The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 875 Times have changed

"This is the base headquarters. The Sting Team is close to the floating island. They can observe the facilities on the island closely. If they are in danger, they can launch an attack directly."

The person in charge of the military base calmed down and ordered the three members of the Sting Team.

"Received. Unit 2 and Unit 3, disperse and approach the target, conduct reconnaissance on the target, pay attention to safety."



The three fighter planes spread out in tacit agreement and surveyed everything on the floating island from three directions.

The fighter planes flew very fast, and even though [Dalaran] was large enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, it didn't take long for the Sting Team to conduct a general survey.

Naturally, the Stinger Squad had nothing to gain.

Not to mention aerostats or weapons facilities, they didn't even find a few taller buildings. No matter how you look at it, this looks like an ordinary island, and its economy is not very developed.

Except, of course, that the island floats in the air.

Such a result was certainly not satisfactory. Therefore, after communicating with the base, the Sting Team decided to lower the flight altitude and observe things on the island more closely.

Then tragedy happened.

When the three fighter planes lowered their altitude and tried to fly over the floating island again, a light blue barrier suddenly appeared in the originally empty sky.

Unexpectedly, the Stinger No. 1 and No. 2 machines in front failed to react in time and crashed into the barrier.

Like an egg hitting a stone, the two fighter planes crashed instantly, and two gorgeous flowers mixed with flames and steel bloomed in the sky. In contrast, the light blue barrier was as stable as a mountain, without any ripples. When the explosion subsided, the barrier disappeared again as if it had never appeared before.

"Damn it! We were attacked! Unit 1 and Unit 2 were both sacrificed!"

The No. 3 aircraft of the Stinger Squadron, which had a chance to escape because it was located at the rear of the echelon, reported the emergency situation to the base while adjusting its flight angle to include Bell and others at the edge of the island in the crosshairs.

"Go to hell, you bastards! Go to hell!"

As members of the same flying team, everyone in the Sting Team has gotten along day and night for years, and the feelings between the team members are very deep. Two teammates, including the captain, died like this in front of his eyes. Number 3 of the Sting Team wished he could cut Bell and others into pieces.

As No. 3 pressed the missile launch button, the four airborne missiles on the wing instantly ignited and separated from the wing, flying towards Bell and others at high speed.

‘Boom boom boom~! ’

A violent explosion resounded across the sky, causing audiences around the world who were watching the aerial projection to cover their ears and scream in horror.

However, No. 3, the instigator, was so stunned that he almost forgot to control the fighter plane.

It turned out that when the missile reached a certain distance from the floating island, the barrier that had briefly appeared before appeared in front of the missile again.

The missile hit the barrier and exploded violently, but one airborne missile, which was enough to blow up a state-of-the-art tank and combat vehicle, also failed to break through the seemingly thin barrier. Not to mention killing Bell and others, even the hurricane generated after the explosion was filtered by the barrier, leaving only a weak breeze that gently blew through the hair of Bell and others.

"Stinger 3 called the base. The airborne missile attack was ineffective. It was blocked by the enemy using unknown means. Requesting to evacuate! Repeat, the airborne missile attack was ineffective. Requesting to evacuate!"

Seeing that his most powerful attack method could not even blow off a single strand of the enemy's hair, No. 3 no longer planned to continue attacking head-on.

When he goes back to load up more powerful weapons and call a group of people, he will definitely avenge his teammates!

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is once again beyond No. 3's cognition.

When he obtained permission from the base to return and decided to make a temporary strategic retreat, he suddenly discovered that his fighter plane was frozen in the air! No matter how much power he increased, his plane seemed to be stuck in place, not moving even a centimeter!

"Look at how disharmonious this thing is."

Bell raised his right hand and held it in the direction of the fighter plane, with a look of sadness and embarrassment on his face.

As for today's matter, forgetting to prepare fireworks was indeed his negligence. Logically speaking, he should be extremely grateful to someone who has traveled thousands of miles to set off a few fireworks for him. In fact, if the last fighter plane had not fired missiles at them, he would not have cared about the opponent's behavior.

But since the other party launched the attack with the intention of killing them, they must have been prepared to die.

In order to live up to the other party's determination, Bell decided to give the other party a grand response with the highest respect.

"Send me the location of that base."

Bell ordered to Jennifer on the side.

While speaking, his right hand slowly clenched. As he moved, the fighter plane in the air made a harsh sound of metal twisting, and soon turned from a handsome fighter plane into a round metal ball.

After taking a look at the location information presented by Jennifer, Bell quickly shook his fingers at the metal ball a few times, then returned it to its original owner and sent it back to the center of the opponent's base through space magic.

The next moment, when everyone in the military base was still shocked by Bell's methods, an explosion countless times more violent than the previous missile attack suddenly broke out in the center of the base. In the blink of an eye, this huge military base was destroyed. The base was completely wiped from the face of the earth.

The gorgeous 'fireworks' paired with the roar of the earth are like the holy sounds of heaven and the whispers of hell.

After clapping his hands, this little incident was instantly forgotten by Bell. Anyway, everyone saw that it was the other party who made the first move, and no matter where the accusation was made, he would be justified.

"Okay, now that the accident is resolved, it's time to get back to business.

Okay I forgot where I said it again.

Forget it, forget it if you can't remember it. In short, [Dalaran] welcomes everyone. I also plan to establish a magic university in [Dalaran] in the future. Those who are interested can come and find out more.

That's it, goodbye everyone!

Oh, right! Wait a moment, don't change the channel yet, I have one last sentence.

Everyone, times have changed, welcome to the era of magic! "

Opening his arms, Bell had a bright smile on his face, as if he was about to embrace something passionately. Huge magic power emanated from his body, and the space was stirred by this magic power, forming a large whirlpool, slowly sucking the entire floating island into it.

In just a few seconds, the huge island completely disappeared, and the projection in the sky returned to a calm sea surface again.

However, in sharp contrast to the calm sea surface, is the uproar in people's hearts. Waves of violent emotional fluctuations like a tsunami hit the wall of people's reason, making everyone shaken.

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