishing this provision is mainly to consider..."

"Okay, okay, Hermione, it's ready."

"But, I still have 3 chapters left to finish."

Hermione looked dissatisfied at Bell who interrupted her.

"If I haven't finished, let's wait for people to come to [Dalaran] and give a brief introduction. It's getting late now, and I think everyone's cervical vertebrae are reaching their limit, so it's almost time to wrap things up."

As Bell spoke, he winked at Huang Quan, signaling him to stop watching the fun and come over quickly to help.

After Hermione left the room without any satisfaction, Bell looked at the camera again.

"The thing is, it's just this. I think everyone should already have a basic understanding of it.

It doesn't matter if you don't have it. In fact, I don't know much about the contents of that code.


After that, wait until..."

‘Buzz—! ’

Suddenly, a violent buzzing sound came from the sky, interrupting Bell's speech that had just begun.

Looking up into the distance unhappily, Bell wanted to see who was so disrespectful that he would jump out to disturb him in the last few minutes of the 'opening ceremony'.

At the end of the line of sight, three small black dots were rapidly approaching. As the camera switched, everyone could see that three fighter jets were flying towards the floating island.

"Where did the plane come from? Jennifer, why didn't you receive the intelligence?"

Bell looked at his right-hand man. The other party doesn't seem like someone who would make such a big mistake.

"Master, you previously ordered that all communications coming in from the outside world will be ignored."

Jennifer reminded softly.

"...Oh yes, that seems to be the case."

Bell remembered that his personal terminal was almost destroyed before because his father had dialed it.

Bell could think with his big toe that his father was looking for him for something, so he decisively ignored his father's request to call him. Later, when he got bored, he simply turned off his personal terminal and threw it into his space pocket. At the same time, he also ordered other people on the floating island not to answer any calls from the outside world.

"Hurry up and find out who owns these planes."

Anyway, it has been on the scene for dozens of minutes. Now, Bell feels that his father has almost given up and they can resume contact with the outside world.

"Yes, Master."

Jennifer took the order and left.

Facts have proved that the magic satellite monitoring system developed and constructed by the Menethil family over the years is still very effective. Soon, the relevant personnel in charge determined the military bases to which these three fighter jets belonged based on their style, painting, and direction of flight.

"I knew it must be them!"

After listening to Jennifer's report, Bell said that everything was as he expected.

"Master, what should we do?"

Jennifer looked eagerly at the fighter jet flying straight towards her. At this distance, her spell should be able to knock down the opponent instantly.

"Don't worry about them. They flew all the way here, so giving them a special seat is a proper courtesy."

As a hospitable person, even if the other party comes without warning, Bell will still welcome him and show his kindness as a landlord.

With a wave of his hand, a ray of magic power was driven into the ground by Bell. The magic power quickly came to the magic core of [Dalaran] along the underground magic channel, activating the sound insulation function therein.

When the three fighter jets flew closer, the noise was so harsh that Bell could not continue his speech.

After the sound transmission inside and outside the floating island was completely isolated, Bell stopped paying attention to the fighter jets flying above his head, looked at the camera in front of him again, and continued his interrupted speech.

"By the way, what did I just say...

Oh, by the way, after that, wait until..."

‘Boom~! ’

‘Boom~! ’

Bell stared blankly at the two sparks that suddenly bloomed above his head, and couldn't help but sigh.

‘Are people working so hard these days just to get a chance to win! ? ’

"D-Everyone has seen it! Yes, they bumped into it themselves. It has nothing to do with me! We can't wrongly accuse good people!"

At this moment, Bell shouted in his heart that he was lucky.

Fortunately, he started the live broadcast, otherwise this would really be like mud falling out of his crotch, not just shit, but shit.

Time goes back a few minutes.

"Stinger One is calling headquarters. We are close to the target. Please give instructions."

After approaching within 10 kilometers of the floating island, the three pilots of the Sting Team could clearly see the huge size of the floating island.

Compared with watching through aerial projection, witnessing a huge island floating in mid-air is obviously more spiritually shocking.

Not only were the three pilots amazed, but everyone in the base who watched all this through the shared screen of the fighter jets also let out exclamations one after another.

"Oh, God, what kind of black technology is this!?"

In fact, compared with the violently shaking and blurry images on the display screen, the projection in the sky is clearer and more spectacular. However, because the projection in the sky is beyond the cognition of ordinary people, it always gives people a sense of unreality. Correspondingly, the images shared by the fighter jets are absolutely real and cannot be faked.

It was not until this moment that the senior officials in this military base truly believed that the floating islands projected in the sky were real and not some unknown deception.

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